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Elevation map-referenced mechanism for updating vehicle navigation system estimates 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/50
출원번호 US-0177325 (1988-04-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baird Charles A. (Melbourne Beach FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Harris Corporation (Melbourne FL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 49  인용 특허 : 6


A drift correction mechanism for a vehicle (e.g. aircraft) navigation system makes use of a digital map data base, in order to correct for errors in position estimates, so that the estimated flight path of the aircraft will more closely track its actual flight path, and thereby effectively compensat


For use with a vehicle navigation system in which position estimate output signals representative of an estimate of the position of a vehicle to terrain over which said vehicle is travelling are produced by said navigation system, an arrangement for adjusting said output signals to be representative

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Evans Gregory W. (Whittier CA) Paul James E. (Anaheim CA), Autonomous, check-pointing, navigational system for an airborne vehicle.
  2. Schmidtlein Hubertus (Achim DEX) Lerche Horst-Dieter (Stuhr DEX), Control system for aircraft.
  3. Keearns Larry R. (Dallas TX), Method of determining the position and velocity of a vehicle.
  4. Keearns Larry R. (Dallas TX), Navigation system.
  5. Chan Luen C. (Indian Harbor Beach FL) Snyder Franklin B. (Palm Bay FL), System for correlation and recognition of terrain elevation.
  6. Webber William F. (Dallas TX), Vehicle guidance system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (49)

  1. Krumm, John C.; Panabaker, Ruston; Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Tashev, Ivan J.; Seltzer, Michael Lewis; Black, Neil W., Additional content based on intended travel destination.
  2. Frederick Philip R., Automatic horizontal and vertical scanning radar with terrain display.
  3. Frederick Philip R., Automatic horizontal and vertical scanning radar with terrain display.
  4. Brookes, Tom M, Automatic registration of images in digital terrain elevation data.
  5. Caylor, Thomas Lee; Landon, James Thomas; Geier, George Jeffrey, Autonomous range-only terrain aided navigation.
  6. Letchner, Julia M.; Krumm, John C.; Horvitz, Eric J., Collaborative route planning for generating personalized and context-sensitive routing recommendations.
  7. Swope, Charles B.; Tealdi, Daniel A.; Koskan, Patrick Douglas, Device for use with a portable inertial navigation system (PINS) and method for processing PINS signals.
  8. Seltzer, Michael Lews; Krumm, John C.; Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Tashev, Ivan J.; Panabaker, Ruston; Black, Neil W., Federated route production.
  9. Keller Russell J. ; Petrie Robert W.,NZX ; Price Gregory R.,NZX, Form line following guidance system.
  10. Russell J. Keller ; Robert W. Petrie NZ; Gregory R. Price NZ, Form line following guidance system.
  11. Hakim, Daniel; Giles, Christopher; Karvounis, John; Funk, Benjamin; Napora, Jared; Teolis, Carole, Fusion of sensor and map data using constraint based optimization.
  12. Beason, Lawrence W.; Laverick, David J.; Olivier, Tracy; Burgett, Scott, GPS device with compass and altimeter and method for displaying navigation information.
  13. Lange, Arthur F.; Allan, Robert, Guidance pattern allowing for access paths.
  14. Bandyopadhyay, Amrit; Beisel, Brian; Karvounis, John; Funk, Benjamin; Teolis, Carole; Giles, Christopher, Irregular feature mapping.
  15. Bandyopadhyay, Amrit; Beisel, Brian; Karvounis, John; Funk, Benjamin; Teolis, Carole; Giles, Christopher, Irregular feature mapping.
  16. Jay Dee Krull ; Darin J. Beesley, Method and apparatus for backtracking a path.
  17. Hall Gary W. ; Homan Michael ; Bell Ron, Method and system for creating an approach to a position on the ground from a location above the ground.
  18. D'Alto, Luis P.; La Civita, Marco, Method and system for estimating aircraft course.
  19. Timothy McGrath ; John Jasper ; James Herbst, Method for updating a geographic database.
  20. Umansky, Samuil R.; Sheinerman, Kira S.; Tsivinsky, Vladimir, Methods of using miRNA from bodily fluids for early detection and monitoring of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).
  21. Okude Mariko,JPX ; Endo Yoshinori,JPX ; Nakamura Kozo,JPX, Navigation device.
  22. Louis, Christian; Reynaud, Sébastien, Navigation filter for a navigation system using terrain correlation.
  23. Doerry, Armin W.; Marquette, Brandeis, Navigator alignment using radar scan.
  24. McBride Kenneth W., Optimization of survey coordinate transformations.
  25. Tashev, Ivan J.; Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Black, Neil W.; Krumm, John C.; Panabaker, Ruston; Seltzer, Michael Lewis, Pedestrian route production.
  26. Small Hunt W. ; Bergesen John E. ; Howley Brian J., Real time position correction to ground generated spacecraft ephemeris.
  27. Panabaker, Ruston; Krumm, John C.; Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Tashev, Ivan J.; Seltzer, Michael Lewis; Black, Neil W., Route monetization.
  28. Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Black, Neil W.; Krumm, John C.; Panabaker, Ruston; Tashev, Ivan J.; Seltzer, Michael Lewis, Route transfer between devices.
  29. Seltzer, Michael Lewis; Black, Neil W.; Couckuyt, Jeffrey D.; Tashev, Ivan J.; Krumm, John C.; Panabaker, Ruston, Route-based activity planner.
  30. Vincent, Robert S., Spatial referenced photographic system with navigation arrangement.
  31. Wood Charles T., Stand alone terrain conflict detector and operating methods therefor.
  32. Ahrens John ; Jasper John ; Kohler Joseph ; Shields T. Russell, System and method for distributing information for storage media.
  33. Ahrens John ; Jasper John ; Kohler Joseph ; Shields T. Russell, System and method for distributing information for storage media.
  34. Ahrens John ; Jasper John ; Kohler Joseph ; Shields T. Russell, System and method for distributing information for storage media.
  35. Ahrens John ; Jasper John ; Kohler Joseph ; Shields T. Russell, System and method for distributing information for storage media.
  36. Kelly, John T., System and method for platform alignment, navigation or targeting.
  37. McKitterick, John B., Systems and methods for combining a priori data with sensor data.
  38. Hager, James R.; Almsted, Larry D.; Jicha, Thomas, Systems and methods for target location.
  39. McGuffin John T. (Albuquerque NM), Terrain referenced navigation electromagnetic-gravitational correlation.
  40. McGrath Timothy ; Jasper John ; Herbst James, Transaction method and programming for incrementally updating a geographic database.
  41. Rowley, Henry A.; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  42. Rowley, Henry Allan; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  43. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  44. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  45. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  46. McGrath Timothy ; Jasper John ; Herbst James, Update system and method for geographic databases.
  47. McGrath Timothy ; Jasper John ; Herbst James, Update transactions and method and programming for use thereof for incrementally updating a geographic database.
  48. McBurney Paul ; Braisted Paul, Use of an altitude sensor to augment availability of GPS location fixes.
  49. Mailer, Robert Lindsay, Vehicle positioning apparatus and method.
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