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Novel metal fiber and process for producing the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C21D-009/52
  • B22D-011/00
출원번호 US-0280320 (1988-12-06)
우선권정보 JP-0310259 (1987-12-08); JP-0310260 (1987-12-08); JP-0310261 (1987-12-08); JP-0310262 (1987-12-08); JP-0310263 (1987-12-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ichiryu Takaharu (Ohtsu JPX) Ono Yoshiki (Ohtsu JPX) Ishihara Hideaki (Ohtsu JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Toyo Boseki Kabushikia Kaisha (Osaka JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 7


A metal fiber having unidirectional dendritic texture which is an assembly of a group of dendrites wherein primary arms have grown at angle of within 20°relative to the metal fiber axis, diameter of said fiber being not greater than 100 mm


A soft magnetic metal fiber having a unidirectional dendritic texture which is an assembly texture of a group of dendrites wherein primary arms have grown at an angle of, at largest, 20°relative to the metal fiber axis, a diameter of said metal fiber being not larger than 100 m

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Masumoto Tsuyoshi (No. 3-8-22 Uesugi Sendai-shi ; Miyagi JPX) Inoue Akihisa (Miyagi JPX) Hagiwara Michiaki (Kyoto JPX), Amorphous metal filaments and process for producing the same.
  2. Croat John J. (Sterling Heights MI), High coercivity rare earth-iron magnets.
  3. Tsubata Hisayasu (Uji JPX) Tamamura Shoji (Nara JPX) Tanimura Akira (Kyoto JPX), Method and apparatus for continuously manufacturing metal filaments.
  4. Nagai Masahiro (Hitachi JPX) Miyake Yasuhiko (Hitachi JPX), Method for the manufacture of a composite metal wire.
  5. Sawada Kazuo (Osaka JPX), Method of making thin alloy wire.
  6. Tsuya Noboru (1-38 ; Kashiwagi 2-Chome Sendai JPX) Arai Kenichi (Sendai JPX), Method of manufacturing a thin ribbon of magnetic material.
  7. Masumoto Tsuyoshi (No. 8-22 ; Uesugi 3-chome Sendai-shi ; Miyagi JPX) Inoue Akihisa (Miyagi JPX) Hagiwara Michiaki (Kyoto JPX), Process for the production of fine amorphous metallic wires.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Suk, Chang-Hwan; Lee, Deck-Yui; Park, Man-Ho, Apparatus and method for manufacturing metal filaments.
  2. Antonenco, Alexandru; Brook-Levinson, Edward; Manov, Vladimir; Sorkine, Evgeni; Tarakanov, Yuri, Glass-coated amorphous magnetic mircowire marker for article surveillance.
  3. Ono, Yoshiki; Kurihara, Tatsuya; Sato, Shigemi; Oki, Sumikazu, Magnetic marker and manufacturing method therefor.
  4. Yahagi Shin'ichiro,JPX ; Saito Akihiko,JPX ; Ogawa Michiharu,JPX, Soft magnetic alloy powder for electromagnetic and magnetic shield, and shielding members containing the same.
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