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[미국특허] Ski carrier 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60R-009/12
출원번호 US-0393225 (1989-08-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wirth John G. (R.D. #2
  • Box 140 F Landenberg PA 19350)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 11


A ski carrier is in the form of a generally rigid tube of arcuate cross-sectional shape. The tube is divided into a plurality of compartments so that the skis as well as other equipment such as the ski poles may be stored in individual compartments. The skis are mounted in their compartments in cont


A ski carrier in combination with two skis, said ski carrier comprising a generally rigid tube having a front nose and a rear cap interconnected by a body portion, a divider in said body portion dividing said body portion into a plurality of individual compartments, said cap being connected to said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Fusaro Louis V. (7 Mallard La. Smithtown NY 11787), Auto travel ski bag.
  2. Grisel Byron Lynn (Wasilla AK), Carrier and lock for ski equipment.
  3. Webb Rod P. (1629 Carlisle Oklahoma City OK 73120) Webb Jean (1518 Wildwood Ct. Stillwater OK 74075), Combination ski and boot bag.
  4. Baumgardner Edward W. (4088 Sells Mill Rd. ; P.O. Box 1 Taneytown MD 21787), Container for sports equipment.
  5. Rigal Jean (St. Etienne (Loire) FR) Troton Jacques (Fraisses FR), Double wall vessel.
  6. Wymore Craig A. (6840 Cherry Kansas City MO 64131) Semrad Neal F. (835 Sherborne Ave. Los Angeles CA 90035), Protective container for snow skis.
  7. DeVera Freddie (44106 Beech Ave. ; #2 Lancaster CA 93534), Protective cover for snow ski bindings with carrying pouch.
  8. Redick Ronald L. (18033 N. Shore Estates Spring Lake MI 49456), Ski carrier.
  9. Kappas ; Nick, Ski case and rack.
  10. Wertz Keith (2533 S. Deegan Dr. Santa Ana CA 92704) Graham ; Jr. Emmette V. (9101 N. 60th St. Paradise Valley AZ 85253), Ski rack wind deflector.
  11. Dyess William H. (3116 W. Clinton Dr. Phoenix AZ 85029), Ski transport apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Yetka, Chad J., Aerodynamic container for skis and snowboards and used with a vehicle roof rack.
  2. Miller Kenneth T, Automotive ski rack.
  3. Moneta John E., Combined personal transport and storage case for a singular set of ski equipment.
  4. Moneta John E. (2138 149th Ave. NE. Ham Lake MN 55304), Combined ski equipment transport and storage case.
  5. Ford, Brandon J.; Poulson, Keith L., Portable snow sports equipment locker.
  6. Fritsche, Günther, Roof box for a vehicle.
  7. Wills James H., Ski carrier and case.
  8. Greenberg Miriam A., Ski case.
  9. Ball, William T., Ski equipment tote.
  10. Meyer Steve D. ; Herman Scott J., Sports equipment carrier having high strength to weight ratio rigid outer section.
  11. Ford, Brandon J.; Kapushion, Joe; Poulson, Keith, Sports equipment locker.

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