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[미국특허] Cooling system for continuous casting machines 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22D-015/00
  • B22D-011/00
출원번호 US-0228614 (1988-08-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Trnka Zdenek (5413 126th Pl. S.E. Bellevue WA 98006)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 12


The casting wheel of a continuous casting machine is cooled by a conventional external spray cooling system, but the continuous band looped around the casting wheel to close a predetermined segment of it and thereby form a continuous moving mold cavity is not directly cooled. Rather, the band incorp


In a continuous casting machine having a rotatable casting wheel with a peripheral groove forming a continuous outward-opening mold cavity, band means for closing a segment of such mold cavity, the band means including a first portion approaching the casting wheel to a point of engagement therewith,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ward ; George C., Ablative band for a casting machine.
  2. Berry Milton E. (Carrollton GA) Shibata Mitsuyoshi (Ichihara JPX), Apparatus to improve casting band life.
  3. Miller Vernon J. (Carrollton GA), Apparaus for applying a fluid coating to a movable endless casting surface.
  4. Ward George C. (Carrollton GA), Continuous casting mold.
  5. Ward George C. (Carrollton GA), Continuous casting mold geometry improvement.
  6. Sinha Uday K. (Carrollton GA) Peacock Frank A. (Carrollton GA), Control in continuous casting to enhance feeding.
  7. Sinha, Uday K.; Peacock, Frank A., Control in continuous casting to enhance feeding.
  8. Kimura Tomoaki (Hitachi JPX) Nishino Tadashi (Hitachi JPX), Cooling and guide method and apparatus in a continuous casting machine.
  9. Richards ; Roy, Cooling of continuously cast bar by hydraulic band lifting.
  10. Bergeron Norman J. (Burlington VT) Szczypiorski Wojtek S. (Colchester VT) Villa James G. (Hinesburg VT) Hazelett S. Richard (Provo UT), Matrix coatings on endless flexible metallic belts for continuous casting machines method of forming such coatings and t.
  11. Allyn Jerome B. (Colchester VT) Szczypiorski Wojtek (Colchester VT) Wood J. F. Barry (Burlington VT) Villa James G. (Winooski VT), Method and belt composition for improving performance and flatness in continuous metal casting machines of thin revolvin.
  12. Hazelett, Robert W.; Wood, John F. B., Method of and apparatus for steam preheating endless flexible casting belt.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sawtell, Ralph R.; Chu, Men Glenn, Method for producing ingot with variable composition using planar solidification.
  2. Chu, Men G.; Sawtell, Ralph R.; Boylstein, Ronald E., Method of producing ingot with variable composition using planar solidification.

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