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[미국특허] Apparatus to provide for the storage and the controlled delivery of products that are under pressure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-035/22
출원번호 US-0342536 (1989-02-27)
우선권정보 CH-0002429 (1987-06-26); CH-0004180 (1988-10-26)
국제출원번호 PCT/CH88/00115 (1988-06-27)
§371/§102 date 19890227 (19890227)
국제공개번호 WO-8810221 (1988-12-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Werding Winfried J. (77
  • avenue du General Guisan CH-1009 Pully CHX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 105  인용 특허 : 5


A flexible bag (4) that is filled with a product (5) is accommodated in a rigid container (1). The bag is welded to a valve unit A, which provides an absolute seal for the container (1) by means an annular membrane (17) that is pressed into the neck of the container (19) and a double annular rib (19


An apparatus for the storage and controlled issue of products that are under pressure of a propellant, comprising: a rigid outer container having a neck, said neck defining an opening into said outer container; a flexible inner container hermetically secured to a valve unit, said valve unit includin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Giuffredi Giancarlo (Milan ITX), Aerosol dispensing valves.
  2. Larkin, Mark E., Dual compartmented container with activating means.
  3. Winckler Richard (Ville D\Avray FR), Method of assembling an aerosol dispenser.
  4. Sullivan Kevin J. (Painted Post NY), Method of assuring the quality of the results obtained from a blood gas analyzer.
  5. Stoody William R. (5008 County Line New Haven MI 48048), Squeeze tube sack for aerosol type containers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (105) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanson, Randal W.; Bian, Jinru; Kordosh, John; Everett, Jason; Wasley, Jane D., Acoustic ceiling popcorn texture materials, systems, and methods.
  2. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  3. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  4. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  5. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  6. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  7. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  8. Hanson, Randal W.; Clawson, Ross, Actuators for dispensers for texture material.
  9. Shibata, Takuo; Hanai, Nobuyuki; Ogata, Ken, Aerosol container for dispensing plural kinds of liquids.
  10. Seling, Kerstin; Franz, Walter, Aerosol container with removable outlet valve.
  11. Burt Peter Colin Weston,GBX, Aerosol dispenser and method.
  12. Dow Walter O. ; Obradovich Emil P., Aerosol dispensing container and method for assembling same.
  13. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John; Moore, Steve; Hanson, Randy, Aerosol dispensing systems and methods and compositions for repairing interior structure surfaces.
  14. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John; Moore, Steve; Hanson, Randy, Aerosol dispensing systems, methods, and compositions for repairing interior structure surfaces.
  15. Donald J. Stern ; James A. Tryon, Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  16. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  17. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  18. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  19. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  20. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  21. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A.; Clausen, Eivind, Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  22. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  23. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A.; Clausen,Eivind, Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  24. Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  25. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Aerosol system for repairing a patched portion of a surface.
  26. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  27. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  28. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  29. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  30. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  31. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  32. Greer, Jr.,Lester R.; French,Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  33. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol texture assembly and method.
  34. Hanson, Randal W.; Kinzle, Robert A., Cap with actuator.
  35. Hanson, Randal W.; Massie, Carson; Kinzle, Robert A.; Wasley, Jane D.; Jackson, Scott; Bourlier, David, Ceiling texture materials, systems, and methods.
  36. Gordon C. Gilroy, Sr. ; Jeremy P. Smith, Collapsible bag, aerosol container incorporating same and method of assembling aerosol container.
  37. Smith, Scott Edward, Components for aerosol dispenser.
  38. Smith, Scott Edward, Components for aerosol dispenser.
  39. Fischer Dan E., Compositions and methods for reducing the quantity but not the concentration of active ingredients delivered by a dentifrice.
  40. Jordan, Ralf, Delivery head.
  41. Fischer Dan E. ; Jensen Steven D., Delivery system for dental agents.
  42. Moretti, Matteo, Device for containing a fluid substance.
  43. Benoist, Jean-Fran.cedilla.ois, Device for dispensing a product using propellant packaged separately from the product.
  44. Rosenbaum, Ulrich, Device for storing and a controlled delivery of a pressurized product.
  45. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  46. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  47. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispensers for aerosol systems.
  48. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  49. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  50. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  51. Canfield, Reiker; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  52. Jasper, Bernhard, Dispensing device.
  53. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  54. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  55. Neuhaus, Reinhard; Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd, Dispensing device.
  56. Canfield, Reiker, Dispensing device and container for a cosmetic liquid.
  57. Neuhaus, Reinhard; Canfield, Reiker; Blanie, Jacques Achille, Dispensing device having an elastically deformable section for pumping a fluid.
  58. Geier Adalberto (Villazzano ITX) Dalsant Giuseppe (Baselga di Pine ITX), Dispensing module.
  59. Robert Henry Abplanalp, Flexible barrier member useful in aerosol dispensers.
  60. Robert Henry Abplanalp, Flexible barrier member useful in aerosol dispensers.
  61. Ronsin, Hervé ; Trossat, Julien, Fluid product dispensing assembly.
  62. Adams, Paul; Curello, Andrew J.; Mueller, Jens Thomas, Fuel cartridge for fuel cells.
  63. Adams, Paul; Curello, Andrew J.; Fairbanks, Floyd; Stepan, Constance R., Fuel cartridge of a fuel cell with fuel stored outside fuel liner.
  64. Murayama, Keijiro; Murayama, Katsuhiko; Tamura, Jyunichi; Konishi, Masakazu, Gas cartridge.
  65. Murayama, Keijiro; Murayama, Katsuhiko; Tamura, Jyunichi; Konishi, Masakazu, Gas cartridge.
  66. Pericard, Louis, Means and method for filling bag-on-valve aerosol barrier packs.
  67. Pericard, Louis, Means and method for filling bag-on-valve aerosol barrier packs.
  68. Ashurst Ian Carl,GBX ; Herman Craig Steven ; Li-Bovet Li ; Riebe Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for albuterol.
  69. Ashurst, Ian C.; Britto, Ignatius Loy; Herman, Craig Steven; Li-Bovet, Li; Riebe, Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for albuterol.
  70. Ashurst, Ian C.; Britto, Ignatius Loy; Herman, Craig Steven; Li-Bovet, Li; Riebe, Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for beclomethasone dipropionate.
  71. Britto Ignatius Loy, Metered dose inhaler for beclomethasone dipropionate.
  72. Britto, Ignatius Loy; Ashurst, Ian Car; Herman, Craig Steven; Li-Bovet, Li; Riebe, Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for beclomethasone dipropionate.
  73. Ashurst, Ian C.; Britto, Ignatius Loy; Herman, Craig Steven; Li-Bovet, Li; Riebe, Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for fluticasone propionate.
  74. Britto Ignatius Loy, Metered dose inhaler for fluticasone propionate.
  75. Ashurst Ian C.,GBX ; Herman Craig S. ; Li Li ; Riebe Michael T., Metered dose inhaler for salmeterol.
  76. Ashurst, Ian C.; Britto, Ignatius Loy; Herman, Craig Steven; Li-Bovet, Li; Riebe, Michael Thomas, Metered dose inhaler for salmeterol.
  77. Nimmo, Chris; Bertaud, Olivier, Method for producing a device for dispensing fluid product under pressure, apparatus for implementing such a method and device for dispensing fluid product under pressure.
  78. Kneer, Roland; Keller, Alexander, Packaging.
  79. Kneer, Roland; Keller, Alexander, Packaging.
  80. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Particulate materials for acoustic texture material.
  81. Greer, Jr.,Lester R., Particulate materials for acoustic texture material.
  82. Kordosh, John; Hanson, Randal W., Pigmented spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods.
  83. Michaels, Kenneth W.; Kunesh, Edward J.; Mather, David P.; Szymczak, Thomas J., Post-foaming gel, container therefor and apparatus and method for heating and dispensing.
  84. Flashinski,Stanley J.; Hoadley,David A.; Bednarz,Stephen M.; Mukherjee,Sumit, Pressurized plastic bottle with reinforced neck and shoulder for dispensing an aerosol.
  85. Smith, Scott Edward; Zeik, Douglas Bruce, Recyclable plastic aerosol dispenser.
  86. Walters, Peter J.; Neuhalfen, Mark G., Robust pouch and valve assembly for containing and dispensing a fluent substance.
  87. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  88. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  89. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  90. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  91. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  92. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  93. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material.
  94. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  95. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  96. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  97. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  98. Hanson, Randal W.; Morris, Jason; Vander Griend, Darrel; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  99. Hanson, Randal W.; Vander Griend, Darrel; Morris, Jason; Hardwick, Gary; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  100. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  101. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  102. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Valve and discharge device.
  103. Furner, Paul E.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Szymczak, Thomas J.; Kunesh, Edward J.; Mather, David P.; Houser, David J.; McCracken, William E., Valve elements for pressurized containers and actuating elements therefor.
  104. Smith, Scott Edward, Valve stem for a compressible valve.
  105. Nimmo, Chris; Bertaud, Olivier, Variable volume pocket, fluid dispensing device comprising said pocket and method for filling said device.

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