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[미국특허] Deep fat frying apparatus with improved under-fryer cooking liquid pumping and filtration system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47J-037/12
출원번호 US-0483321 (1990-02-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Grob James T. (Shreveport LA) Kinch John M. (Shreveport LA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Frymaster Corporation (Shreveport LA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 11


A deep fat fryer structure includes a floor mounted housing having an upper internal portion in which a side-by-side pair of large capacity metal frypots are operatively supported, each of the frypots having an upper, heated cooking portion from which an unheated well depends. Cooking liquid may be


Deep fat frying apparatus comprising: a floor supportable housing; a frypot operatively supported in an upper portion of said housing, above the floor, and adapted to receive and heat a cooking liquid in which food items may be cooked; drainage conduit means connected to said frypot for draining coo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fritzsche Donald E. (Chicago Heights IL), Cleaning and drying apparatus and method for the recirculation system of a high efficiency deep fat fryer.
  2. Highnote Sidney T. (Rte. One ; Box 91 Rockmart GA 30153), Constant temperature fryer/cooker assembly.
  3. Anetsberger Richard J. (Northbrook IL) Anetsberger John A. (Northbrook IL), Deep fat fryer system.
  4. Akazawa Hozumi (Kobe JPX) Muto Kentaro (Kobe JPX), Edible oil cleaner.
  5. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Filter system for frying apparatus.
  6. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Filter system for frying apparatus.
  7. Wenzel Robert J. (Shreveport LA), Portable filter.
  8. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Positive reset safety control circuit for frying apparatus.
  9. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Positive reset safety control system for frying apparatus.
  10. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Solenoid valve with safety control circuit.
  11. Moore L. Frank (Shreveport LA) Price George M. (Shreveport LA), Spray cleaning system for frying apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Allora, Michael; Dana, Ronald B., Bulk cooking oil distribution system.
  2. Allora, Michael; Dana, Ronald B.; Allora, Jr., Michael, Bulk cooking oil distribution system.
  3. Florkey, Edward J., Cooking apparatus and systems with air purge and heaters.
  4. Abney, Trent; Werts, Steve; Landwehr, Tim; Summons, Gary; Mercer, Gary, Cooking medium systems having a single mechanical lever and control assisted filtering and draining.
  5. Koether, Bernard G.; Motherway, William Doherty, Cool zone and control for pressure fryer.
  6. Davis John R. (Shreveport LA) Macy ; Jr. Ralph L. (Shreveport LA) Kinch John M. (Bossier City LA) Stark Lynn L. (Tyler TX), Deep fat frying apparatus with automated oil management.
  7. Davis John R. ; Macy ; Jr. Ralph L. ; Kinch John M. ; Stark Lynn L., Deep fat frying apparatus with automated oil management and methods.
  8. Akito Takahashi JP, Fryer.
  9. Suzuki, Akira, Fryer.
  10. Mullaney, Jr., Alfred E., Fryer filtration arrangement.
  11. Mullaney, Jr., Alfred Edward, Fryer filtration arrangement.
  12. Mullaney, Jr.,Alfred Edward, Fryer filtration arrangement.
  13. Mullaney, Jr., Alfred E.; Forrest, Paul; Amoss, Charles, Fryer filtration arrangement with boil-out bypass.
  14. Mullaney, Jr., Alfred E.; Forrest, Paul; Amoss, Charles, Fryer filtration arrangement with boil-out bypass.
  15. Johnson, Jeffrey A., Grease collector receptacle and cooking utensil for use therewith.
  16. Shandross, Richard A., High temperature, oil saving, rapid cook fryer system.
  17. Shandross,Richard A., High temperature, oil saving, rapid cook fryer system.
  18. King James D. ; Casey William, Method for filtering suspended materials from cooking substances.
  19. Zieger, Claus Dieter; Zieger, Niclas Henning; Buzzi, Guenther, Multiple proportion delivery systems and methods.
  20. Behle, Martin; Claesson, Jan; Jaferian, Janice M. K., Oil quality sensor and adapter for deep fryers.
  21. Forrest, Paul G.; Jacobs, Ronald F.; Amoss, Charles, Oil reclamation device and process.
  22. Williams David R., Process and a system for distribution, recovery and handling of bulk edible oil and other fluids.
  23. Mercer Gary L., System and method for determining drain pan fluid level.

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