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Foldable playyard 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47D-007/00
출원번호 US-0404937 (1989-09-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mariol John V. (Cincinnati OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Spalding & Evenflo Companies, Inc. (Tampa FL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 7


A foldable playyard for safe occupation by a child comprising in combination an essentially rectangular upper support formed of four pair of rods each centrally coupled by a hinge; an essentially rectangular lower support formed of four of rods each centrally coupled by a hinge; four vertical rails


A foldable playyard for safe occupation by a child comprising in combination: an essentially rectangular upper support formed of four pair of rods each centrally coupled by a hinge; an essentially rectangular lower support formed of four pair of rods each centrally coupled by a hinge; four vertical

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Sullivan Barry J. (#29 ; 670 San Antonio Rd. Palo Alto CA 94301), Collapsible baby enclosure.
  2. Dillner James M. (Lancaster PA) Saint Nathanael (Morgantown PA), Foldable playyard.
  3. Shamie Sam (175 Liberty Ave. Brooklyn NY 11212) Shamie Louis (175 Liberty Ave. Brooklyn NY 11212), Folding playpen with attached fabric enclosure.
  4. D\Arcy Daniel J. (Lancaster NY) Kujawski Stanley M. (East Aurora NY) Waples David G. (East Aurora NY), Portable crib.
  5. Kohus Louis M. (Cincinnati OH) Timperman Eugene L. (Cincinnati OH), Portable foldable playpen.
  6. Gunter, Rebecca C., Portable playpen.
  7. Chang Chang (Monterey Park CA), Safety hinge.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39)

  1. Burns, Stephen R.; Tadipatri, Chaitanya, Child support unit for a play yard.
  2. Homeyer Shelley M., Collapsible baby bed.
  3. Ziegler Scott ; Maloney Kevin, Collapsible playyard.
  4. Stroud David J. ; Chen Eric,TWX, Collapsible playyard system.
  5. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D.; Hopke, Frederick Karl; Wiegmann, Elijah M.; Bailey, Jessica A.; Rosenthal, Jared A., Corner latching play yard.
  6. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D.; Hopke, Frederick Karl; Wiegmann, Elijah M.; Bailey, Jessica A.; Rosenthal, Jared A., Corner latching play yard.
  7. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D.; Hopke, Frederick Karl; Wiegmann, Elijah M.; Bailey, Jessica A.; Rosenthal, Jared A., Corner latching play yard.
  8. Welsh, Jr., Thomas J.; Myers, Peter J., Foldable bassinet with suspended floor hinge.
  9. Welsh, Jr., Thomas J.; Myers, Peter J., Foldable bassinet with suspended floor hinge.
  10. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D., Foldable child enclosure.
  11. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D., Foldable child enclosure.
  12. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D., Foldable child enclosure.
  13. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D., Foldable child enclosure.
  14. Rosenthal, Jared A.; Wiegmann, Elijah M.; Daley, Robert D.; Hopke, Frederick Karl; Thorne, Henry F., Foldable play yard apparatus including a clamp and a method of attaching a flexible sheet to the clamp.
  15. Hsia, Ben M., Lightweight bottom wall structure for playyard, pen, and cot.
  16. Burns, Stephen R.; Jackson, Peter D.; Mendes, Mark, Mesh arrangement for bassinet assembly.
  17. Raffo David Melvin,GBX ; Thomson Harry Shepherd,GBX, Multipurpose play yard and travel cot.
  18. Mariol John V. ; Welsh ; Jr. Thomas J., Play yard.
  19. Mariol John V. ; Welsh ; Jr. Thomas J., Play yard.
  20. Mariol John V. ; Welsh ; Jr. Thomas J., Play yard.
  21. Mendes, Mark; Burns, Stephen R.; Jackson, Peter D., Play yard and bassinet assembly.
  22. Thomas J. Welsh, Jr., Play yard having a lower frame with a locking joint.
  23. Jackson, Peter; Tadipatri, Chaitanya; Thomson, John M., Play yard with removable liner.
  24. Rampton, Kurt Russell; Montague, Edgar; Gibson, Robert; Burns, Steve; Thomson, John Matthew, Play yard with removable liner.
  25. Rampton, Kurt Russell; Montague, Edgar; Gibson, Robert; Burns, Steven; Thomson, John Matthew, Play yard with removable liner.
  26. Troutman, Damon Oliver Casati, Play yards and methods of operating the same.
  27. Troutman, Damon Oliver Casati, Play yards and methods of operating the same.
  28. Hartenstine, Curtis M.; Longenecker, Michael L., Playard having corner panels.
  29. Flynn Robert C. ; Wang Yi M. ; Glover Richard, Playyard canopy.
  30. Glover Richard ; Drobinski Jerome J., Playyard canopy.
  31. Thorne, Henry F.; Daley, Robert D, Portable folding play yard with stabilized corner posts.
  32. Berkey,Cindy, Portable infant bed with side wall ventilation.
  33. Mariol John V. ; Welsh ; Jr. Thomas J., Rail joint.
  34. Burns, Stephen R.; Jackson, Peter D.; Mendes, Mark, Redundant support feature for bassinet assembly and play yard combination.
  35. J. Frank Koenig, Sleeping pad, bedding and bumpers to improve respiratory efficiency and environmental temperature of an infant and reduce the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and asphyxiation.
  36. Koenig, J. Frank, Sleeping pad, bedding and bumpers to improve respiratory efficiency and environmental temperature of an infant and reduce the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and asphyxiation.
  37. Jackson, Peter D.; Burns, Stephen R.; Mendes, Mark, Support for an inclinable bassinet assembly.
  38. Dowd, Paul; Putzeys, Philippe M; Miller, Christopher David, Top rail lock for playyard.
  39. Thorne, Henry F.; Rosenthal, Jared A., Wheel assembly for a foldable child enclosure.
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