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[미국특허] Well casing packers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-033/03
출원번호 US-0430012 (1989-11-01)
우선권정보 CA-0581963 (1988-11-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • McLeod Roderick D. (5104-125 Street Edmonton
  • Alberta CAX T6H 3V5)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 7


An expanding nipple, externally mounted packer has a body which mounts onto a stack of blowout preventers or a casing head and tubing spool or the like. The body contains an external locking mechanism and the upper ends of a pair of concentric mandrels which are lowered into the well casing, through


A short-coupled, well casing packer comprising: (a) a body adapted for external mounting on a well casing head, tubing spool or the like; (b) concentrically arranged inner and outer mandrels supported in said body, each outer mandrel being adapted to be restrained to the casing head and said inner m

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McLeod Roderick D. (5104 125th St. Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6H 3V5), Insertion drive system for tree savers.
  2. Barrier Frank W. (Haughton LA) Winterrowd Kenneth W. (Shreveport LA), Remotely operated packer and anchor apparatus for changing a geothermal wellhead valve.
  3. Pitts Charles A. (Wichita Falls TX), Tree saver packer cup.
  4. McLeod Roderick D. (5104 125th Street Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6H 3V5), Well casing packer.
  5. McLeod Roderick D. (5104 125th St. Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6H 3V5), Well head isolation tool.
  6. Bullen Ronald S. (98 Willow Park Green ; SE. Calgary ; Alberta CAX), Well tree saver.
  7. Garner Jonathan W. (1120 Hunterston Hill NW. Calgary ; AB CAX T2K 4N8) Dallas L. Murray (524 Oakwood Place ; SW. Calgary ; Alberta CAX T2V 0K3), Wellhead isolation tool and setting and method of using same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Adapters for double-locking casing mandrel and method of using same.
  2. Dallas L. Murray, Apparatus for increasing the flow of production stimulation fluids through a wellhead.
  3. Dallas, L Murray, Blowout preventer protector and method of using same.
  4. Dallas, L. Murray, Blowout preventer protector and method of using same.
  5. L. Murray Dallas, Blowout preventer protector and method of using same.
  6. Dallas L. Murray, Blowout preventer protector for use during high pressure oil/gas well stimulation.
  7. McGuire, Bob, Casing mandrel for facilitating well completion, re-completion or workover.
  8. McGuire, Bob, Casing mandrel for facilitating well completion, re-completion or workover.
  9. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  10. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  11. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob, Casing mandrel with well stimulation tool and tubing head spool for use with the casing mandrel.
  12. Dallas, L. Murray, Cup tool for high pressure mandrel.
  13. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  14. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  15. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  16. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Drilling flange and independent screwed wellhead with metal-to-metal seal and method of use.
  17. Dallas, L. Murray; McGuire, Bob; Artherholt, Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  18. Dallas, L. Murray; McGuire, Bob; Artherholt, Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  19. Dallas,L. Murray; McGuire,Bob; Artherholt,Danny Lee, High-pressure threaded union with metal-to-metal seal, and metal ring gasket for same.
  20. Lacheny, Michael A.; Syed, Wassee; Kajaria, Saurabh, Hydraulic surface connector.
  21. Lam, Tony M.; Schneider, Kevin Paul, Method and apparatus for isolating a wellhead for fracturing.
  22. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  23. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  24. McGuire, Bob; Dallas, L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  25. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  26. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  27. McGuire,Bob; Dallas,L. Murray, Multi-lock adapters for independent screwed wellheads and methods of using same.
  28. Starr, Phillip M.; Folds, Don S.; Stepp, Lee Wayne, Screw-driven wellhead isolation tool.
  29. Leng, Kuo-Tsung, Threaded pipe connection with a pressure energized flex-seal.
  30. Albert Augustus Mullins, Tubular filling system.
  31. Mullins, Albert Augustus, Tubular filling system.
  32. Harris Monty E., Wellhead bore isolation tool.
  33. Hickie, Barton, Wellhead isolation tool and methods.
  34. Hickie, Barton, Wellsite connector apparatus and method.

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