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[미국특허] Article holder and carrier 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-030/22
출원번호 US-0488864 (1990-03-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Blackman Marianne (12120 Willow La.
  • No. 1116 Overland Park KS 66213)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 66  인용 특허 : 11


An article holder and carrier includes a box-like container having fabric walls reinforced with soft, shock-absorbing material and adapted to disconnect along an edge between two walls and around three edges of a base panel to unfold to a flat position for access to articles held within the holder a


An article holder and carrier comprising: (a) first, second, third and fourth fabric side walls; said first side wall hingedly connected to said second side wall; said second side wall hingedly connected to said third side wall; said third side wall hingedly connected to said fourth side wall; (b) a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Medow Sheila (5013 Elm St. Skokie IL 60077), Activity tote.
  2. Bovet Thomas (221-226 Gloucester Rd. ; 13th Floor ; Hyde Centre Wanchai HKX), Beach bag.
  3. Brown Gardner R. (1101 S. Arlington Ridge Rd. #1112 Arlington VA 22202), Carrying bag.
  4. Trinkner Eileen (1819 Chalcedony St. ; Apt. #2 San Diego CA 92109), Combined picnic bag and tablecloth.
  5. Rush Anne K. (P.O. Box 9223 Berkeley CA 94709), Convertible backpack/cape.
  6. Parkhurst Beverly S. (260 E. Chestnut Chicago IL 60611), Cosmetic bag.
  7. Parker Elizabeth (281 Canada St. Lake George NY 12845), Coupon secretary.
  8. Damiano Mary (150 Whitehall Rd. Albany NY 12209), Handbag for playing bingo.
  9. Belmondo Domenico (Mappano ITX), Holder for a number of writing implements.
  10. Martinez Isidro A. (4330 NW. 196th St. Coral City FL 33055) Gutierrez Beatriz (3100 SW. 67th Way Miramar FL 33023), Picnic bag and mat.
  11. Cho, Hyon M., Portable folder type pencil case.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (66) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Klodt,Nancy L., Apparatus and method for storing snack items and school supplies.
  2. Holland Matthew J. ; Kagen Brian N., Article carrier.
  3. Holland Matthew J. ; Kagen Brian N., Article carrier.
  4. Holland Matthew J. ; Kagen Brian N., Article carrier.
  5. Holland Matthew J. ; Kagen Brian N., Article carrier.
  6. Snider Gregory S., Article carrier.
  7. Snider Gregory S., Article carrier.
  8. Snider Gregory S., Article carrier.
  9. Snider Gregory S., Article carrier.
  10. Ward Ashley H. ; Hebert Jane H., Baby supplies carrying case.
  11. Gonzales, Jeff, Backpack for carrying collapsible chairs.
  12. Lai, Po-Chih, Bag.
  13. Moreau, Darrell A.; Moreau, Andre W., Battery pouch for cordless power tools.
  14. Wehmeyer, Stephen D.; Brann, Michael K., Binder with end pocket.
  15. Wien Thomas, Binders with a foldable pocket assembly.
  16. McClean Leon (2726 Chesire Dr. Baldwin NY 11510), Breath saver.
  17. Kantor, Philip A; Masters, Connie R; Friedman, Milton; Friedmam, Rivka T, Combination cell phone and eyeglass case.
  18. Knecht Wendy S., Combination cosmetic bag and travel bag with multiple carrying modes.
  19. Ives, Mari Christine; McInroe, Kathleen Anne, Convertible backpack handbag.
  20. Anderson Brenda, Convertible blanket and carrier.
  21. Davis Sylvia, Cosmetic container.
  22. Godart, Fred Thomas, Device for carrying eyewear.
  23. Gonzalez Anita M., Diaper bag.
  24. Moreau, Darrell A.; Moreau, Andre W., Drop-prevention pouch for cordless power tools.
  25. Moreau, Darrell A.; Moreau, Andre W., Drop-prevention pouch for cordless power tools.
  26. Moreau, Darrell A.; Moreau, Andre W., Drop-prevention pouch for cordless power tools.
  27. Meil, John; Staples, LeeAnn; Riehl, Herbert, Dugout locker.
  28. Foelster, Thomas; Heckmann, Thomas, First-aid device for motor vehicles.
  29. Valdez Campbell,Marilyn, Flexible foldable multi-article storage carrier.
  30. Herold,Jeffrey C., Flexible travel bag with integrated support to protect bag from wear.
  31. Heard-Willmon C. Donise, Folding organizer.
  32. Thompson, Kimberly Ann, Folding portfolio organizer.
  33. Redzisz, Andrezj M., Hanging organizer and storage device.
  34. Kennedy, Gregory; Kennedy, Douglas, Illuminated document display system.
  35. Fitzner John E. (1006 Floral Ave. Schenectady NY 12306) McCoy Thomas J. (4 St. Marie St. Schenectady NY 12303), Mail carrier.
  36. Rosa, Noel, Mat and carrier for an object.
  37. Wright Russel, Multi-pocket female wallet.
  38. Smith, Sr.,Albert L., Multi-purpose wallet/cellular telephone case.
  39. Boyette,Mary Beth, Multiple eyeglass holder.
  40. Stekloff Debra S., Package container for vials.
  41. Bosch,John P.; McKay,Clyde, Paintball pod holder systems.
  42. Rodriguez Carol, Pet clean-up apparatus and method.
  43. Donald H. Felsenthal, Pocket assembly for multiple shoe rack bag.
  44. Moreau, Darrell A.; Moreau, Andre W., Pouch for a battery of a cordless power tool.
  45. Kittrell, Walter, Roll-up pack.
  46. Davenport,Barbara; Slate,Teri; Tanzy,Tina, Rolling case.
  47. Carson, Edna, Shoe carrier and storage device.
  48. Fultcher, Andrew; Hutchinson, Timothy, Sleeve.
  49. Fournier Marc,CAX, Sports bag.
  50. Sapyta, Rachel, Storage container and display system for toys and other items.
  51. Sapyta, Rachel Theora, Storage container and display system for toys and other items.
  52. Owens Susan S. (510 University Forest Dr. Conway SC 29526), Storage device for mobile medical apparatus.
  53. Stevens,Gene M.; Stevens,Joyselyn, Storage organizer.
  54. Surdam,Christopher, Strap sack.
  55. Hooper, Leslie E., Tool caddy.
  56. Hooper,Leslie, Tool caddy.
  57. Redzisz, Andrezj M., Tool carrying and storage case.
  58. Redzisz, Andrezj M.; Godshaw, Donald E.; Du, Hai, Tool carrying and storage case.
  59. Redzisz,Andrezj M., Tool carrying and storage case.
  60. Redzisz,Andrezj M., Tool carrying and storage case.
  61. Redzisz,Andrezj M., Tool carrying and storage case.
  62. Perry, Martha Starr; Perry, Michael Stuart, Tool holder and method of use.
  63. Perry,Martha Starr; Perry,Michael Stuart, Tool holder and method of use.
  64. Tripp, Byron Z., Tool storage organizer.
  65. Fields Darren, Tool wraps.
  66. Rustemeyer Jeffrey A. ; Fiore Joseph ; Godshaw Donald E. ; Redzisz Andrzej, Utility box wrap.

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