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[미국특허] Quick connect-disconnect couplings 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-037/20
출원번호 US-0452762 (1989-12-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fahl Richard L. (Fairfield OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Dover Corporation (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 3


A quick connect-disconnect coupling comprises a coupler joined to a standardized adapter to provide for fluid flow between first and second conduits. Locking mechanism comprises a four bar linkage which minimizes the manual effort required to connect and disconnect the coupler from the adapter. An o


A quick connect-disconnect coupling comprising an adapter adapted to be mounted on a first fluid conduit and having a sealing surface at its outer end and an undercut outer surface spaced from and adjacent thereto, and a coupler adapted to be attached to a second fluid conduit and comprising a body

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Pemberton Eugene B. (Fairfield OH) Fahl Richard L. (Cincinnati OH), Coupling apparatus.
  2. Minor Thomas H. (Reseda CA), Drum latch assembly.
  3. Blind Karl (Erdmannhausen DEX) Klotz Arthur (Neckargrningen DEX), Knee lever lock for air filter covers and the like.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Wawchuk, John Richard, Coupling device for fluid lines.
  2. Lurk, Michael James; Linhorst, Thomas A., Dual use coupling end for pipes and fittings.
  3. Feichtinger, Stefan, Fuel container and its connection with a pipe.
  4. Denis Barclay CA; Paul Major CA; Elie Banon CA, Lockable quick connect/disconnect coupling.
  5. Jarnagin, Scott Patrick; Lam, Gordon W.; Eubanks, Shannon, Peristaltic pump having a self-closing occlusion bed.
  6. Eberle Gerald P., Pipe coupling.
  7. Janis, Alan J.; Koch, Folkert Fred; Ott, Wolfgang; Drake, Christopher Robin; Piety, Brian Michael; Resendes, Mark David, Preconditioned air connector assembly for aircraft.
  8. Janis, Alan J.; Koch, Folkert Fred; Ott, Wolfgang; Drake, Christopher Robin; Piety, Brian Michael; Resendes, Mark David, Preconditioned air connector assembly for aircraft.
  9. Janis, Alan J.; Koch, Folkert Fred; Ott, Wolfgang; Drake, Christopher Robin; Piety, Brian Michael; Resendes, Mark David, Preconditioned air connector assembly for aircraft.
  10. Janis, Alan J.; Koch, Folkert Fred; Ott, Wolfgang; Drake, Christopher Robin; Piety, Brian Michael; Resendes, Mark David, Preconditioned air connector assembly for aircraft.
  11. Janis,Alan J.; Koch,Folkert Fred; Ott,Wolfgang; Drake,Christopher Robin; Piety,Brian Michael; Resendes,Mark David, Preconditioned air connector assembly for aircraft.
  12. Donais Michel,CAX ; Lamontagne Denis,CAX, Quick connect/disconnect coupling.
  13. Jupe, Michael A., Remote cam-lock coupling actuator and discharge containment device.
  14. Palmer, David, Safety cap for couplings and fittings.
  15. Chang King,TWX, Self-locking quick disconnect coupling device.
  16. MacDonald William David, Spill containment system.
  17. Schipani, Ralph L.; Strayer, Richard K.; Lasky, Michael B.; Egbert, Lee T., Tube fastener apparatus.
  18. Chen, Tsan-Jee, Tubular connection structure.

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