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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65B-007/28
  • B65B-061/18
출원번호 US-0289385 (1988-12-23)
우선권정보 SE-0003830 (1986-08-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ingemann Ole (Ryslinge DKX)
출원인 / 주소
  • PLM AB (Malmo SEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 13


An easily-opened container includes a container body with an opening portion and a lid cooperating with the opening portion. The lid has a central lid portion and a peripheral portion located outside this lid portion and sealingly and permanently fixed to the opening portion for closing the containe


A method for sealing an open top of a container having a closed bottom and containing goods to be sealed against the ambient atmosphere, said method comprising attaching a first lid to the open top of the container by a peelable connection so that the lid seals the contents in the container, attachi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ingemann Ole (R nnebaervaenget 8 DK-5856 Ryslinge DKX), Container.
  2. Ingemann Ole (Ryslinge DKX), Container and sealed closure means.
  3. Asmus Richard W. (3628 W. 48th St. Cleveland OH 44102), Container closure.
  4. Jeppsson Jan B. (Lomma SEX) Pollak Zoltan (Lund SEX), Container closure having weaker opening means.
  5. Jeppsson Jan-Bertil (Lomma SEX), Container closure members.
  6. Ingemann Ole (Ryslinge DKX), Container having a pull ring for separation and removal of a lid.
  7. Perry Walter Merton (76 Locust Hill Road Darien CT 06820), Container with attached closure.
  8. Katsura Tadahiko (Yokohama JPX) Hirota Kazumi (Tokyo JPX) Ueno Hiroshi (Yokosuka JPX), Easily-openable heat-seal lid.
  9. Helms Charles R. (Malvern PA), Easy-open lid closure arrangement.
  10. Cowan David A. (Owings Mills MD), Heat-sealable, ovenable containers and method of manufacture.
  11. Gannon Raymond (Farnborough GBX), Packaging process.
  12. Looser Christian (Lutzenberg CHX), Sealed closure-container package.
  13. Piltz Lars-Eric (Dalby SEX) Quist Bo T. (Bjrred SEX) Kiellarson Folke (Barsebck SEX) Mansson Siwer (Lund SEX) Nilsson Bengt (Sdra Sandby SEX), Tear opening device for containers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Vovan, Terry, Advanced tamper evident bowl.
  2. Lee, Sang Jin; Jo, Kyoung Sik; Cha, Gu Hoan, Air-tight reclosable processed food container.
  3. Chasteen, Howard C.; Jacober, Mark A., Closure.
  4. Atkinson, Leon; Jansen, Robert; Johnson, R. Patrick; Park, Ryan E.; Thompson, Bruce H., Compact packaging for garments made from delicate materials.
  5. Atkinson,Leon; Jansen,Robert; Johnson,R. Patrick; Park,Ryan E.; Thompson,Bruce H., Compact packaging for garments made from delicate materials.
  6. Garza, Dean, Container.
  7. Garza, Dean, Container.
  8. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  9. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  10. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  11. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  12. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  13. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container with cover.
  14. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R., Cover for a container.
  15. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R.; Chomik,Richard S., Cover for a container.
  16. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R.; Chomik,Richard S., Cover for a container.
  17. Kortleven,Hanno, Cover for a food container.
  18. Vovan, Terry, Double ribbed secure container.
  19. Vovan, Terry, Edge-tearing tamper-evident container.
  20. Kaanta, Jason M.; Jacober, Mark A.; Chasteen, Howard C.; Richardson, Michael D., End closure with full panel opening.
  21. Rayburn, Robert M., End closure with large opening ring pull tab.
  22. Vovan, Terry; Pho, Jimmy; Yee, Lauren; Rosen, Leon D., Enhanced secure container.
  23. Vovan, Terry, Enhanced tamper evident bowl with blocked tab.
  24. Vovan, Terry; Enriquez, Jose, Enhanced tamper evident container with tear-apart parts.
  25. Vovan, Terry, Hangable tamper resistant packaging system.
  26. Vovan, Terry, Integrated food packaging system having a cup, a container, and a cover.
  27. Stockley ; III Henry W. (Spartanburg SC) Krebs Art T. (Spartanburg SC), Method of shrinking film to apply lidstock and package made therefrom.
  28. Wells Cindie M. (Cambridge WI), Package for sliced meat stacks.
  29. Yoda, Kenji; Noda, Takanori; Shiina, Yasuo, Packaging container.
  30. Vieu Valerie,FRX, Packaging unit for a liquid to semi-liquid product.
  31. Robache Patrick,FRX, Process and device for packaging products and corresponding packaging boxes.
  32. Kaneko Masamichi,JPX ; Konno Hidetoshi,JPX ; Satoyoshi Junichi,JPX, Receptacle for liquids.
  33. Wells Cindie M. (Cambridge WI), Rigid reclosable bacon package.
  34. Wells Cindie M. ; Selz Mark E., Rigid reclosable bacon package.
  35. Mannion,Jeffrey T.; Bear,Christen A.; Williams,John N.; Williams,Sue A., Suspended containers.
  36. Vovan, Terry, Tamper evident container having a pull-open section.
  37. Allers, Brian S., Tamper-evident container with a tabbed hinge.
  38. Vovan, Terry, Tamper-evident container with extended band.
  39. Rice, Chester C., Top metal end wall having an easy open score line for a metal container.
  40. Sanfilippo James J. ; Sanfilippo John E. ; Forowycz Roman, Tray.
  41. Vovan, Terry, Versatile tamper-evident food container.

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