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[미국특허] Electret gamma/X-ray low level dosimeter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01T-001/14
출원번호 US-0387497 (1989-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dempsey John C. (Frederick MD)
출원인 / 주소
  • Rad Elec Inc. (Frederick MD 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 0


A small enclosed ion chamber with an electrostatically charged electret attached to the inner chamber wall. Positive or negative ions (depending on the polarity of the electret charge) formed in the chamber air by the passing of gamma radiation or X-rays move to and collect on the electret surface b


An apparatus for monitoring gamma or X-ray radiation comprising a chamber having an inner surface which is electrically conductive, an electret positioned within the chamber for holding an electrostatic charge which collects ions formed in the chamber by bombardment of gamma or X-ray radiation, and

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Gunn, Richard Donald; Dockray, Thomas, Apparatus and methods for monitoring emissions.
  2. Orr, Christopher Henry, Apparatus for monitoring an item for radioactive material on or associated with the item.
  3. Orr Christopher Henry,GBX ; Luff Craig Janson,GBX ; Dockray Thomas,GBX ; Macarthur Duncan Whittemore ; Bounds John Alan ; Koster James E., Collection of ions.
  4. Christopher Henry Orr GB; Craig Janson Luff GB; Thomas Dockray GB; Duncan Whittemore Macarthur ; John Alan Bounds ; Krag Allander, Detectors.
  5. Orr Christopher Henry,GBX ; Luff Craig Janson,GBX ; Dockray Thomas,GBX ; Macarthur Duncan Whittemore, Electrostatic monitoring.
  6. Orr, Christopher Henry; Luff, Craig Janson; Dockray, Thomas; Macarthur, Duncan Whittemore, Ion monitoring.
  7. Perkins, Patrick D.; Kernan, Jeffrey T., Ionization chamber for reactive samples.
  8. Chng,Kiong Chin; Wong,Cheng Yun Audrey, Leak detection of sealed objects using x-ray imaging.
  9. Orr, Christopher Henry; Luff, Craig Janson; Dockray, Thomas; Macarthur, Duncan Whittemore, Monitoring.
  10. Christopher Henry Orr GB; Craig Janson Luff GB; Thomas Dockray GB; Duncan Whittemore Macarthur, Monitoring materials.
  11. Kotrappa,Payasada; Stieff,Lorin R.; Dempsey,John C., Radon progeny monitor.
  12. Orr Christopher Henry,GBX ; Luff Craig Janson,GBX ; Dockray Thomas,GBX ; Macarthur Duncan Whittemore, Relating to ion detection.
  13. Christopher Henry Orr GB; Craig Janson Luff GB; Thomas Dockray GB; Duncan Whittemore Macarthur ; John Alan Bounds, Relating to monitoring ion sources.
  14. Christopher Henry Orr GB; Craig Janson Luff GB; Thomas Dockray GB; Duncan Whittemore Macarthur, Selective flow path alpha particle detector and method of use.

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