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Method for in situ contaminant extraction from soil 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-043/24
  • E21B-043/30
  • E21B-043/34
출원번호 US-0394391 (1989-08-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dieter Douglas K. (San Ramon CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Solvent Services, Inc., (San Jose CA 12) Nagpal
  • Amit (Monte Sereno CA 14part interest to each)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 7


A method for the in situ removal of mobilizable contaminants, including volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, from a contaminated unsaturated zone of primarily porous layers of soil, comprising pulsatilely injecting heated pressurized steam into a first location in the zone in order to heat


A method for recovering mobilizable contaminants from a zone comprised primarily of porous layers of soil, said method comprising the steps of: (a) pulsatilely injecting heated pressurized steam into a first location in the zone so as to uniformly heat targeted soil in the zone to steam temperature

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Chew Ju-Nam (Dallas TX), Heavy oil recovery process using intermittent steamflooding.
  2. Islip Philip N. (Plano TX), High sweep efficiency steam drive oil recovery method.
  3. Corey John C. (Aiken SC) Looney Brian B. (Aiken SC) Kaback Dawn S. (Aiken SC), In-situ remediation system and method for contaminated groundwater.
  4. Payne Frederick C. (Charlotte MI), Method of removing and controlling volatile contaminants from the vadose layer of contaminated earth.
  5. Hesh Frank (1155 W. Ogden Naperville IL 60540), Method of secondary extraction of oil from a well.
  6. Visser Melvin J. (Portage MI) Malot James J. (Dorado PR), Removal of volatile contaminants from the vadose zone of contaminated ground.
  7. Visser Melvin J. (Portage MI) Malot James J. (Dorado PRX), Removal of volatile contaminants from the vadose zone of contaminated ground.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Kostelnik, Kevin M.; Kawamura, Hideki; Richardson, John G.; Noda, Masaru, Advanced containment system.
  2. Richardson,John G.; Nickelson,Reva A.; Sloan,Paul A.; Kostelnik,Kevin M., Apparatus for indication of at least one subsurface barrier characteristic.
  3. Haemers, Jan; Saadaoui, Hatem, Device, system and process for treating porous materials.
  4. Suthersan Suthan S., Engineered in situ anaerobic reactive zones.
  5. Suthersan Suthan S., Engineered in situ anaerobic reactive zones.
  6. Suthersan, Suthan S., Engineered in situ anaerobic reactive zones.
  7. Suthersan Suthan S. ; Keyes Gary ; O'Brien Kent, In situ reactive gate.
  8. Suthersan Suthan S. ; Keyes Gary ; O'Brien Kent, In situ reactive gate for groundwater remediation.
  9. Nickelson, Reva A.; Walsh, Stephanie; Richardson, John G.; Dick, John R.; Sloan, Paul A., In situ retreival of contaminants or other substances using a barrier system and leaching solutions and components, processes and methods relating thereto.
  10. Suthersan Suthan S., In-well air stripping and adsorption.
  11. Suthersan Suthan S., In-well air stripping, oxidation, and adsorption.
  12. Suthersan Suthan S., In-well air stripping, oxidation, and adsorption.
  13. Suthersan Suthan S., In-well air stripping, oxidation, and adsorption.
  14. Terunobu Maeda JP, Method for the remediation of soil contaminated with organic halide compounds.
  15. Nickelson,Reva A.; Walsh,Stephanie; Richardson,John G.; Dick,John R.; Sloan,Paul A., Method of in situ retrieval of contaminants or other substances using a barrier system and leaching solutions.
  16. Nickelson,Reva A.; Richardson,John G.; Kostelnik,Kevin M.; Sloan,Paul A., Method of installing subsurface barrier.
  17. Nickelson,Reva A.; Richardson,John G.; Kostelnik,Kevin M.; Sloan,Paul A., Method of sealing casings of subsurface materials management system.
  18. Richardson,John G.; Nickelson,Reva A.; Sloan,Paul A.; Kostelnik,Kevin M., Methods for indication of at least one subsurface barrier characteristic and methods of use.
  19. Nickelson,Reva A.; Richardson,John G.; Kostelnik,Kevin M.; Sloan,Paul A., Subsurface materials management and containment system.
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