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[미국특허] Inclined multiplyformer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D21F-001/00
출원번호 US-0537643 (1990-06-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Keller Martin B. (Hudson Falls NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Sandy Hill Corporation (Hudson Falls NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 0


A papermaking machine including the combination of an endless moving screen having an upwardly-inclined run, a primary open headbox for supplying a moving stream of a primary liquid slurry into contact with the screen for forming a first sheet-like structure on the screen, the primary headbox includ


In a delivery system in a machine for forming a continuous multi-ply web upon a moving foraminous-forming wire, the combination of: an endless forming wire having an upwardly-inclined run defining adjacent primary and secondary areas of a web-forming zone, a primary opened headbox for delivering a p

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shirao, Takeshi; Tsunoda, Mitsuru; Sato, Hiroki; Kawamukai, Takashi, Device for producing fibrous sheet.
  2. Shirao, Takeshi; Tsunoda, Mitsuru; Sato, Hiroki; Kawamukai, Takashi, Device for producing fibrous sheet.
  3. Uchida Yuichi,JPX ; Yoshikawa Fumiaki,JPX ; Hanatani Seiji,JPX ; Nishimura Osamu,JPX ; Kajioka Masahiko,JPX, Fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin sheet and method of wet manufacturing.
  4. Gupta, Hemant, Fibrous media.
  5. Kay Rokman FI; Juhani Jansson FI, Foam process web production with foam dilution.
  6. Rokman Kay,FIX ; Jansson Juhani,FIX, Introduction of fiber-free foam into, or near, a headbox during foam process web making.
  7. Gupta, Hemant; Kahlbaugh, Brad E., Method and apparatus for forming a fibrous media.
  8. Gupta, Hemant; Kahlbaugh, Brad E., Method and apparatus for forming a fibrous media.
  9. Gupta, Hemant; Singh, Ajay, Method and apparatus for forming a fibrous media.
  10. Gupta, Hemant; Singh, Ajay, Method and apparatus for forming a fibrous media.
  11. Gupta, Hemant; Kahlbaugh, Brad E., Method for forming a fibrous media.
  12. Uchida Yuichi,JPX ; Yoshikawa Fumiaki,JPX ; Hanatani Seiji,JPX ; Nishimura Osamu,JPX ; Kajioka Masahiko,JPX, Method of making a fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheet having essentially no warpage.
  13. Kajander, Richard Emil; Jaffee, Alan Michael; Swartz, Paul Russell; Kindle, Richard Jon, Method of making multilayer nonwoven fibrous mats.
  14. Johnson, Mark A.; Benson, John; Mehta, Mahendra; Canary, Steve; Girardin, Eric, Multi-layer printable wear resistant papers including particle rich interior layer.
  15. Skoog, Henry; Clark, James W.; Baker, Joseph K.; Conner, John M., Multiple mode headbox.
  16. Godsay, Milind; Millar, Mark S., Systems and methods for making fiber webs.
  17. Godsay, Milind; Millar, Mark S., Systems and methods for making fiber webs.
  18. Guimond, Douglas M.; Millar, Mark S.; Vallery, David; Godsay, Milind, Systems and methods for making fiber webs.
  19. Vallery, David, Systems and methods for making fiber webs.
  20. Vallery, David, Systems and methods for making fiber webs.

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