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Gas engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02D-019/02
  • F02D-031/00
출원번호 US-0377419 (1989-07-10)
우선권정보 JP-0170866 (1988-07-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yokoyama Yoshiharu (Iwata JPX) Akiyama Shigeru (Iwata JPX) Nakayama Hironori (Iwata JPX) Kamiya Tsuyoshi (Iwata JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha (Iwata JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 6


A small portable generator powered by a gas fueled internal combustion engine. The gas fuel supply system for the engine includes a solenoid value whose duty cycle is regulated so as to permit unthrottled operation of the engine and afford engine speed control.


An engine speed control for a small gas fueled engine comprising an unthrottled air passage to said engine, a readily removable container containing a pressurized source of fuel, conduit means having a readily detachable connection to said container for supplying fuel from said fuel source to said u

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Pagdin, Brian C.; Marriage, David J., Air/fuel induction system for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine.
  2. Ullman Thomas J. (Cranfield GB2) Shadbolt Colin F. (Leighton Buzzard GB2) Pagdin Brian C. (Dunstable GB2) Marriage David J. (Dunstable GB2) Clarke Peter J. (Leighton Buzzard GB2) Sheppard Ian J. (St., Air/fuel induction system for spark ignition internal combustion engines, and electromagnetic valves.
  3. Sonntag Bruno (Horstmar DEX), Arrangement for the metering of fuel and metering device therefor.
  4. Todd ; William L., Fuel regulator for a two-cycle gas engine.
  5. Tanaka Mitsuo (Ibaraki JPX), Gas-diesel dual fuel engine.
  6. Westerman Howard G. (743 Blue Lake Cir. Richardson TX 75080) Allsopp Lewis E. (Stafford GB2), Two-cycle stratified charge gas engine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Kim Yu-Kyeom,KRX, Compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling system for CNG vehicles.
  2. Shimizu Motohiro (Wako JPX), Control system for internal combustion engines.
  3. Bertossi Bruno,ITX, Electronic pressure reducer for liquid petroleum gasses.
  4. Moore Thomas S., Environmentally sensitive hybrid vehicle.
  5. Hagiwara,Ryouichi; Nakazono,Tohru, Fuel feed device of gas engine.
  6. Fukaya, Mitsuo; Uchino, Takashi, Inverter type AC generator with a zero-crossing detection circuit used to provide a synchronized operation and method of operating the same.
  7. Fukaya, Mitsuo, Inverter type generator.
  8. Fukaya, Mitsuo, Inverter type generator.
  9. Gobbi Francesco,ITX, Means for controlling the delivery of gas in self-propulsion gas systems.

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