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[미국특허] Metering and spray pump for liquid and low-viscosity substances 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B67D-005/08
출원번호 US-0229302 (1988-08-05)
우선권정보 DE-3728770 (1987-08-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Andris Raimund (Tannhrnle 9 D-7730 Villingen-Schwenningen 22 DEX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 48  인용 특허 : 5


In order to create a metering and spray pump of high functional reliability, consisting of as few individual parts as possible and able to be produced with as low production costs, in particular assembly costs, as possible, in which the pumping member consists of an elastically-flexible bellows (4),


A pump for dispensing metered quantities of flowable materials from containers of the kind comprising a resilient, flexible, tubular plastics bellows, first and second rigid plastic housing parts telescopically coupled together trapping the bellows between them for reciprocating pumping movement of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. von Schuckmann Alfred (Kevelaer DEX), Dispenser for paste compositions.
  2. von Schuckmann Alfred (Kervendonk DEX), Dosaging pump with pump bellows on bottles or the like.
  3. Bauer Peter (13921 Esworthy Rd. Germantown MD 20767), Elastomer bulb dispensing pump.
  4. Tada Tetsuya (Tokyo JPX), Head depression type dispenser.
  5. Andris Raimund (Tannhrnle 7 7730 Villingen-Schwenningen 22 DEX), Meter pump for liquid and/or low-viscosity substances.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (48) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Beland, Rene Maurice; Helf, Thomas A.; Kimball, James F.; Paas, Edward L., Actuator cap for a spray device.
  2. Beland, Rene Maurice; Helf, Thomas A.; Kimball, James F.; Paas, Edward L., Actuator cap for a spray device.
  3. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L.; Furner, Paul E.; Beland, Rene Maurice; Kimball, James F., Apparatus for control of a volatile material dispenser.
  4. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L.; Furner, Paul E.; Beland, Rene Maurice; Kimball, James F., Apparatus for control of a volatile material dispenser.
  5. Neerincx, Peter Eduard; de Regt, Jeroen Daniël, Bellows pump system and method for the use thereof.
  6. Carpenter, M. Scott; Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Short, Michael E.; Sipinski, Gene; Westphal, Nathan R., Compact spray device.
  7. Carpenter, M. Scott; Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Short, Michael E.; Sipinski, Gene; Westphal, Nathan R., Compact spray device.
  8. Carpenter, M. Scott; Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Short, Michael E.; Sipinski, Gene; Westphal, Nathan R., Compact spray device.
  9. Carpenter, M. Scott; Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Short, Michael E.; Sipinski, Gene; Westphal, Nathan R., Compact spray device.
  10. Carpenter, M. Scott; Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Short, Michael E.; Sipinski, Gene; Westphal, Nathan R., Compact spray device.
  11. Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Westphal, Nathan R.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Carpenter, M. Scott; Short, Michael E., Compact spray device.
  12. Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Westphal, Nathan R.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Carpenter, M. Scott; Short, Michael E., Compact spray device.
  13. Furner, Paul E.; Gasper, Thomas P.; Kubicek, Chris A.; Lemon, Leon M.; Madsen, Brent D.; Westphal, Nathan R.; Michaels, Kenneth W.; Nelson, Cory J.; Carpenter, M. Scott; Short, Michael E., Compact spray device.
  14. Lautre, Philippe, Device for dispensing a liquid to pasty product with a metering pump.
  15. Stadelhofer, Peter; Greiner-Perth, Juergen; Cater, Miro, Discharger for a flowable medium.
  16. Sipinski, Gene, Dispensers and functional operation and timing control improvements for dispensers.
  17. Hershey Donald E. ; Bartsch Eric R., Dispensing pump.
  18. Luc, Tai P.; Gamboa, Claudia V.; Johnson, Mark E.; Hanak, Daniel J., Dispensing systems with improved sensing capabilities.
  19. Pater, Marcel; Ramon, Willem; Ellenkamp-Van Olst, Lenny Marita, Dosing cap.
  20. Conway, Simon M.; Harbutt, Richard P.; Greene, Kevin J.; Snow, David C., Dual bottle for even dispensing of two flowable compositions.
  21. Masuda,Masatoshi, Fluid discharge pump for discharging fluid stored inside fluid storing portion.
  22. Briozzo Fernandez, Diego Sebastian, Foam dispenser.
  23. Sipinski, Gene, Functional operation and timing control improvements for dispensers.
  24. Fisscher Abraham J., Liquid dispenser and cap valve assembly therefor.
  25. Fisscher Abraham, Liquid dispensing cap valve assembly with pedestal mounted resilient valve seal element.
  26. Ding, Yaowu, Lotion pump and one-way valve incorporated therein.
  27. Foster Donald D. (St. Charles MO) Nelson Philip L. (Ellisville MO), Low cost trigger sprayer having elastomeric pump and inlet valve.
  28. Glynn Kenneth P., Metered liquid dispenser with lift fill mechanism.
  29. Harrold John E., Metered liquid squeeze dispenser.
  30. Becker, Todd H.; Langton, David L.; Patstone, Christopher H., Method and system of controlling scent diffusion with a network gateway device.
  31. Becker, Todd H.; Conroy, Thomas A., Method and system of diffusing scent complementary to a service.
  32. Schwartz, Adam, Nanoclay hybrids and elastomeric composites containing same.
  33. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L.; Madsen, Brent D.; Furner, Paul E., Overcap and system for spraying a fluid.
  34. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L., Overcap for a spray device.
  35. Becker, Todd H., Pest control system and method.
  36. Har-Shai, Gadi, Propellant-free pressurized material dispenser.
  37. Har-Shai, Gadi; Schwartz, Adam, Propellant-free pressurized material dispenser.
  38. Bonningue, Philippe, Pump for dispensing a product.
  39. Baudin, Gilles, Pump for fitting to a receptacle, the pump including an elastically deformable membrane outside the pump chamber.
  40. Gilles Baudin FR, Pump for fitting to a receptacle, the pump including an elastically deformable membrane outside the pump chamber.
  41. Park Kyung-seo,KRX ; Park Kuk-seo,KRX, Pump for spring water.
  42. Van Swieten, Roy; Kelders, Johannes Hubertus Jozef Maria, Pumping device for a fluid container.
  43. Bloc, Richard, Simplified airless dispensing pump for liquid product.
  44. Smith James S. ; Levasseur Glenn N. ; Chapman John H. ; Link Daniel J. ; Didona Kevin M., Steam seal air removal system.
  45. Smith James S. ; Levasseur Glenn N. ; Chapman John H. ; Link Daniel J. ; Didona Kevin M., Steam seal air removal system.
  46. Nelson Philip L. (Ellisville MO), Trigger sprayer having disc valve.
  47. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L., Volatile material dispenser.
  48. Helf, Thomas A.; Paas, Edward L., Volatile material dispenser.

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