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[미국특허] Fiber and method of making 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23L-001/10
출원번호 US-0285356 (1988-12-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ramaswamy Setlur R. (Louisville KY)
출원인 / 주소
  • D. D. Williamson & Co., Inc. (Louisville KY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 10


An extremely white water absorbent fiber having a high percentage of total dietary fiber and hemicellulose and a low concentration of lignin and silica is disclosed. The dietary fiber is formed by subjecting ground oat hulls to an alkaline digestion at elevated temperatures and pressures. The digest


A method of making dietary fiber having a non-gritty mouth feel and water absorbency comprising: digesting oat hulls in an aqueous, alkaline solution to provide digested at a combined time, pressure, temperature and pH effective to reduce silica content of said fibers to less than about 2% by weight

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Thompson Jerome B. (Box 231 - Rte. 3 Cumberland MD 21502), Cellulose food product and products resulting therefrom.
  2. Gould Max R. (Homosassa Springs FL) Bone David P. (Palatine IL) Hsieh Fu H. (Palatine IL), Cereal foods made from oats and method of making.
  3. Sharma Shri C. (Mendham NJ), Dietary fiber composition and process of manufacture.
  4. Morley Robin C. (Hackettstown NJ) Sharma Shri C. (Mendham NJ), Dietary fiber food products and method of manufacture.
  5. Rudin, Richard E., Easily dispersible dietary fiber product and method for producing the same.
  6. Chaudhary Vinod K. (Manhattan KS), High dietary fiber product.
  7. Friese Hermann (Berlin DT), Hydrolysis of oat husks.
  8. Antrim Richard L. (Clinton IA) Chan Yuk-Charn (Clinton IA) Crary ; Jr. John R. (Camanche IA) Harris Donald W. (Camanche IA), Method for obtaining a purified cellulose product from corn hulls.
  9. Antrim Richard Lee (Clinton IA) Harris Donald Wayne (Camanche IA), Method for treatment of corn hulls.
  10. Kickle Hunter L. (Mt. Zion IL) Ball ; Jr. William J. (Decatur IL) Von Schanefelt Robert (Decatur IL), Processed vegetable seed fiber for food products.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Monsalve-Gonzalez, Adelmo; Metzger, Lloyd E.; Prakash, Aruna; Valanju, Mayur Subhash; Roufs, John G., Bleach bran and bran products.
  2. Chen Ling ; Ruan Rongsheng Roger ; Johnson Jack Edgar ; Addis Paul Bradley ; Xu Li ; Yi Lun, Cellulose fiber based compositions and film and the process for their manufacture.
  3. Chen Paul Ling ; Ruan Rongsheng Roger ; Addis Paul Bradley ; Xu Li ; Yi Lun, Cellulose fiber based compositions and film and the process for their manufacture.
  4. Lundberg, Brock; Gu, Lin; Ruan, Rongsheng Roger; Chen, Ling; Addis, Paul Bradley; Edgar Johnson, Jack, Cellulose fiber-based compositions and their method of manufacture.
  5. Lundberg,Brock; Gu,Lin; Ruan,Rongsheng Roger; Chen,Ling; Addis,Paul Bradley; Johnson,Jack Edgar, Cellulose fiber-based compositions and their method of manufacture.
  6. Lundberg, Brock; Gu, Lin; Ruan, Rongsheng Roger; Chen, Ling; Addis, Paul Bradley; Johnson, Jack Edgar, Cellulose fiber-based filters.
  7. Khoo, Christina; Paetau-Robinson, Inke; Frantz, Nolan, Compositions including ginger for the amelioration or prevention of inflammatory conditions.
  8. Schilling, Kevin H.; Freeman, Dan; McPherson, Roger E., Dust suppressant and soil stabilization composition.
  9. Schilling,Kevin H.; Freeman,Dan; McPherson,Roger E., Dust suppressant and soil stabilization composition.
  10. Satyavolu, Jagannadh V.; Garlie, David E.; Anderson, Kevin R.; McDonald, John T.; Krogmann, Paula R., Enhanced fiber additive; and use.
  11. Satyavolu, Jagannadh V.; Garlie, David E.; Anderson, Kevin R.; McDonald, John T.; Krogmann, Paula R., Enhanced fiber additive; and use.
  12. Jensen Bent,DKX, Integrated emulsifier and edible fiber.
  13. Addis, Paul Bradley; Ruan, Rongsheng Roger; Keenan, Joseph M.; Geleva, Daniela, Medical and nutritional applications of highly refined cellulose.
  14. Addis, Paul Bradley; Ruan, Rongsheng Roger; Keenan, Joseph M.; Geleva, Daniela, Medical and nutritional applications of highly refined cellulose.
  15. Addis, Paul Bradley; Ruan, Rongsheng Roger; Keenan, Joseph M.; Geleva, Daniela, Medical and nutritional applications of highly refined cellulose.
  16. Dreese,Patrick C.; Perdon,Alicia A.; Lewandowski,Daniel J.; Plank,David W.; Hemker,Fred; Fanning,Richard H., Method and ingredient for increasing soluble fiber content to enhance bile acid binding, increase viscosity, and increase hypocholesterolemic properties.
  17. Satyavolu, Jagannadh V.; Garlie, David E.; Anderson, Kevin R.; McDonald, John T.; Krogmann, Paula R., Plant seed based fiber products and processes.
  18. Leusner, Steven J.; Roufs, John G., Process for tempering and milling grain.
  19. Jiang, Jianer, Use of polysulfide in modified cooking.

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