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[미국특허] Fluid pressure brake control apparatus for a vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60T-008/40
출원번호 US-0400570 (1989-08-30)
우선권정보 JP-0221530 (1988-09-05); JP-0009713 U (1989-01-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Arikawa Tetsuro (Kanagawa JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nippon A.B.S., Ltd. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 10


A control unit for judges braking slip and/or driving slip of front and rear wheels. Fluid pressure control valve devices receive instructions from the control unit for controlling brake fluid pressure of the front and rear wheel brake apparatuses. A first fluid pressure pump pressurizes and supplie


A fluid pressure brake control apparatus for a vehicle having at least one front wheel and at least one rear wheel, comprising: (a) a tandem master cylinder; (b) a front wheel brake apparatus for said front wheel; (c) a rear wheel brake apparatus for said rear wheel; (d) a control unit for judging b

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Burckhardt Manfred (Waiblingen DEX) Brugger Franz (Weinstadt DEX) Faulhaber Andreas (Winnenden DEX), Anti-lock brake system.
  2. Kubo Jun (Hino JPX), Anti-skid brake control system including fluid pump and driver circuit therefor.
  3. Arikawa Tetsuro (Kanagawa JPX), Anti-skid control apparatus for a vehicle braking system.
  4. Matsui Kazuma (Toyohashi JPX) Hattori Yoshiyuki (Toyoake JPX) Imani Yuichi (Hamamatsu JPX) Kuno Akira (Oobu JPX) Nomura Yoshihisa (Toyota JPX), Antiskid control device.
  5. Bertling Hannes (Vaihingen DEX) Siegel Heinz (Stuttgart DEX), Automatic drive slip regulating unit.
  6. Arikawa Tetsuro (Kanagawa JPX) Samatsu Yasuo (Kanagawa JPX), Brake fluid pressure control apparatus in skid control system.
  7. Arikawa Tetsuro (Yokosuka JPX) Yamada Hideyuki (Yokosuka JPX), Brake fluid pressure control apparatus in skid control system.
  8. Solleder Friedrich (Waiblingen DEX) Krohn Hellmut (Esslingen DEX) Burckhardt Manfred (Wiblingen DEX) Brugger Franz (Winnenden DEX), Installation for charging a pressure reservoir provided as a pressure source within a propulsion control system of a mot.
  9. Schnrer Otmar (Gifhorn DEX), Pressure-operated brake system for automobiles.
  10. Krohn Hellmut (Esslingen DEX) Kruse Werner (Schorndorf DEX) Frank Jrgen (Reichenbach DEX), Thrust-control device for a motor vehicle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Takata Koji (Itami JPX) Yoshino Masato (Itami JPX), Brake fluid pressure control device.
  2. Gomi Genichi,JPX, Braking hydraulic pressure control apparatus and method of use for vehicle.
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