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[미국특허] Clip mounted electromagnetic shielding device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05K-009/00
출원번호 US-0497619 (1990-03-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stickney William H. (Cresco PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Instrument Specialties Company, Inc. (Delaware Water Gap PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 6


An electromagnetic shielding device for use along gaps between relatively movable surfaces of doors, access panels, drawers, and cabinets, etc., includes an electrically conductive shielding strip and a clamping element. The shielding device also includes a mechanism that secures the shielding strip


An electromagnetic shielding device comprising: an electrically conductive shielding strip having a plurality of longitudinally arranged segments integrally connected by a carrier strip which extends along the longitudinal length of said shielding strip; means for clamping said shielding strip in a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bienia Richard (Wenzenbach DEX) Schaller Rudolf (Alteglofsheim DEX), Contacting arrangement for shielded compartments and spaces with HF-tight shielded, movable and abutting housing compone.
  2. Nakano Okihiko (Nara JPX) Ishimura Yohzoh (Kashihara JPX), Door assembly for microwave heating apparatus.
  3. Steen Grant F. (Bryn Athyn PA) Holloway Michael (Maple Shade NJ), Double-action gasket assembly for EMI/RFI shielding.
  4. Malmquist Richard G. (Winchester MA), Electromagnetic shielding clip.
  5. Kosanda David E. (Richardson TX), Electromagnetic signal interference shielding gasket apparatus.
  6. Busby Robert B. (Pawling NY), Mesh-covered core strip for high frequency RFI/EMI radiation shielding.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ponto Robert,DEX ; Bohnenberger Willy,DEX ; Haxel Gerd,DEX, Arrangement for high-frequency opaque shielding.
  2. Lange ; Sr. William A. ; Lange ; II William A. ; Lange Louise M. ; Clements Deborah L., Circuit board component shielding enclosure and assembly having opposing covers interfitted with upper and lower portions of enclosure.
  3. Kim, Sun-Ki, Clip terminal for fixing case and shield apparatus using the same.
  4. Rust, Stephen Vincent, Constant force spring perimeter seal for an electromagnetic shielded door.
  5. Hengel, Christian; Schull, Frederic; Nurdin, Yannick, Contact device for providing an electrical contact between flat current carrying line elements.
  6. Kurita, Tomohisa; Yumi, Hideo, Contact member.
  7. Yu-Tai Liu TW; Yun-Lung Chen TW; Alvin Liu TW, Double-Layered computer enclosure.
  8. Barringer, Dennis R.; Toffler, Harold M., EMI shield system for cards and boards.
  9. Ball, Shelby; Hamand, Karl, EMI shielding/electrical grounding members.
  10. Van Haaster,Phil, EMI/RFI shielding strip.
  11. Kurrer Siegfried,DEX ; Korber Werner,DEX ; Billenstein Ernst,DEX ; Schaffer Kurt-Michael,DEX, Electromagnetically shielded housing having metal parts snap-connected via a spring contact strip.
  12. Gallarelli Pat (Chapel Hill NC) Walker Joel E. (Raleigh NC) Steinbugler Robert E. (Raleigh NC), Equipment enclosure.
  13. Ishibashi,Shin; Nagao,Hideyuki; Miyazaki,Tomiya, Fiber optic module.
  14. Ishibashi,Shin; Nagao,Hideyuki; Miyazaki,Tomiya, Fiber optic module.
  15. Dair, Edwin; Jiang, Wenbin; Wei, Cheng Ping; Sim, Yong Peng, Fiber-optic modules with housing/shielding.
  16. Dair, Edwin; Jiang, Wenbin; Wei, Cheng Ping; Sim, Yong Peng, Fiber-optic modules with shielded housing/covers having mixed finger types.
  17. Megason,George D.; Hardt,Thomas T., Flexible grounding strip.
  18. Hideo Yumi JP, Grounding terminal and mounting structure of the same on a printed circuit board.
  19. Yumi Hideo,JPX, Grounding terminal and mounting structure of the same on a printed circuit board.
  20. Yumi, Hideo, Grounding terminal and mounting structure of the same on a printed circuit board.
  21. Gunther Hans-Ulrich (Pfinztal DEX) Pfeifer Klaus (Karlsruhe DEX), HF-tight component carrier.
  22. Sosnowski,Anthony M., Lance-tab mounting method.
  23. Sosnowski,Anthony M., Lance-tab mounting method.
  24. Persson Per-Hakan ; Rydbeck Nils Rutger, Method and apparatus for the suppression of electromagnetic interference in an electronic system.
  25. Persson Per-Hakan ; Rydbeck Nils Rutger, Method for the suppression of electromagnetic interference in an electronic system.
  26. Dair, Edwin; Jiang, Wenbin; Wei, Cheng Ping; Sim, Yong Peng, Methods and apparatus for fiber-optic modules with shielded housings/covers with fingers.
  27. Poplawski Daniel S. ; Gilliland Patrick B. ; Wallenberg Alan J., Optoelectronic module with grounding means.
  28. Sarh, Branko; Oberoi, Harinder Singh; Blanch, Alfredo Jose Gerosa; Barrick, Kevin Marion; Holden, Ray Lanier, Positioning system for electromagnetic riveting.
  29. Nurmi, Reijo, Protecting device against electromagnetic radiation comprising EMI-gaskets.
  30. Nurmi, Reijo, Protecting device against interfering electromagnetic radiation comprising EMI gaskets.
  31. Nurmi, Reijo, Protecting device against interfering electromagnetic radiation comprising EMI-gaskets.
  32. Nurmi, Reijo, Protecting device against interfering electromagnetic radiation comprising EMI-gaskets.
  33. Poplawski Daniel S. ; Gilliland Patrick B. ; McGinley James W., Removable transceiver module and receptacle.
  34. Bisbikis, Steve; Koo, Steve; Collis, Todd, Resilient grounding clip in electronics chassis.
  35. Selby, Alan L, Sealing device.
  36. Bright,Edward John; Dunwoody,Steven David, Shielding element for an electrical connector module assembly.
  37. Van Haaster,Phil, Shielding strips.
  38. Van Haaster,Phil, Shielding strips.
  39. Van Haaster,Phil, Slot pattern for EMI/RFI shield.
  40. Dean, Ronald Paul, Snap-on EMI gasket clip and method of sealing a computer chassis from EMI.
  41. Poplawski Daniel S. ; McGinley James W., Transceive module with EMI shielding.

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