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[미국특허] Portable unitary aircraft air conditioner and heater 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-029/00
출원번호 US-0382995 (1989-07-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Anderson Gordon K. (Tustin CA) Woo Robert Y. (Cerritos CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • BFM Transport Dynamics Corp. (Fountain Valley CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 3


A portable self contained air conditioner which has a platform base (20) with an enclosure (22) attached on top. A recropricating engine (38) is resiliently mounted on the platform with a propeller fan (44) on the front drive and a blower (46) directly attached to the flywheel on the back. A refrige


A portable self contained aircraft air conditioner comprising: (a) a platform base having an enclosure thereon defining an air plenum, (b) a recropricating engine disposed upon the base having a front end and a flywheel rotated by a crankshaft defining a drive end with said engine supplying mechanic

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. White Jack H. (Fountain Valley CA) FitzGerald Joseph M. (Buena Park CA), Self-contained portable air-conditioning system.
  2. Howland Leland L. (Belle Plaine MN), Transport refrigeration system control.
  3. Anderson, Lowell M.; Volk, Rodney H., Transport refrigeration unit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mann, III, James W.; Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Newell, Benjamin E.; Newell, Ty A., Adjustable air conditioning control system for a universal airplane ground support equipment cart.
  2. Kim, Jae Yeon, Air conditioning system for vehicle.
  3. Urbain, Claudy Christian, Air-conditioning unit and method.
  4. Urbain, Claudy Christian, Air-conditioning unit and method.
  5. Mann, III, James W.; Montminy, Jeffrey E., Airplane ground support equipment cart having extractable modules and a generator module that is seperable from power conversion and air conditioning modules.
  6. Creamer, Michael, Centrifugal refrigerant vapour compressors.
  7. Creamer, Michael, Centrifugal refrigerant vapour compressors.
  8. Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Insixiengmay, Kyta; Mann, III, James W.; Newell, Benjamin E.; Newell, Ty A., Compact, modularized air conditioning system that can be mounted upon an airplane ground support equipment cart.
  9. Carter, Thomas P., Condenser and evaporator system for refrigeration systems.
  10. Rajasekaran, Varun Prem Sagar; Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Bivens, Steven Eugene, Condenser assemblies for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems.
  11. Rajasekaran, Varun Prem Sagar; Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Bivens, Steven Eugene, Control systems and methods for modular heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems.
  12. Widegren,Michael, Device for supplying preconditioned air to an aircraft on the ground.
  13. Bohm, II, John A., Double walled fuel tank with integral generator set mounting frame.
  14. Hashimoto, Kyoko; Amakawa, Shohei; Horibe, Masaya, Engine driven heat pump.
  15. Welle, Travis G.; Leingang, Mark R., Flameless heating system.
  16. Stolte, Ralf Henning; Baumbach, Volker; Gründel, Harald, Fuel cell and aircraft hydraulic system having a common cooling circuit.
  17. Armstrong,Jeffrey A.; Sullivan,Shaun; Roslund,Eric, Fuel-conditioning skid.
  18. Reed, Fred M.; Lee, Thomas M., Galley cooling heat sink through water system.
  19. Hutton, Neil, Ground-based aircraft air conditioner with thermal storage.
  20. Roberts, Ronald C.; Craft, Christopher H.; Nanda, Vinod; Buschur, Jeffrey J.; Leemhuis, Richard S., Heater/defroster for an automobile.
  21. Nakagawa, Shohei; Kisanuki, Yoshiyuki; Nishida, Masaki, Industrial air cleaner.
  22. Mann, III, James W.; Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Bivens, Steven E.; Leadingham, David Wayne, Maintenance and control system for ground support equipment.
  23. Earnest J. Neal, Method and apparatus for containing an ambient climate control system.
  24. Sami, Samuel M., Method and apparatus for thermal storage using heat pipes.
  25. Hansen, Richard L.; Newell, Benjamin Eric; Newell, Ty Allan; Long, Alexander Yemma, Modular heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems and methods.
  26. Montminy, Jeffrey E.; Rajasekaran, Varun Prem Sagar; Bivens, Steven Eugene; Alcantara, Lenim E., Modular heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems and methods.
  27. Gill, David A., Portable auxiliary refrigeration unit for temporary, emergency refrigeration of refrigerated trucks/trailers.
  28. Baffes Peter, Portable cooling and heating unit using reversible refrigerant circuit.
  29. Peter Baffes, Portable heating unit using a refrigerant circuit movable within a room.
  30. Wurth, James, Portable vapor cycle air conditioning unit for small aircraft.
  31. Williams,Dwight, Self-contained mobile walk-in cooler.
  32. Bunker, Thomas Allen; Albrecht, Bruce Patrick, Smart grid welding system.
  33. Vetrovec,Jan; Rice,Robert R., Systems and methods for thermal management of diode-pumped solid-state lasers.
  34. Bartley Bradley E. ; Blass James R. ; Gibson Dennis H., Vehicle hydraulic system that provides heat for passenger compartment.
  35. Bunker, Thomas A.; Albrecht, Bruce Patrick, Welding system having a power grid interface.

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