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[미국특허] Latching structure for food container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-001/22
출원번호 US-0611576 (1990-11-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Warburton Richard T. (Canandaigua NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Mobil Oil Corporation (Fairfax VA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 176  인용 특허 : 0


Latching structure for thermoformed plastic containers for food and the like wherein the lid and base of the containers are each provided with mating male and female elongated elements where the locking takes place at the end of the elongated elements rather than along the sides of these elements.


A container for food or other articles comprising: a lid having a horizontal flange extending around the periphery thereof, a base having a horizontal flange extending around the periphery thereof and adapted for engagement with the horizontal flange of said lid when said container is in closed cond

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (176) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Felder Scott J., Apparatus for manufacturing lockable thermoplastic containers.
  2. Merrell Troy James ; Hazekamp John Fredrick ; Redder Todd Allen, Article of manufacture and method for protecting information-storage devices.
  3. Merrell, Troy James; Hazekamp, John Fredrick; Redder, Todd Allen, Article of manufacture and method for protecting information-storage devices.
  4. Hayes, Thomas J.; Gomoll, James N., Base for food containers.
  5. Hayes, Thomas J.; Gomoll, James N., Base for food containers.
  6. Hayes,Thomas J.; Gomoll,James N., Base for food containers.
  7. Gaffney Robert C. ; Albright Gerald A. ; Hellenbrand Ron G. ; Mack Ross, Battery package.
  8. Robert C. Gaffney ; Gerald A. Albright ; Ron G. Hellenbrand ; Ross Mack, Battery package with battery support.
  9. Robert C. Gaffney ; Gerald A. Albright ; Ron G. Hellenbrand ; Ross Mack, Battery package with multiple support compartments.
  10. Hayes Thomas J. ; Dellinger J. Scott, Bottom for a container.
  11. Mangla Raj K. ; Dellinger J. Scott ; Erickson Mark A. ; Hayes Thomas J. ; Maslach Suzanne R. ; Spencer Mark E., Bottom for a container.
  12. Hayes Thomas J. ; Mangla Raj K. ; Sagan Michael J. A. ; Spencer Mark E., Bottom for a food container.
  13. Thomas J. Hayes, Bowl.
  14. Willis, Donald M., Bowl.
  15. Willis, Donald M., Bowl.
  16. Chatterton,Chadd R.; Brown,Scott D., Bowl and lid.
  17. Spencer,Mark E.; Chatterton,Chadd R.; Hayes,Thom; Phan,Wee Liong; Hellenbrand,Ronald G., Bowl and lid.
  18. Willis, Donald M., Bowl with a lid.
  19. Willis, Donald M., Bowl with a lid.
  20. Hayes Thomas J., Bowl with lid.
  21. Guirguis, Sameh; Ivenitsky, Victor, Child-resistant containers.
  22. Petitjean, Armando, Clam shell container.
  23. Petitjean, Armando, Clam shell container.
  24. Brilliant William L. ; McCumber Donald E., Clamshell container with tear-away lid.
  25. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Compressible packaging assembly.
  26. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Compressible packaging assembly.
  27. Abayhan Ayberk ; Gomoll James N. ; Schlaupitz Robert S. ; Hayes Thomas J., Container.
  28. Astorga, Ricardo, Container.
  29. Astorga, Ricardo, Container.
  30. Astorga, Ricardo; Clark, Jeanne, Container.
  31. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  32. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  33. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  34. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  35. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  36. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  37. Astorga, Ricardo; Day, Stephen, Container.
  38. Epstein, Paul, Container.
  39. Fife, Chadrick Paul; Maas, Gregory A., Container.
  40. Fife, Chadrick Paul; Perry, John David, Container.
  41. Fife, Chadrick Paul; Perry, John David, Container.
  42. Fife, Chadrick Paul; Perry, John David, Container.
  43. Garza, Dean, Container.
  44. Garza, Dean, Container.
  45. Garza, Dean, Container.
  46. Kidd, Allen; Zapatka, Stephen P., Container.
  47. Kidd, Allen; Zapatka, Stephen P., Container.
  48. Kidd, Allen; Zapatka, Stephen P., Container.
  49. Kidd,Allen; Zapatka,Stephen P., Container.
  50. McBroom, Jeremy; Perry, James, Container.
  51. McBroom, Jeremy; Perry, James, Container.
  52. Michalas, Mark; Maas, Gregory A.; Kubishta, Mark, Container.
  53. Perry, James P.; Compeau, David E.; Schotthoefer, Charles R.; McBroom, Jeremy J.; Gamel, Melissa J.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Barca, John G., Container.
  54. Perry, James P.; McBroom, Jeremy; Rolfs, Bryan Eliot, Container.
  55. Perry, James P.; McBroom, Jeremy; Rolfs, Bryan Eliot, Container.
  56. Perry, James P.; McCardell, Craig A.; McBroom, Jeremy J.; Compeau, David E.; Gohlke, Ashley A.; Hook, William J.; Jordan, Katherine J.; Walczak, Frank S.; Clarke, Peter B.; Clay, J. Kevin; Darr, Richard C.; Elder, Jack E.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Schotthoefer, Charles R., Container.
  57. Perry, James P.; McCardell, Craig A.; McBroom, Jeremy; Compeau, David; Gohlke, Ashley A.; Hook, William J.; Jordan, Katherine J.; Walczak, Frank S.; Clarke, Peter B.; Clay, J. Kevin; Darr, Richard C.; Elder, Jack E.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Schotthoefer, Charles R., Container.
  58. Perry, James P.; McCardell, Craig A.; McBroom, Jeremy; Compeau, David; Gohlke, Ashley A.; Hook, William J.; Jordan, Katherine J.; Walczak, Frank S.; Clarke, Peter B.; Clay, J. Kevin; Darr, Richard C.; Elder, Jack E.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Schotthoefer, Charles R., Container.
  59. Perry, James P.; McCardell, Craig A.; McBroom, Jeremy; Compeau, David; Gohlke, Ashley A.; Hook, William J.; Jordan, Katherine J.; Walczak, Frank S.; Clarke, Peter B.; Clay, J. Kevin; Darr, Richard C.; Elder, Jack E.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Schotthoefer, Charles R., Container.
  60. Snedden, Craig R.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B., Container.
  61. Snedden, Craig R.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Ramirez, Cesar E., Container.
  62. Snedden, Craig R.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Wexler, Eric; Mudahar, Gurmail, Container.
  63. Templeton,Garry, Container.
  64. Yang,Fan, Container.
  65. Rider ; Jr. Edward W. ; Allers Brian S., Container closure system.
  66. Castellanos, Carolina; Doucette, Daniel Eugene, Container for food products.
  67. Hinze, Bonita M.; Schmitt, James F.; Wiseman, David W.; Feldmeier, Daniel R., Container for sliced and fluffed food products.
  68. Allers Brian Scott ; Rider ; Jr. Edward W., Container for stabilizing a food dish.
  69. Heath,Donald P., Container for toner cartridges.
  70. Cerone,Daniel Raymond; Negus,Michael W.; Habeger,Hollis J., Container including a slider, a reclosable fastener and a track including a ramp.
  71. Luburic, Frano, Container sidewall strengthening apparatus and methods.
  72. Simmons Kenneth J. ; Rowe Donald E. ; Cummings Richard A. ; Baker Phillip S., Container with a corner latch closure.
  73. Strange, Randall Glenn, Container with hinged lid.
  74. Atkins, Todd W.; Garza, Dean A., Container with one-step closing.
  75. Nordland, Kate E.; Hanson, Scott A.; Mangla, Raj K.; Cratsley, Terry W., Containers with optional venting.
  76. Hayes Thomas J. ; Dellinger J. Scott, Cover for a container.
  77. Hayes Thomas J. ; Maslach Suzanne R. ; Gomoll James N., Cover for a container.
  78. Mangla, Raj K.; Dellinger, J. Scott; Erickson, Mark A.; Hayes, Thomas J.; Maslach, Suzanne R.; Spencer, Mark E., Cover for a container.
  79. Hayes Thomas A. ; Mangla Raj K. ; Sagan Michael J. A. ; Spencer Mark E., Cover for a food container.
  80. Maroofian, Ira; Oberloier, Tim, Display and storage container.
  81. Fritz Jill A. (Fairport NY) Hansen Darryl P. (Shortsville NY), Disposable microwavable food container.
  82. Mangla Raj K. (Pittsford NY), Dome lid for a container.
  83. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Foldable packaging member and packaging system using foldable packaging members.
  84. Hernandez, Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Food container.
  85. Hernández, José Antonio Rodriguez, Food container.
  86. Jones Lindel, Food container package.
  87. Dees,Jerome G.; Whitmore,Rebecca E.; Van Handel,Gerald J.; Littlejohn,Mark B.; Gross,Luther A.; Cruz,Mark A., Food container with interchangeable lid--base seal provided with undercut sealing profile and asymmetric interlockable stacking ridges.
  88. Dees, Jerome G.; Whitmore, Rebecca E.; Van Handel, Gerald J.; Littlejohn, Mark B., Food container with interchangeable lid?base seal design.
  89. Wyslotsky Ihor ; Tsoi Oleg, Food package.
  90. Hinze, Bonita May; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Food package having a reclose mechanism.
  91. Craig Saunders ; Edward S. Robbins, III ; Ronald White, Food storage containers.
  92. Saunders Craig ; Robbins ; III Edward S. ; White Ronald, Food storage containers.
  93. Chen,John, Fruit container.
  94. Chen,John, Fruit container.
  95. Krupa Calvin S. (Medina MN) Knoss Robert (Anoka MN), Fruit container.
  96. Hayes Thomas J. ; Erickson Mark A. ; Mangla Raj K. ; Spencer Mark ; Sagan Michael J. A., High-strength container with interior button latch.
  97. Dean Garza ; Ryan Gingras, Hinge for a reclosable clamshell container.
  98. Richie-Dubler Susan J. (Canandaigua NY), Hinge structure for thermoformed plastic containers.
  99. Maida, Jr., Samuel; Sellari, Robert, Hinge system for self-locking perimeter sealing container.
  100. Garg,Satya; Riales,Brent; Smith,David; Cimmerer,Tim; Krueger,Kevin, Hinged plastic container.
  101. Hill Walt, Label assembly for wrapping vegetables.
  102. Galland, Roderick E.; Monajjem, Hossein, Latchable container system.
  103. Galland,Roderick E.; Monajjem,Hossein, Latchable container system.
  104. Mangla Raj K., Latching mechanism for a plastic container.
  105. Orkisz Rudolf P. (Monroe CT), Latching structure for food container.
  106. Short, Philip R.; Song, Xie F., Lid and container assembly.
  107. Thomas J. Hayes, Lid for a bowl.
  108. Willis, Donald M., Lid for a bowl.
  109. Willis, Donald M., Lid for a bowl.
  110. Habeger,Hollis James; Nelson,Gregory L.; Steichen,Richard Thomas, Locking structure for hinged container.
  111. Woodnorth Brian E. ; Levin Monte L., Lunch holder for holding a food product and a beverage container.
  112. Pulkkinen, Otto; H?kkinen, Matti; S?rkk?, Jukka-Pekka, Method and system for selectively monitoring activities in a tracking environment.
  113. Hinze, Bonita M.; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Method for forming a reclose mechanism on a reclosable package.
  114. Hinze, Bonita May; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Method for forming a reclose mechanism on a reclosable package.
  115. Aylward, John Thomas, Methods for forming product package with recloseable locking mechanism.
  116. Sellari, Robert; Boback, Peter; Stein, Bruce; Landan, Daniel A.; Klimaszewski, Tadeusz J., Methods of manufacturing tamper-resistant and tamper evident containers.
  117. Sellari, Robert; Boback, Peter; Stein, Bruce; Landan, Daniel; Klimaszewski, Tadeusz, Methods of manufacturing tamper-resistant and tamper evident containers.
  118. Sambrailo, Mark, Nine container per tray packaging configuration and method for enhanced cooling of produce.
  119. Colacitti, Gregory, Oval shaped container.
  120. Epstein, Paul; Chiang, Shu-Ling, Oval shaped container with stylized lid.
  121. Colacitti, Gregory, Oval shaped vented container.
  122. Michael R. Risgaard ; Thomas Frank, Plant protector.
  123. Gubeli German F. (El Toqui 1878 Las Condas CLX), Produce container.
  124. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  125. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  126. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  127. Knutson Herb ; Gallagher Kevin J., Product holding container.
  128. Lewis, Gregg S., Reclosable wiper blade package with improved package closure arrangement.
  129. Colacitti, Gregory, Rectangular container.
  130. Buchalski, Brian; Cheng, Wai Fun (Bill); Lai, Yin Yeung (Michael), Rectangular fluted stackable container.
  131. Epstein, Paul, Rectangular shaped container assembly with stylized base.
  132. Buchalski, Brian; Cheng, Wai Fun (Bill); Lai, Yin Yeung (Michael), Rectangular stackable container.
  133. Colacitti, Gregory, Rectangular vented container.
  134. Epstein, Paul, Round shaped container assembly with stylized base.
  135. Colacitti, Gregory, Round vented container.
  136. Colacitti, Gregory, Round vented container.
  137. Nouri, Katousha Ghaemi; Maguire, Paul, Shaped elastomeric container with integrated leak resistant seal.
  138. Garg, Satya; Riales, Brent; Smith, David; Cimmerer, Tim, Single point hinge for a container.
  139. Garg, Satya; Riales, Brent; Smith, David; Cimmerer, Tim, Single point hinge for a container.
  140. Hupp,Matthew Todd, Slidably sealable container having an auxiliary track.
  141. Applebaum, Paul, Snap-lock twist-open card and blister package.
  142. Krupa Calvin S. (Medina MN) Knoss Robert (Anoka MN), Stackable berry container with hinged lid.
  143. Adams Karen, Storage tray with cover.
  144. Perry, James P.; Bennett, Mark A.; Gibler, Martin J.; Pedmo, Marc A.; Cronican, Sean P.; McBroom, Jeremy J.; Barca, John G.; Compeau, David E.; Finn, Gregory J., Strength container.
  145. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension package assembly.
  146. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension package assembly.
  147. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension packaging assembly.
  148. McDonald, John; Comerford, Myles; Comerford, Frank, Suspension packaging assembly.
  149. McDonald, John; Comerford, Myles; Comerford, Frank, Suspension packaging assembly.
  150. McDonald, John; Comerford, Myles; Comerford, Frank, Suspension packaging assembly.
  151. McDonald, John; Comerford, Myles; Comerford, Frank, Suspension packaging assembly.
  152. McDonald, John; Comerford, Myles; Comerford, Frank, Suspension packaging assembly.
  153. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  154. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  155. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  156. McDonald, John; Comerford, Frank; Comerford, Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  157. McDonald,John; Comerford,Frank; Comerford,Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  158. Bianchini, Alessandro; DiGrande, Sal, System for moving sheet material.
  159. Gingras, Ryan P.; Garza, Dean, Tamper evident container.
  160. Gingras, Ryan P.; Garza, Dean, Tamper evident container.
  161. Gingras, Ryan P.; Garza, Dean, Tamper evident container.
  162. Gingras, Ryan P.; Garza, Dean A., Tamper evident container.
  163. Gingras, Ryan P.; Garza, Dean; Monroe, Todd M.; Monahan, Craig M., Tamper evident container.
  164. Parikh, Samir R.; Chenat, Sajith, Tamper evident container with frangible hinge.
  165. Allers, Brian S., Tamper-evident container with a tabbed hinge.
  166. Sellari, Robert; Boback, Peter; Stein, Bruce K.; Landan, Daniel A.; Klimaszewski, Tadeusz J., Tamper-resistant and tamper evident containers.
  167. Voden Derick L. ; Voden Justin L., Transparent dart case having unitary construction.
  168. Faktorovich,Dmitriy; Riddell,Erin Q., Tray container with side handles and recessed lid.
  169. Enriquez, Jose, Universal food container.
  170. Moon, Jung S; Kwon, Mikale K.; Huh, Eunjung, Vacuum contain, twist and lock cap, and pump.
  171. Moon, Jung S.; Huh, Eunjung; Kwon, Mikale K., Vacuum container, twist and lock cap, bottle locker, fluid collector and auto pump.
  172. Gingras, Ryan Paul, Vented container.
  173. Mangla Raj K. ; Dellinger J. Scott ; Erickson Mark A. ; Hayes Thomas J. ; Maslach Suzanne R. ; Spencer Mark E., Vented container with handles and embossment.
  174. Raj K. Mangla ; J. Scott Dellinger ; Mark A. Erickson ; Thomas J. Hayes ; Suzanne R. Maslach ; Mark E. Spencer, Vented container with handles and embossment.
  175. Lewis, Gregg S., Wiper blade package.
  176. Lewis, Gregg S., Wiper blade package.

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