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[미국특허] Pressure cooker with sensor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23L-001/00
  • A47J-027/00
출원번호 US-0629804 (1990-12-19)
우선권정보 JP-0333336 (1989-12-22); JP-0337157 (1989-12-26); JP-0013157 (1990-01-22); JP-0118914 (1990-05-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ueda Shigeki (Yamatokoriyama JPX) Nishimoto Kaeko (Tenri JPX) Hori Ichiro (Yamatokoriyama JPX) Kurita Hitoshi (Yamatokoriyama JPX) Akiyoshi Mitsuo (Nara JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Osaka JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 0


A pressure cooker with a humidity sensor or gas sensor, wherein a micro-computer reliably detects the point at which the internal pressure of a pressure cavity reaches a prescribed value by using this sensor by detecting the point at which a pressure control valve begins to operate and begins to dis


A pressure cooker with sensors comprising: a pressure cavity which accommodates and seals up food; a pressure control valve provided in a portion of this pressure cavity; a heating chamber which accommodates the pressure cavity; a heating device combined with said heating chamber, said heating devic

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26)

  1. Ng Andrew,HKX ; Ng Wing Tong,HKX, Automatic high energy saving cooker.
  2. Ng, Andrew; Ng, Wing Tong, Automatic high energy saving cooker.
  3. Minari Katsunobu (Nagoya JPX) Ueda Kaori (Toyoake JPX), Cooking apparatus such as fryer or the like for frying food.
  4. Minari Katsunobu (Nagoya JPX) Ueda Kaori (Toyoake JPX), Cooking apparatus such as fryer or the like for frying food.
  5. Koether, Bernard G.; Motherway, William Doherty, Cool zone and control for pressure fryer.
  6. Jan Hans Benedictus NL; Jacob Hendrik Botma NL; Klaas Kooyker NL, Device for heating a liquid, and deep-frying vessel with such a device.
  7. Cartigny Michel (Mirebeau FRX) Chameroy Eric (Veronnes FRX), Device with jaws for locking/unlocking a lid on a vessel.
  8. Sa Yong-Jae,KRX, Electric rice cooker.
  9. Beugnot Bernard,FRX ; Bizard Jean-Claude,FRX ; Thevenin Jean-Marie,FRX, Heating device for foodstuffs, particularly for frying, with an outer bowl.
  10. Wu James M. (23506 Community St. West Hills CA 91304), Method and apparatus for automatic adiabatic cooking.
  11. Faraldi, Paolo; Furlanetto, Riccardo; Gattei, Lorenzo; Pellis, Michele, Method of estimating a humidity level in a steam cooking chamber of a steam cooking appliance, method or operating the steam cooking appliance and steam cooking appliance.
  12. Williams,Rafe T.; Saunders,Joseph J.; Knott,Phillip D.; Murray,Robert Van, Natural convection steam cooking device.
  13. Chan Wing Po,HKX, Pressure cooker.
  14. Lewis A. Mendelson ; Blaise M. Wooderson, Pressure cooker.
  15. Lewis A. Mendelson ; Blaise M. Wooderson, Pressure cooker.
  16. Wang, Jiwei R; Qin, Yi; Wang, Dongjun, Pressure cooker control panel.
  17. Baraille, Eric Laurent; Murat, Pascal, Pressure cooker provided with an electronic information device.
  18. Elorza Joseba Barrena,ESX, Pressure cooker with a closure locking system for the lid.
  19. Chen Chin-Tsai,TWX, Pressure vessel.
  20. Li-Chen Chang TW, Protective device for power supply of frying pan.
  21. Hasegawa, Tom Hiroshi, Safety cap for a pressure release valve of a pressure cooker and a pressure cooker using the same.
  22. Chameroy, Eric; Rhetat, Eric Christian Jacques; Baraille, Eric Laurent, Safety device for opening a pressure cooker with lug-bayonet type closure.
  23. Cheng, Tian-Jyue, Self-locking device for positioning an opened container lid.
  24. Kwon Kyung-Ahn,KRX ; Lee Yong-Ho,KRX, Steam exhaust system of an electric pressurizing rice cooker.
  25. Niese, Ursula, Steam pressure cooker.
  26. Sa Yong-Jae (Seoul KRX), Steam pressure rice cooker with an auxiliary steam pressure exhausting device.
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