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[미국특허] Clamp with teeth for grooved pipes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-017/04
출원번호 US-0542257 (1990-06-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bowsher Mark A. (Flint TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Gustin-Bacon Division, a division of Tyler Pipe (North Swan TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 108  인용 특허 : 0


Each half of a bifurcated circumferential clamp includes a pair of spaced apart internally oriented semicircular ridges for engaging grooves formed at the end of abutting pipes. Teeth extending adjacent the ridges penetrate the groove walls to physically lock the clamp with the pipes. A circular gas


A pipe clamp for drawing the ends of a pair of aligned pipes toward one another and for joining them with one another, each of the pipes including an annular groove having an annular base and opposed radially oriented side walls formed proximate the end of the pipe and extending inwardly from the su

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (108) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dole,Douglas R., Anti-mismatch of near-sized coupling segments.
  2. Dole, Douglas R., Anti-mismatch or near-sized coupling segments.
  3. Deichman, Mack, Arcuate saddle with partial ribs.
  4. Stefani, Yves; Lucotte, Roland, Butterfly valve with a rigid seal.
  5. Stefani, Yves; Lucotte, Roland, Butterfly valve with a rigid seal.
  6. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V., Combination sealing member and pipe couplings.
  7. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V., Combination sealing member and pipe couplings.
  8. Kouki Fukui JP; Hiroyuki Amatsutsu JP; Yasuhiro Kikumori JP, Corrugated pipe joint.
  9. Blease, Kevin J.; Brandt, Justin P.; Haney, Craig; Wortmann, Steve A.; Dole, Douglas R., Coupling and seal.
  10. Dole Douglas R. ; Shultz Charles W., Coupling for plain end pipe.
  11. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Coupling gasket with multiple sealing surfaces.
  12. Madara, Scott D.; Pierce, John W.; Wilk, Charles E.; Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V., Coupling having angularly oriented key surfaces.
  13. Madara, Scott D.; Pierce, John W.; Henry, Vance W.; Wilk, Charles E.; Dole, Douglas R., Coupling having angularly oriented shoulder surfaces.
  14. Schell, Ty; McCrea, Patrick M., Coupling with extending parting line.
  15. Schell, Ty; McCrea, Patrick M., Coupling with extending parting line.
  16. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Coupling with tongue and groove.
  17. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Coupling with tongue and groove.
  18. Dole, Douglas R.; Henry, Vance W., Couplings having stiffening ribs and keys with oppositely disposed camming surfaces.
  19. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Pigott, Michael S., Deformable mechanical pipe coupling.
  20. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Pigott,Michael S., Deformable mechanical pipe coupling.
  21. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Pigott,Michael S., Deformable mechanical pipe coupling.
  22. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Pigott, Michael S, Deformable mechanical pipe coupling with shoulder pipe elements.
  23. Burns Bradley A. ; Bornhorst John B., Driveshaft coupler.
  24. Radzik, Joseph G., Hinged mechanical couplings with interfitting ends.
  25. Ikeda Shintaro,JPX, Housing type pipe coupling.
  26. Ikeda Shintaro,JPX ; Sakashita Akinori,JPX, Housing type pipe coupling.
  27. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Mechanical coupling.
  28. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Mechanical coupling.
  29. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Mechanical coupling.
  30. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Mechanical coupling.
  31. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R., Mechanical pipe coupling having spacers.
  32. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R., Mechanical pipe coupling having spacers.
  33. Dole, Douglas R.; Cuvo, Anthony J., Method of joining pipes in end to end relation.
  34. Dole, Douglas R.; Cuvo, Anthony J., Method of joining pipes in end to end relation.
  35. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Pigott, Michael S., Method of securing facing end portions of pipe elements.
  36. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Pigott, Michael S., Method of securing pipe elements end to end.
  37. Porter, Michael V.; Haney, Craig; Madara, Scott D.; Dole, Douglas R.; Pierce, John W., Method of securing pipe elements in end to end relation.
  38. Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Sipos, Torrey G., Method of using a pipe coupling having movable gripping bodies.
  39. Bancroft, Philip W., Methods of using couplings with projections having angularly oriented surface portions.
  40. Calhoun, Gregory L., Pipe clamp.
  41. Bancroft, Philip W.; Huettemann, Matthew K.; Ramirez, Joseph C., Pipe coupling.
  42. Bancroft, Philip Wayne; Huettemann, Matthew K.; Ramirez, Joseph C., Pipe coupling.
  43. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling.
  44. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling.
  45. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling.
  46. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling.
  47. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Nagle, William A., Pipe coupling.
  48. Gibb, John; Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Nagle, William A., Pipe coupling.
  49. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Pipe coupling.
  50. Gibb,John; Dole,Douglas R.; Porter,Michael V.; Nagle,William A., Pipe coupling.
  51. Huettemann, Matthew K.; Ramirez, Joseph C.; Bancroft, Philip W., Pipe coupling.
  52. Madara, Scott A.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling.
  53. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling.
  54. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling.
  55. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling.
  56. Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V., Pipe coupling.
  57. Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V., Pipe coupling.
  58. Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V., Pipe coupling.
  59. Madara,Scott D.; Pierce,John W.; Dole,Douglas R.; Nagle,William A., Pipe coupling.
  60. Nagle,William A.; Madara,Scott D.; Pierce,John W.; Dole,Douglas R., Pipe coupling.
  61. Pierce,John W.; Dole,Douglas R.; Nagle,William A.; Madara,Scott D, Pipe coupling.
  62. Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R., Pipe coupling.
  63. Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R., Pipe coupling.
  64. Ramirez, Joseph C.; Bancroft, Philip W.; Huettemann, Matthew K., Pipe coupling.
  65. Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling.
  66. Stefani, Yves; Lucotte, Roland, Pipe coupling.
  67. Stefani, Yves; Lucotte, Roland, Pipe coupling.
  68. McLennan William Ross ; Brown Dennis R. ; Dole Douglas R., Pipe coupling for plain ended pipe and for plain ended pipe attached to grooved pipe.
  69. Gibb, John, Pipe coupling having compression band.
  70. Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Sipos, Torrey G., Pipe coupling having movable gripping bodies.
  71. Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Sipos, Torrey G., Pipe coupling having movable gripping bodies.
  72. Dole, Douglas R.; Porter, Michael V.; Sipos, Torrey G., Pipe coupling having movable gripping bodies.
  73. Dole, Douglas R; Porter, Michael V; Sipos, Torrey G, Pipe coupling having movable gripping bodies.
  74. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  75. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  76. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  77. Bowman, Matthew A.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  78. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling segment.
  79. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling segment.
  80. Madara, Scott D.; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling segment.
  81. Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V., Pipe coupling segment.
  82. Madara, Scott; Bowman, Matthew A., Pipe coupling segment.
  83. Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R., Pipe coupling segment.
  84. Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D.; Shah, Amit R., Pipe coupling segment.
  85. Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  86. Shah, Amit R.; Porter, Michael V.; Madara, Scott D., Pipe coupling segment.
  87. Dole, Douglas R, Pivoting pipe coupling having a movable gripping body.
  88. Dole, Douglas R., Pivoting pipe coupling having a movable gripping body.
  89. Dole, Douglas R., Roller tool for forming grooves in pipes.
  90. Dole,Douglas R., Roller tool for forming grooves in pipes.
  91. Vandal, Peter J.; Compton, Douglas C., Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  92. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  93. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  94. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  95. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  96. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  97. Vandal, Peter Joseph; Compton, Douglas, Slip on groove coupling with multiple sealing gasket.
  98. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on coupling.
  99. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on coupling.
  100. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on coupling assembly.
  101. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on coupling gasket.
  102. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on coupling segment.
  103. Beagen, Jr., Joseph William, Slip-on gasket.
  104. Valiyee, Mojtaba; Martindale, Richard A.; Dial, Gabriel M., Split heel set for a bar gun handle assembly.
  105. Valiyee, Mojtaba; Martindale, Richard A.; Dial, Gabriel M., Split heel set for a bar gun handle assembly.
  106. Valiyee, Mojtaba; Martindale, Richard A.; Dial, Gabriel M., Split heel set for a bar gun handle assembly.
  107. Lippka, Sandra M., Systems and methods for pipe couplings.
  108. Radzik, Joseph G.; Estrella, Mark J.; DeFilippo, Mark S., Two-piece flange adapter.

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