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[미국특허] Continuous drier on rotary offset printing presses and operation of such a drier during the printing and cylinder washin 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B41F-023/04
  • F23N-005/24
출원번호 US-0470139 (1990-01-25)
우선권정보 DE-3902180 (1989-01-25); DE-3939190 (1989-11-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Waizmann Franz (Gessertshausen DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Baldwin-Gegenheimer GmbH (DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


A continuous drier for drying a printed web on web-fed rotary printing presses operates during ongoing printing and blanket washing processes with control of the gaseous and vaporous constituents of the ink, solvent, and burner gases. An infrared beam path is installed in the drier to measure concen


A continuous printed web drier for use in rotary web offset printing presses comprising: (a) a housing through which a printed web passes, the housing having an intake gas flow into the housing, an exhaust gas flow out of the housing and a heater for heating the gas within the housing; (b) an ink an

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cooper Brently L. ; Patrick Jeffrey G. ; Bloyer Donald R. ; Neubauer Larry G. ; Beretta Robert K., Carriage-mounted inkjet aerosol reduction system.
  2. Rudd Paul D., Coating dryer system.
  3. Rudd Paul D., Coating dryer system.
  4. Rudd Paul D., Coating dryer system.
  5. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Color correct imaging.
  6. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Color correct imaging.
  7. Smith Douglas H. ; Mifsud Brian J. ; Burgi Dean S. ; Davis Thomas E. ; VanHuystee Steven M., Control of temperature gradients during gel electrophoresis using turbulent gas flow.
  8. Haller Ralf (Offersheim DEX), Control system for web-fed rotary printing machines.
  9. Norris John R. ; Dobie Michael J. ; Talley Linda J. ; High Jarald E. ; Dougherty Carl J. ; Cooper Neal S., Convection oven with circulated air filtration means.
  10. Dedic, Revdin; Roehl, Stefan, Device and method to fix print images with a porous burner in a drying chamber.
  11. Villarreal, Jose A., Drier for commercial printers.
  12. Villarreal, Jose A., Drier for commercial printers.
  13. Spychalla Dennis J. ; Kauth Theodore H. ; Holoubek Verne R., Heat curing system for silk screen printing press.
  14. Rogne Allan W. ; Quass Jeffrey D. ; Tesar Michael G., High speed infrared/convection dryer.
  15. Zagar, Steven J., Infrared float bar.
  16. Zagar, Steven J.; Peterson, Les, Infrared float bar.
  17. Zagar, Steven J.; Rocheleau, Michael O.; Peterson, Les, Infrared float bar.
  18. Valdez ; III Benito ; Copenhaver Paul D. ; Aylor John A. ; Secor Howard C., Infrared heating apparatus and method for a printing press.
  19. Medin Todd R. ; Becker Richard A. ; Richtsmeier Brent W. ; Meyer William D., Ink-jet printer having dual drying system.
  20. Buschmann Martin,DEX ; Hauck Sharam,DEX, Method and device for controlling and regulating a dryer located downstream of a varnishing unit in a rotary printing.
  21. Schneweis, Stefan, Method of regulating a high temperature gaseous phase process and use of said method.
  22. Hodgkinson,Elizabeth Jane, Non-dispersive ir measurement of gases using an optical filter.
  23. DeMoore, Howard W., Power saving automatic zoned dryer apparatus and method.
  24. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Print control system with predictive image.
  25. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Print imaging system.
  26. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Remote adjustment of print settings.
  27. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Remote adjustment of print settings.
  28. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Remote approval of print.
  29. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Stephen J.; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Remote approval of print.
  30. Oechsle, Markus; Wegehaupt, Frank, System for drying a web and process.
  31. Kowada, Kazuteru, Temperature control method of heat developing apparatus and heat developing apparatus.
  32. Honeck, Rick C.; Nelson, Adam; Daily, Steve; Ubert, Jon; Seymour, John C.; Sisco, Michael D., Virtual ink desk and method of using same.
  33. St Amour,Robert; Canet,Christine; Lapointe,Karine, Whole printing medium evaluation method and device.

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