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[미국특허] Catalyst for purification of exhaust gas from diesel engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-023/72
  • B01J-023/42
  • B01J-023/44
  • B01J-023/46
  • B01J-023/66
출원번호 US-0660800 (1991-02-25)
우선권정보 JP-0042481 (1990-02-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Horiuchi Makoto (Hyogo JPX) Saito Koichi (Hyogo JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nippon Shokubai Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Osaka JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


A catalyst for the purification of the exhaust gas from a diesel engine, which catalyst comprises a honeycomb carrier possessing through holes disposed parallelly to the direction of flow of the exhaust gas and a catalyst component possessing a specific surface area of not more than 200 m2/g and dep


A catalyst for the purification of the exhaust gas from a diesel engine, which catalyst comprises a honeycomb carrier possessing through holes disposed parallel to the direction of flow of the exhaust gas and a catalyst component possessing a specific surface area of not more than 200 m2/g and depos

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Matusz, Marek; Richard, Michael Alan; Hess, Martin Lysle, Catalyst composition, a process for preparing the catalyst composition and a use of the catalyst composition.
  2. Okuda Norimasa,JPX ; Horiuchi Makoto,JPX, Catalyst for decomposition of nitrogen oxides and method for purifying diesel engine exhaust gas by the use of the catalyst.
  3. Noda, Naomi; Shibagaki, Yukinari; Suzuki, Junichi, Catalyst for exhaust gas purification and exhaust gas purification system using the same.
  4. Horiuchi Makoto (Hyogo JPX) Kida Masahito (Hyogo JPX), Catalyst for purification of diesel engine exhaust gas.
  5. Cutler, Willard A.; Day, J. Paul; Lakhwani, Shahid G.; Ogunwumi, Steven B., Catalyst for purifying exhaust gases.
  6. Horiuchi, Makoto, Catalyst for purifying exhaust gases of diesel engine.
  7. Ohtsuka,Hirofumi; Tabata,Takeshi; Nakahira,Takatoshi; Masuda,Masataka; Hirano,Takenori, Catalyst for removing hydrocarbons from exhaust gas and method for purification of exhaust gas.
  8. Hwang, H. Shinn; Dettling, Joseph C.; Galligan, Michael P.; Brown, Ronald J.; Mooney, John J., Catalytic metal plate.
  9. Bergmann, Andree, Catalytically active structure.
  10. Huang,Yinyan; Dang,Zhongyuan; Bar llan,Amiram, Catalyzed diesel particulate matter filter with improved thermal stability.
  11. Yoshida Kiyohide,JPX ; Miyadera Tatsuo,JPX, Comprising supported silver sulfate or silver chloride or silver with sulfuric acid.
  12. Ribarov, Lubomir A., Enhanced device for separation of oxygen and nitrogen.
  13. Yoshida Kiyohide,JPX ; Abe Akira,JPX ; Miyadera Tatsuo,JPX ; Irite Naoko,JPX, Exhaust gas cleaner and method for removing nitrogen oxides.
  14. Ragle, Christie Susan; Silver, Ronald G.; Zemskova, Svetlana Mikhailovna; Eckstein, Colleen J., Exhaust system having a gold-platinum group metal catalyst.
  15. Oya, Tomokazu; Ohno, Kazushige, Honeycomb filter.
  16. Ohno, Kazushige; Kunieda, Masafumi; Ogyu, Kazutake, Honeycomb structure, honeycomb structure assembly, and honeycomb catalyst.
  17. Ohno, Kazushige; Ogyu, Kazutake; Kasuga, Takafumi, Honeycomb structured body.
  18. Yoshida, Yutaka, Honeycomb structured body.
  19. Jen Hung-Wen ; Gandhi Haren Sakarlal, Lean-NO.sub.x catalysts containing silver supported on alumina.
  20. Beall, Douglas M.; Lakhwani, Shahid G., Material for NOx trap support.
  21. Matusz, Marek, Process for the production of an olefin oxide, a 1,2-diol, a 1,2-diol ether, a 1,2-carbonate, or an alkanolamine.
  22. Yavuz Bulent O. ; Voss Kenneth E. ; Deeba Michel ; Adomaitis John R. ; Farrauto Robert J., Zeolite-containing oxidation catalyst and method of use.
  23. Yavuz Bulent O. ; Voss Kenneth E. ; Deeba Michel ; Adomaitis John R. ; Farrauto Robert J., Zeolite-containing oxidation catalyst and method of use.

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