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[미국특허] Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-013/00
출원번호 US-0712459 (1991-06-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Ter. Lakeview Terrace CA 92353)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 138  인용 특허 : 0


An exercise suit which has a pair of stretchable pants (20) and a pull-over top (44) with a lower body reinforcing segment (38) attached, in the middle only, to the pants and a upper body reinforcing collar (54) attached, in the middle only, to the top. A leg band (42) encircle the legs (24) and the


An exercise suit with resilient reinforcement for increasing resistance to a wearer\s muscles comprising: a) a pair of stretchable form fitting pants having an open waist and a pair of legs each containing an ankle opening therein, b) a pair of resilient lower body reinforcing segments having a fron

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (138) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hopkins, Natascha, Active wear apparel.
  2. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Aerobic exercise garment.
  3. Lyden Robert M., Anatomical and shock absorbing athletic pants.
  4. Richardson, David Alexander; Richardson, Carolyn Anne, Antigravity whole body exercise garments.
  5. Richardson, David Alexander; Richardson, Carolyn Anne, Antigravity whole body exercise garments.
  6. Lubets, Andrew; Raymond, Nicholas, Asymmetric athletic apparel and methods of use therefor.
  7. Robert M. Lyden, Athletic pants.
  8. Lyden, Robert M., Athletic pants with back pocket.
  9. Robert M. Lyden, Athletic pants with zippers.
  10. Lyden Robert M., Athletic shorts.
  11. Robert M. Lyden, Athletic shorts.
  12. Robinett, Christopher Todd; Robinett, Kim A., Athletic shorts.
  13. Takamoto, Yoshikuni; Chinen, Makoto; Tsuji, Yoshie; Hashimoto, Yuji; Omuro, Mamoru, Athletic wear.
  14. Johnston Steven E., Biographics: apparel that has moving graphics and patterns.
  15. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava Jean, Body-loading suit for therapeutic uses.
  16. Brown, Timothy W., Bodysuit.
  17. Sudo, Mai; Saka, Risa, Bottom clothes.
  18. Safran, Marc; Yamada, Tomoo, Brace for preventing symptoms of femoral acetabular impingement.
  19. Wiens, Joel J., Catcher's shirt.
  20. Horii,Katsuko; Oyama,Makoto; Murakami,Toshiko, Clothes for the upper half of body.
  21. Oyama, Makoto; Misaki, Atsuko, Crotch-posessing corrective garment.
  22. Oyama, Makoto; Kawamura, Atsuko; Nakagawa, Yoshiaki, Crotch-possessing corrective garment.
  23. Tanaka, Fumiko; Seike, Nozomu, Crotched exercise garment.
  24. Mende,Mindi, Dance tight stocking.
  25. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy conservation/expenditure garment.
  26. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy conservative/expenditure garment.
  27. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  28. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  29. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  30. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  31. Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  32. Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  33. Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  34. Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  35. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  36. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  37. Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  38. Basting, Jack, Exercise device and method of using same.
  39. DeYoung, John G., Exercise garment.
  40. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Exercise garment.
  41. Yao, Franklin, Exercise garment with ergonomic and modifiable resistance bands.
  42. Kostritzky Angela (Apartment C ; 209 Columbus Ave. New York NY 10023), Exercise garment with support bra.
  43. Karecki, Linda; Potempa, Michael M.; Potempa, Brian, Exercise kit, apparel item and method of using same.
  44. Green,Michael D., Exercise suit.
  45. Williams, Dexter; Johnson, Derrick; Moore, Gregory, Exercise suit.
  46. Allen Cheryl L., Flexible compression and stabilizing orthotics.
  47. Allen Cheryl L., Flexible compression and stabilizing orthotics.
  48. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  49. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  50. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  51. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Phillippe, Garment.
  52. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  53. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  54. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  55. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  56. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  57. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  58. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  59. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava J., Gravity-loading body suit.
  60. Cohan, Adam K., Hip apparatus.
  61. Robert M. Lyden, Men's underwear/inner liner for athletic shorts.
  62. Rumbaugh Garry, Method and device for assisting the leg muscles during cycling.
  63. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Method of manufacturing aerobic exercise garment.
  64. Lurry Clay A., Modular clothing.
  65. Brown, Timothy W., Neuromusculoskeletal knee support device.
  66. Robert M. Lyden, Non-stretch front waistband portion for wearing apparel.
  67. Morrison ; Jr. Lynn, Nylon undergarment with elastic sleeve.
  68. Stoneham, Paul David, One-piece garment.
  69. Boynton, Erin Lynn, Orthopedic support garment.
  70. Boynton, Erin Lynn, Orthopedic support garment.
  71. Ragot, Jean-Marc; Traulle, Florian, Panels of a garment.
  72. Peters, Brian Jeffery, Pants.
  73. Peters,Brian Jeffery, Pants.
  74. Peters,Brian Jeffery, Pants.
  75. Savage, Shannon, Pants.
  76. Peters, Brian Jeffery, Pants apparatus and method of use.
  77. Smith, Dianna Lynn; Utt, James David, Pants having removable inserts.
  78. Klein Jeffrey A., Post-liposuction breast compression garment and method for edema reduction.
  79. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  80. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  81. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  82. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  83. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Protective clothing for regions of lower limb.
  84. Gray James C. (2405 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville TN 37920), Resistance exercise suit with semi-rigid resistant ribs.
  85. Yelvington, Christopher Joseph, Resistance-applying garment, connector for use in garment, and method of forming garment.
  86. Dicker Timothy P., Resistive exercise pants and hand stirrups.
  87. Brown, Tiimothy W., Shirt.
  88. Béland, Jean-François; Gagnon, Marc, Shirt for a hockey player.
  89. Brown, Timothy W., Shorts.
  90. Yamaguchi Mitsukuni,JPX ; Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Shoulder and arm support garment.
  91. Mazzarolo, Giovanni, Sport garment having an improved comfortableness.
  92. Fujii,Takako, Sport pants.
  93. Fumiko Tanaka JP, Sport pants.
  94. Fumiko Tanaka JP, Sport pants.
  95. Fumiko Tanaka JP, Sport pants.
  96. Fumiko Tanaka JP, Sport pants.
  97. Fumiko Tanaka JP, Sport pants.
  98. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  99. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  100. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  101. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  102. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  103. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  104. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  105. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport pants.
  106. Ota,Yuji; Morii,Naomi, Sport pants.
  107. Ota,Yuji; Morii,Naomi, Sport pants.
  108. Ota,Yuji; Morii,Naomi, Sport pants.
  109. Ota,Yuji; Morii,Naomi, Sport pants.
  110. Ota, Yuji; Morii, Naomi, Sport tights.
  111. Ota,Yuji; Morii,Naomi, Sport tights.
  112. Hopkins, Natascha, Sports bra with integral fitted sauna suit.
  113. Waller, Tom; Johnson, Chris; Neal, Melanie; Santry, Joseph, Sports garment.
  114. Mazzarolo,Gabriele, Sports garment having slip resistant surface zones.
  115. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  116. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  117. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  118. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  119. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  120. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports pants.
  121. Brown, Timothy W., Sports shirt.
  122. Brown, Timothy W., Sports shirt.
  123. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports shorts.
  124. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports shorts.
  125. Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Sports shorts.
  126. Kostrzewski, Kris A., Stabilizing garment system.
  127. Brown, Timothy W., Tights.
  128. Nakazawa, Susumu, Tights.
  129. Takamoto, Yoshikuni; Tsuji, Yoshie; Omuro, Mamoru, Tights.
  130. Weir, Ross John; Caine, Michael Peter, Training garment.
  131. Uno, Hidekazu; Sakaguchi, Tatsuo; Kaname, Eiji; Osada, Shoji, Undershirt.
  132. Robert M. Lyden, Underwear.
  133. Sumitomo, Yoshiyuki, Underwear with seamless neck portion.
  134. Pyburne John Allan,AUX ; Prusac Milenko,AUX, Wetsuit neck.
  135. Robert M. Lyden, Women's underwear/inner liner for athletic shorts.
  136. Gilchrist Martin Bruce, Zipperless wetsuit.
  137. Machado Mark R. (Newport Beach CA) Bissell Bradford D. (San Jose CA), Zipperless wetsuit.
  138. Machado Mark R. ; Bissell Bradford D., Zipperless wetsuit.

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