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[미국특허] Protective device kit for use in pulmonary ventilation treatment by the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61M-016/00
출원번호 US-0575620 (1990-08-31)
우선권정보 DK-0004367 (1989-09-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kohnke Ole B. (Lyngby DKX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Ambu International A/S (Glostrup DKX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 103  인용 특허 : 0


A protective device kit for use in pulmonary ventilation treatment including a film mask for positioning over a patient\s mouth and nose regions and a one-way valve mounted centrally in the film mask and comprising a valve housing having a valve seat provided with inlet openings and having an intern


A protective device kit for use in pulmonary ventilation treatment of a patient, said kit comprising a face mask of a thin flexible film for positioning over a patient\s mouth and nose regions, and a one-way valve provided in a centrally located opening in the film ask and constructed so that it per

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (103)

  1. McKinney, Larry T.; Traut, James R.; Cline, John G.; Phillips, Sean Landis; Serbinski, Andrew; Koc, Mirzat; Rosen, Mark, CPR barrier device.
  2. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Gunaratnam, Michael Kassipillai; Lynch, Susan Robyn; Raje, Milind Chandrakant; Robinson, Gary Christopher; Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Scheiner, Rupert Christian, Compact oronasal patient interface.
  3. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Gunaratnam, Michael Kassipillai; Lynch, Susan Robyn; Raje, Milind Chandrakant; Robinson, Gary Christopher; Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Scheiner, Rupert Christian, Compact oronasal patient interface.
  4. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Gunaratnam, Michael Kassipillai; Lynch, Susan Robyn; Raje, Milind Chandrakant; Robinson, Gary Christopher; Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Scheiner, Rupert Christian, Compact oronasal patient interface.
  5. Davidson, Aaron; Gunaratnam, Michael; Lynch, Susan; Raje, Milind; Robinson, Gary; Lubke, Steven; Smart, Gregory; Kwok, Philip; Scheiner, Rupert, Compact oronasal patient interface.
  6. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Lynch, Susan Robyn; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John, Cushion and cushion to frame assembly mechanism for patient interface.
  7. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Lynch, Susan Robyn; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John, Cushion and cushion to frame assembly mechanism for patient interface.
  8. Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for a patient interface.
  9. Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for a patient interface.
  10. Guney, Memduh, Cushion for a respiratory mask assembly.
  11. Lithgow, Perry David; Frater, Robert Henry; Drew, Joanne Elizabeth; Guney, Memduh; Fu, Timothy Tsun-Fai; Kwok, Philip Rodney, Cushion for a respiratory mask assembly.
  12. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  13. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  14. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  15. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  16. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  17. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  18. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  19. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  20. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  21. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  22. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  23. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  24. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worboys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  25. Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth; Eves, Matthew; Worbuys, David John; Lynch, Susan Robyn, Cushion for patient interface.
  26. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Vandyke, James William; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Reid, Michael John; Nelson, Timothy Shaun, Cushion for patient interface.
  27. D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Eves, Matthew; Hitchcok, Robin Garth, Cushion to frame assembly mechanism.
  28. D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Hitchcock, Robin Garth, Cushion to frame assembly mechanism.
  29. Henry, Robert Edward; Peake, Gregory Robert, Delivery of respiratory therapy.
  30. Kwok, Philip Rodney; Veliss, Lee James; Gunning, Philip John; Henry, Robert Edward; Peake, Gregory Robert; Gregory, Bruce David; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan; Solari, Clive; Brackenreg, Scott Douglas, Delivery of respiratory therapy.
  31. Veliss, Lee James; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Gunning, Philip John; Henry, Robert Edward; Peake, Gregory Robert; Gregory, Bruce David; Solari, Clive; Brackenreg, Scott Douglas; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Delivery of respiratory therapy.
  32. Veliss, Lee James; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Gunning, Philip John; Henry, Robert Edward; Peake, Gregory Robert; Gregory, Bruce David; Solari, Clive; Brackenreg, Scott Douglas; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan; Gilliver, David, Delivery of respiratory therapy.
  33. Kwok, Philip Rodney; Veliss, Lee James; Gunning, Philip John; Henry, Robert Edward; Peake, Gregory Robert; Gregory, Bruce David; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan; Solari, Clive; Brackenreg, Scott Douglas; Gilliver, David, Delivery of respiratory therapy with foam interface.
  34. Veliss, Lee James; Brackenreg, Scott Douglas; Carroll, Fiona Catherine; Gilliver, David Mark; Gregory, Bruce David; Gudiksen, Joshua Adam; Gunning, Philip John; Henry, Robert Edward; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Peake, Gregory Robert; Rummery, Gerard Michael; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan; Solari, Clive; Wehbeh, Jamie, Delivery of respiratory therapy with nasal interface.
  35. Japuntich,Daniel A.; Grannis,Vaughn B.; Seppala,Harold J.; Ferguson,Anthony B., Fibrous filtration face mask having a new unidirectional fluid valve.
  36. Japuntich,Daniel A.; Grannis,Vaughn B.; Seppala,Harold J.; Ferguson,Anthony B., Fibrous filtration face mask having a new unidirectional fluid valve.
  37. Wells, Alicia Kristianne; Veliss, Lee James; Cariola, Melanie Lucia; Carroll, Fiona Catherine; Howard, Scott Alexander, Foam-based interfacing structure method and apparatus.
  38. Lubke, Steven John; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Vandyke, James William Charles; Skipper, Christopher Scott, Frame for patient interface.
  39. Chandran, Sanjay; Hernandez, Shara; Collazo, Louis Javier, Hybrid ventilation mask with nasal interface and method for configuring such a mask.
  40. Shigematsu Nobuo,JPX ; Ono Kenichi,JPX ; Watabe Tsutomu,JPX, Inhalation valve.
  41. Ng, Eva; Henry, Robert Edward; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Interchangeable mask assembly.
  42. Ng, Eva; Henry, Robert Edward; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Interchangeable mask assembly.
  43. Veliss, Lee James; Doherty, Renee Frances; Howard, Scott Alexander; Wells, Alicia Kristianne; Carroll, Fiona Catherine; Gilliver, David Mark; Lindsay, Brett Thomas, Interface including a foam cushioning element.
  44. D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Lockwood, David James; Valcic, Zoran; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme, Mask system.
  45. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Vandyke, James William Charles; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Reid, Michael John; Nelson, Timothy Shawn; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Mask system.
  46. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Vandyke, James William Charles; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Reid, Michael John; Nelson, Timothy Shawn; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Mask system.
  47. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Vandyke, James William Charles; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Reid, Michael John; Nelson, Timothy Shawn; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Mask system.
  48. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system.
  49. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system.
  50. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system.
  51. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system.
  52. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system.
  53. Henry, Robert Edward, Mask system with interchangeable headgear connectors.
  54. Henry, Robert Edward, Mask system with interchangeable headgear connectors.
  55. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system with snap-fit shroud.
  56. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system with snap-fit shroud.
  57. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita, Mask system with snap-fit shroud.
  58. Ng, Eva; Lockwood, David James; Wehbeh, Jamie Graeme; Valcic, Zoran; D'Souza, Errol Savio Alex; Eves, Matthew; Sari, Mahsita Darwani, Mask system with snap-fit shroud.
  59. Henry, Robert Edward, Mask with removable headgear connector.
  60. Japuntich,Daniel A.; Grannis,Vaughn B.; Seppala,Harold J.; Ferguson,Anthony B., Method of making a filtering face mask that has an exhalation valve.
  61. Westfall,Mark D., Mouth-to-mouth resuscitator device.
  62. Strickland,Roger; Lee,Jonathan, Nasal cannula.
  63. Wood,Thomas J.; Hernanadez,Shara; Sher,Bruce M., Nasal interface.
  64. Wood,Thomas J.; Hernandez,Shara; Sher,Bruce M., Nasal interface and system including ventilation insert.
  65. Wood,Thomas J.; Sher,Bruce M.; Hernandez,Shara, Nasal interface and system including ventilation insert.
  66. Thomas J. Wood, Nasal ventilation interface.
  67. Wood,Thomas J., Nasal ventilation interface.
  68. Wood,Thomas J., Nasal ventilation interface and system.
  69. Wood,Thomas J., Nasal ventilation interface and system.
  70. Deily Michael ; Crandall Norman, Neck flange for holding a tracheostomy tube in place and allowing limited movement therebetween and tracheostomy proced.
  71. Feuchtgruber Gottfried,DEX, Packaged respiratory mask.
  72. Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Smart, Gregory Scott; Lubke, Steven John, Paired set of prongs for patient interface.
  73. Guney, Memduh; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Pidcock, David Anthony; Rummery, Gerard Michael; Eves, Matthew; Edwards, Craig David; Cariola, Melanie Lucia; Dantanarayana, Muditha Pradeep; Chen, Michael; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan; Lubke, Steven John; Gregory, Bruce David; Gibson, Joel Edward; Cameron, Andrew David; Kwok, Philip Rodney, Patient interface.
  74. Lubke, Steven John; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Vandyke, James William Charles; Skipper, Christopher Scott, Patient interface.
  75. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Nelson, Timothy Shawn, Patient interface.
  76. Lubke, Steven John; Smart, Gregory Scott; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Oldenburg, Alison; Vandyke, James William; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Nelson, Timothy Shaun, Patient interface.
  77. Barlow, Adam, Patient interface systems.
  78. Barlow, Adam Francis, Patient interface systems.
  79. Kooij, Michiel; Howard, Scott Alexander; Formica, Justin John; Rummery, Gerard Michael; Flower, Renee Frances; Barlow, Adam Francis; Gibson, Joel Edward; Mazzone, Damien Julian; Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Lang, Bernd Christoph; Biener, Achim; Reid, Michael John; Heidmann, Dieter, Patient interface systems.
  80. Kooij, Michiel; Howard, Scott Alexander; Formica, Justin John; Rummery, Gerard Michael; Flower, Renee Frances; Barlow, Adam Francis; Gibson, Joel Edward; Mazzone, Damien Julian; Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Lang, Bernd Christoph; Biener, Achim; Reid, Michael John; Heidmann, Dieter, Patient interface systems.
  81. Kooij, Michiel; Howard, Scott Alexander; Formica, Justin; Rummery, Gerard Michael; Flower, Renee Frances; Barlow, Adam; Gibson, Joel Edward; Mazzone, Damien Julian; Davidson, Aaron Samuel; Lang, Bernd Christoph; Biener, Achim; Reid, Michael John, Patient interface systems.
  82. Ng, Eva; Henry, Robert Edward; Kwok, Philip Rodney; Selvarajan, Karthikeyan, Respiratory mask assembly.
  83. Smart, Gregory Scott; Oldenburg, Alison, Respiratory mask frame.
  84. Smart, Gregory Scott; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Nelson, Timothy Shawn; Oldenburg, Alison, Respiratory mask frame.
  85. Smart, Gregory Scott; Skipper, Christopher Scott; Reid, Michael John; Oldenburg, Alison; Scheiner, Rupert Christian; Lubke, Steven John; Vandyke, James William Charles; Nelson, Timothy Shawn, Respiratory mask frame.
  86. O'Day Therese J. ; Eisenberg Melvin I., Resuscitator device with self closing valve.
  87. Komesaroff David,AUX, Spacer.
  88. Xue, Thomas J.; Domroese, Michael K.; Martin, Philip G.; Blomberg, David M.; Abel, Nathan A., Unidirectional valve.
  89. Xue, Thomas J.; Domroese, Michael K.; Martin, Philip G.; Abel, Nathan A., Unidirectional valves and filtering face masks comprising unidirectional valves.
  90. Chandran, Sanjay; Hernandez, Shara; Collazo, Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  91. Chandran, Sanjay; Hernandez, Shara; Collazo, Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  92. Chandran,Sanjay; Hernandez,Shara; Collazo,Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  93. Chandran,Sanjay; Hernandez,Shara; Collazo,Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  94. Chandran,Sanjay; Hernandez,Shara; Collazo,Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  95. Hernandez, Shara, Ventilation interface.
  96. Hernandez, Shara; Collazo, Louis Javier, Ventilation interface.
  97. Wood, Thomas, Ventilation interface for sleep apnea therapy.
  98. Wood, Thomas, Ventilation interface for sleep apnea therapy.
  99. Wood,Thomas J., Ventilation interface for sleep apnea therapy.
  100. Wood,Thomas J., Ventilation interface for sleep apnea therapy.
  101. Wood,Thomas J., Ventilation interface for sleep apnea therapy.
  102. Hansen, Norman; Collazo, Louis Javier; Chandran, Sanjay, Ventilation mask.
  103. Chandran, Sanjay; Hernandez, Shara; Collazo, Louis Javier, Ventilation portion of a ventilation apparatus.

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