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Multi-purpose pool skimmer and method of making same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04H-003/16
출원번호 US-0613075 (1990-11-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wall Edward L. (Rte. 1
  • Box 49 Chickasaw County
  • Manatee MS 39751) Wall Frank L. (415 Wilkins-Wise Rd. Columbus MS 39701) Beale Paul E. (Columbus MS)
출원인 / 주소
  • Wall
  • Edward Lee (Columbus MS 04) Wall
  • Frank Lee (Columbus MS 04)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


A small net is attached to a rectangular frame that is integrally connected to an elongated handle. At the end of the handle opposite from the net frame, the handle broadens into a grip and then narrows and terminates in a small hook; the small hook is designed for removing the covers of skimmer wel


A multipurpose tool, comprising: a strainer having a first end and a second end; a handle having an attached end and a hook end, wherein said attached end is attached to said first end of said strainer; a first hook attached to said hook end of said handle; and a second hook attached to said second

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Trainor, Paul J., Apparatus for maintaining filtered swimming pools and spas.
  2. Minter, Theodore M, Bag holder with handle for collecting dog excrement.
  3. Minter, Theodore M, Bag holder with handle for collecting dog excrement.
  4. Fiore,Sharon; Fiore,Alex, Collapsible pool skimmer cover/basket retrieval device.
  5. Bair, Ronald, Floating pool skimmer.
  6. Erlich,Guy; Reed,David G.; Elmaleh,Jonathan, Hand-held pool cleaner.
  7. Gonzalez, Abigain, Pet excrement bag holder.
  8. Baker, Bruce, Pond cleaning implement.
  9. Van Der Meijden, Hendrikus Johannes; Wadman, Alexis Adrian Felipe; Ellis, Robin Owen, Pool accessories and systems.
  10. Resh, Eric, Pool cleaning apparatus and related methods.
  11. Greathead,James, Pool skimmer.
  12. Usher Michael J., Pool skimmer basket assembly and method.
  13. Usher Michael J., Pool skimmer basket assembly including a buoyant handle.
  14. Erlich, Guy, Portable electric pool cleaner.
  15. Erlich, Guy, Portable electric pool cleaner.
  16. Murphy, Michael, Skimmer basket cleaning rod.
  17. Yang,David; Yang,Wayne, Snag-free and stress-free fish catcher.
  18. Erlich, Guy; Kosmyna, James; Many, John; Elmaleh, Jonathan; Elliott, Curtis, Submersible electric-powered leaf vacuum cleaner.
  19. Eric Resh, Swimming pool cleaning tool.
  20. Resh Eric, Swimming pool cleaning tool.
  21. Robinson, Robert Neil, Swimming pool net.
  22. Blood, Jeffrey L.; Caylor, Carl, Walking/wading staff with integral fishing net.
  23. Blood, Jeffrey L.; Caylor, Carl R., Walking/wading staff with integral fishing net.
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