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[미국특허] Expandable blade root sealant 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-005/30
출원번호 US-0590979 (1990-10-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Eng Jesse (Jupiter FL) Sigworth Ronald L. (Manchester CT)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 24  인용 특허 : 0


A seal is provided for preventing passage of working medium gases between the roots of the rotor blades of a gas turbine engine and the rotor thereof. The seal comprises a compressed laminar exfoliated graphite piece placed in the cavity between the root of the rotor blade and the receiving slot in


In combination, a rotor disk having slots provided in the periphery thereof, rotor blades, said rotor blades having root portions shaped to fit the slots in the periphery of said disk, thereby creating cavities between said blade roots and said slots, and expandable sealing means adapted to fit with

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Latimer, Jeremy Peter; Bonini, Eric Richard; Duong, John, Axial compressor and method for controlling stage-to-stage leakage therein.
  2. Decardenas, Rafael A., Blade assembly in a combustion turbo-machine providing reduced concentration of mechanical stress and a seal between adjacent assemblies.
  3. Danescu, Radu Ioan; Ward, John D., Compliant seal for rotor slot.
  4. Hefner, Rebecca Evelyn; Dimascio, Paul Stephen, Components having tab members.
  5. Willett, Jr., Fred Thomas, Drum rotor dovetail component and related drum rotor system.
  6. Joseph Simonetti ; Bruce Wilson, Fan blade compliant layer and seal.
  7. Michael Kolodziej ; Bruce D. Wilson, Fan blade compliant shim.
  8. Palmer, Daniel F., Fan blade lubrication.
  9. Arness, Brian P.; Ward, John D., Gas assisted turbine seal.
  10. Arness, Brian P.; McGovern, Tara Easter; Wardell, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Labyrinth seal for turbine dovetail.
  11. Dimascio, Paul Stephen; Arnett, Michael Douglas; Hefner, Rebecca Evelyn; Higgins, Christopher D., Metallic seal assembly, turbine component, and method of regulating airflow in turbo-machinery.
  12. Ward, John D.; Kottilingam, Srikanth; Tragesser, Daniel; Rauch, Steven, Method and apparatus for creating seal slots for turbine components.
  13. Miller Mark Lloyd, Method of sealing disk slots for turbine bucket dovetails.
  14. Weisse Michael ; Daley David M. ; Smart ; Jr. Harold R., Ramped dovetail rails for rotor blade assembly.
  15. Herman, William Charles; Norton, Brian Alan; Keith, Brian David, Root notched turbine blade.
  16. Rojanskiy, Henrikh; Ophir, Avraham, Rotor for a compressor.
  17. Webb, Rene James, Seal coating between rotor blade and rotor disk slot in gas turbine engine.
  18. Arness, Brian P.; Veltre, Louis; Harter, Ariel Kelsey Coleman; Wardell, John D., Sealing mechanism with pivot plate and rope seal.
  19. Ward, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Spring seal for turbine dovetail.
  20. Dimascio, Paul Stephen; Arnett, Michael Douglas; Hefner, Rebecca Evelyn, Thermally-controlled component and thermal control process.
  21. Zagar Thomas W. ; Schiavo Anthony L., Turbine blade platform seal.
  22. Chatenet, Luc Henri; Le Quellec, John, Turbine engine impeller.
  23. Thomen, Seth J.; Chlus, Wieslaw A., Turbine under platform air seal strip.
  24. Tiemann, Peter, Turbomachine and sealing element for a rotor thereof.

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