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[미국특허] Carbon composite brake disc with positive vibration damping 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16D-065/10
출원번호 US-0655000 (1991-02-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Snyder David R. (Stow OH) McAllister Lawrence E. (Granger IN) Veen Jaring V. (South Bend IN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Allied-Signal Inc. (Morristown NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 72  인용 특허 : 0


A carbon composite aircraft brake disc (10, 50, 60, 110, 120) is manufactured to include internally an insert member (12, 14, 18, 24, 28, 32, 36, 42, 52, 115, 125) which effects positive vibration damping for the disc (10, 50, 60, 110, 120) during operation of the brake (100). The insert member (12,


A disc for a friction mechanism including a brake or clutch, the disc having parallel faces for engagement with opposing faces of associated friction mechanism members, said disc comprising a single integral disc member made of carbon composite friction material which includes an internal insert mem

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (72) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanna, Michael D.; Schroth, James G.; Dessouki, Omar S., Bi-metal disc brake rotor and method of manufacturing.
  2. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T.; Fiala, Robert, Brake disk assembly.
  3. Hanna, Michael D.; Kleber, Richard M.; Brown, Ronnie T.; Morgan, Charon L, Brake rotor with intermediate portion.
  4. Arbesman, Ray; Pham, Nghi; MacKelvie, Winston, Bulk textured material sheeting.
  5. Fryska, Slawomir T.; James, Mark C.; LaForest, Mark L.; Simpson, Allen H.; Soos, Barry P., Carbon filament ignition of combustion synthesis materials.
  6. Kleber, Richard M.; Hanna, Michael D., Cast-in-place torsion joint.
  7. Hanna, Michael D.; Sundar, Mohan; Schertzer, Andrew, Casting noise-damped, vented brake rotors with embedded inserts.
  8. Chung, Deborah Duen Ling; Muthusamy, Sivaraja, Cement-graphite composite materials for vibration damping.
  9. Hanna, Michael D.; Golden, Mark A.; Ulicny, John C., Chamber with filler material to dampen vibrating components.
  10. Monsere, Patrick J.; Riefe, Mark T.; Antanaitis, David B.; Lowe, Brent D.; Sundar, Mohan, Component with inlay for damping vibrations.
  11. Arbesman, Ray; MacKelvie, Winston, Composite disc brake backing plate.
  12. Arbesman, Ray; MacKelvie, Winston, Composite disc brake backing plate.
  13. Arbesman, Ray; MacKelvie, Winston, Composite disc brake backing plate.
  14. Arbesman, Ray; Pham, Nghi; Mackelvie, Winston, Composite disc brake backing plate.
  15. Arbesman, Ray; Pham, Nghi; Mackelvie, Winston, Composite disc brake backing plate.
  16. Kanaris, Alexander D., Conveyor drive roller.
  17. Kanaris, Alexander D., Conveyor drive roller.
  18. Kanaris, Alexander D., Conveyor drive roller.
  19. Kanaris, Alexander D., Conveyor drive roller.
  20. Hanna, Michael D.; Schroth, James G., Coulomb damped disc brake rotor and method of manufacturing.
  21. Dessouki, Omar S.; Lowe, Brent D.; Riefe, Mark T.; Doescher, Matthew T.; Sachdev, Anil K.; Verbrugge, Mark W.; Schroth, James G.; Hanna, Michael D., Coulomb friction damped disc brake rotors.
  22. Karpenko, Yuri Anatoly; Oakwood, J. Chris; Kowalow, Peter; Evans, Charles K., Damped brake components and methods of manufacturing the same.
  23. Karpenko, Yuri Anatoly; Oakwood, J. Chris; Kowalow, Peter; Evans, Charles K; Boileau, James Maurice; Dammeyer, Laura; Swisher, Steven, Damped brake components and methods of manufacturing the same.
  24. Riebe, Gary C., Damped heatsink disk brake assembly.
  25. Lowe, Brent D.; Riefe, Mark T.; Dessouki, Omar S.; Sundar, Mohan; Thompson, Kevin M., Damped part with insert.
  26. Hanna, Michael D.; Sung, Shung H., Damped product with an insert having a layer including graphite thereon and methods of making and using the same.
  27. Schroth, James G.; Hanna, Michael D.; Hammar, Richard H.; Dessouki, Omar S.; Lowe, Brent D.; Riefe, Mark T.; Sundar, Mohan, Damped products and methods of making and using the same.
  28. Plantan,Ronald S.; Garrison,Darwin A.; Shamine,Dennis R., Disc brake located outside wheel envelope.
  29. Smith, Jr., Robert P., Disk brake.
  30. Kohno Takefumi,JPX ; Hiro Masakazu,JPX ; Soda Yoshio,JPX ; Ishii Mitsuhiro,JPX, Disk brakes.
  31. Bell, David; Price, Roy G., Fibre matrix and a method of making a fibre matrix.
  32. Dessouki, Omar S.; Lowe, Brent D.; Riefe, Mark T.; Monsere, Patrick J.; Sundar, Mohan, Friction damped brake drum.
  33. Arbesman, Ray; Mackelvie, Winston, Friction fusion fastening system.
  34. Sachdev, Anil K.; Hanna, Michael D.; Kleber, Richard M., Friction welding method and products made using the same.
  35. Arbesman, Ray; MacKelvie, Winston, Hybrid laminate.
  36. Cress, James Jay, Insert and retainer for securing same to an aircraft brake disk.
  37. Golden, Mark A.; Ulicny, John C.; Hanna, Michael D., Insert with filler to dampen vibrating components.
  38. Agarwal, Parag; Sachdev, Anil K.; Sundarraj, Suresh, Insert with tabs and damped products and methods of making the same.
  39. Walker, Michael J.; Hanna, Michael D.; Schroth, James G., Inserts with holes for damped products and methods of making and using the same.
  40. Walker, Michael J.; Hanna, Michael D.; Schroth, James G., Inserts with holes for damped products and methods of making and using the same.
  41. Xia, Houchun, Lightweight brake rotor and components with composite materials.
  42. Xia, Houchun, Lightweight brake rotor and components with composite materials.
  43. Cress, James Jay; Sarver, Charles F., Load-distributing rotor insert for aircraft brakes.
  44. Hanna, Michael D.; Kleber, Richard M.; Sundar, Mohan; Zebehazy, Thomas C., Low mass multi-piece sound dampened article.
  45. Arbesman, Ray, Material with variable height barbs.
  46. Linck, John, Materials for damped heatsink disk brake assembly.
  47. Ehnert,Gerd, Method for producing ceramic brake disks, with an insert in the green body before the pyrolysis.
  48. Schroth, James G.; Hanna, Michael D.; Hammar, Richard H.; Dessouki, Omar S.; Lowe, Brent D.; Riefe, Mark T.; Short, Jeremy W.; Verbrugge, Mark W., Method of casting components with inserts for noise reduction.
  49. Hanna, Michael D.; Sundar, Mohan; Schertzer, Andrew, Method of casting damped part with insert.
  50. Jouin, Jean-Marie; Lherm, Eric; Turgis, Philippe, Method of fabricating a friction part based on C/C composite material.
  51. Aase, Jan H.; Verbrugge, Mark W.; Schroth, James G.; Sung, Shung H., Method of forming casting with frictional damping insert.
  52. Hanna, Michael D.; Sundar, Mohan; Chalasani, Rao Mallikarjuna, Method of making a brake component.
  53. Hanna, Michael D.; Sundar, Mohan; Schroth, James G.; Zebehazy, Thomas C., Method of manufacturing a damped part.
  54. Carter, Jon T.; Schroth, James G.; Hanna, Michael D., Method of manufacturing an automotive component member.
  55. Kanaris,Alexander, Motorized drum roller with stationary ends.
  56. Kendricks, Warren, Multi-disk brake assembly with travel limit pin.
  57. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T., Multi-leaved core brake disks and assemblies.
  58. G��ther,Hans Michael; Rosenl��cher,Jens; Bauer,Moritz, Nanoparticle-modified carbon-ceramic brake discs.
  59. Komorski, Ed, Pan support.
  60. Arbesman, Ray; Pham, Nghi; MacKelvie, Winston, Process for making a laminated sheet.
  61. Arbesman, Ray; Pham, Nghi; MacKelvie, Winston, Process for making a laminated sheet.
  62. Long Michael Allan ; Boehringer Wilfred Earl ; Trustee Carl Edward, Restrained aircraft brake apparatus.
  63. Hanna, Michael D.; Kleber, Richard M., Rotor assembly and method.
  64. Arbesman, Ray, System and method for additive manufacturing of a three-dimensional object.
  65. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T., System and method for brake disk assembly.
  66. Arbesman, Ray, Textured sheet metal.
  67. Arbesman, Ray, Thin layer laminate.
  68. Bok,Lowell D.; Edmisten,Frank D., Three run disk brake stack and method of assembly.
  69. Lowell D. Bok ; Eric J. Reed ; Mark W. Prenger, Three run disk brake stack and method of assembly.
  70. Fisher Ronald,GB2 ; Fennell Thomas Gerard,GB2 ; Evans Maurice James,GB2, Toughened carbon composite brake discs.
  71. Elsesser, Paul H., Using phase change materials for temperature management in clutch assemblies, torque converter clutch assemblies, and brake assemblies.
  72. Boehringer Wilfred E. ; Long Michael A., Wheel and brake assembly.

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