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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for providing demographically targeted television commercials 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A04N-007/08
  • A04H-001/02
출원번호 US-0425117 (1989-10-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wachob David E. (Elkins Park PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Instrument Corporation (Hatboro PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 816  인용 특허 : 0


Different commercial messages are broadcast to different demographically targeted audiences in a cable television system or the like. A first television channel contains television programs and periodic commercial messages. A second television channel contains alternate commercial messages. Demograp


Apparatus for use in receiving television services, comprising: means for receiving television signals including a first television channel comprising television programs with periodic commercial message breaks and a plurality of additional television channels comprising commercial messages; tuning

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (816)

  1. Davies, David B.; Russ, Samuel H.; Krantzler, Irvan J., Access of stored video from peer devices in a local network.
  2. Steven M. Hoffberg ; Linda I. Hoffberg-Borghesani, Adaptive pattern recognition based control system and method.
  3. Hoffberg,Linda Irene; Hoffberg,Steven M., Adaptive pattern recognition based controller apparatus and method and human-factored interface therefore.
  4. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Adaptive pattern recognition based controller apparatus and method and human-interface therefore.
  5. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; Wunderlich, Richard E.; Berkobin, Eric C., Advanced set top terminal with electronic mailbox for cable television delivery systems.
  6. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A., Advertisement detection.
  7. Eldering,Charles A.; Gill,Komlika K., Advertisement distribution system for distributing targeted advertisements in television systems.
  8. Flickinger, Gregory C.; Eldering, Charles A., Advertisement filtering and storage for targeted advertisement systems.
  9. Flickinger, Gregory C.; Eldering, Charles A., Advertisement filtering and storage for targeted advertisement systems.
  10. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Advertisement insertion during application launch in handheld, mobile display devices.
  11. Eldering, Charles A.; Sylla, M. Lamine, Advertisement monitoring system.
  12. Eldering, Charles A.; Sylla, M. Lamine, Advertisement monitoring system.
  13. Eldering, Charles A.; Sylla, M. Lamine, Advertisement monitoring system.
  14. Eldering Charles A., Advertisement selection system supporting discretionary target market characteristics.
  15. Eldering, Charles A., Advertisement selection system supporting discretionary target market characteristics.
  16. Eldering,Charles A., Advertisement subgroups for digital streams.
  17. Abecassis, Max, Advertisement subsidized video-on-demand system.
  18. Miller,Douglas Allyn, Advertisement swapping using an aggregator for an interactive television system.
  19. Harrison, David, Advertisement targeting through embedded scripts in supply-side and demand-side platforms.
  20. Harrison, David, Advertisement targeting through embedded scripts in supply-side and demand-side platforms.
  21. Arsenault, Robert G., Advertising spots for fast-forward play.
  22. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Alarm system controller and a method for controlling an alarm system.
  23. Navin, Ashwin; Harrison, David; Smallman, Josh, Annotation of metadata through capture infrastructure.
  24. Navin, Ashwin; Harrison, David; Smallman, Josh, Annotation of metadata through capture infrastructure.
  25. Jutzi,Curtis E.; Mangold,Richard P.; Joshi,Ajit P., Apparatus and method for enabling secure content decryption within a set-top box.
  26. Palmer, Shelton L., Apparatus and method of automatically accessing on-line services in response to broadcast of on-line addresses.
  27. Jackson Joseph N., Apparatus and method of providing a controller for selective blocking of cable television programming.
  28. Killian,Todd; Thrift,Philip, Apparatus and method to facilitate the customization of television content with supplemental data.
  29. Tidwell, Justin, Apparatus and methods for enabling media options in a content delivery network.
  30. Tidwell, Justin, Apparatus and methods for enabling media options in a content delivery network.
  31. Tidwell, Justin; Samame, Eduardo, Apparatus and methods for enabling presence-based and use-based services.
  32. Patel, Vipul; Gould, Kenneth; Chen, David, Apparatus and methods for multimedia coordination.
  33. Patel, Vipul; Gould, Kenneth; Chen, David, Apparatus and methods for multimedia coordination.
  34. Stern, Peter; Lajoie, Michael L.; Angus, Michael, Apparatus and methods for selective enforcement of secondary content viewing.
  35. Collins, Bruce; Walker, Gordon Kent; Brown, Jeffery N.; Wang, Jun; Bennett, Christopher John; Lo, Charles N.; Jin, Haipeng; Dondeti, Lakshminath Reddy; Gellens, Randall; Maggenti, Mark A., Apparatus and methods of selective collection and selective presentation of content.
  36. Healy Eileen M. ; Dunn Gregory T., Apparatus, method, and system for sizing markets.
  37. Boulet, Daniel A.; Wilson, Daniel C.; Anderson, Bruce J., Asset delivery reporting in a broadcast network.
  38. Cristofalo, Michael; Sheehan, Patrick M., Asset targeting system for limited resource environments.
  39. Cristofalo, Michael; Sheehan, Patrick M., Asset targeting system for limited resource environments.
  40. Goldhaber A. Nathaniel ; Fitts Gary, Attention brokerage.
  41. Goldhaber A. Nathaniel ; Fitts Gary, Attention brokerage.
  42. Bratton,Timothy Robert, Audio delivery and rendering method and apparatus.
  43. Hendricks,John S.; Bonner,Alfred E.; Wunderlich,Richard E.; Berkobin,Eric C., Audio program reception terminal for television delivery system.
  44. Gould, Eric Justin; Strickland, Rachel M., Audiovisual presentation with interactive seamless branching and/or telescopic advertising.
  45. DeFreese, Darryl L.; Seaman, Jeffrey M.; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Authentication of entitlement authorization in conditional access systems.
  46. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G.; Akins, III, Glendon L.; Banker, Robert O., Authorization of services in a conditional access system.
  47. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G.; Akins, III, Glendon L.; Banker, Robert O., Authorization of services in a conditional access system.
  48. Harrison, David, Automated discovery and launch of an application on a network enabled device.
  49. Harrison, David, Automated discovery and launch of an application on a network enabled device.
  50. Harrison, David A., Automatic communications between networked devices such as televisions and mobile devices.
  51. Jones, Alicia C.; Burgess, James E.; Perkins, Matthew; Jones, Sean M., Automatic deal or promotion offering based on audio cues.
  52. Jones, Alicia C.; Perkins, Matthew; Burgess, James E., Automatic display of user-specific financial information based on audio content recognition.
  53. Hendricks,John S.; Bonner,Alfred E., Bandwidth allocation for a television program delivery system.
  54. Watanabe, Setsuko; Candelore, Brant L., Bandwidth sharing.
  55. Jelinek Catherine W. ; Kruse Herman A. ; Al-Khalil Munther A. ; Thompson Leo J., Bi-directional cable television system including a UHF filter.
  56. Dillon, Douglas M.; Robins, Glenn D., Broadcast delivery of information to a personal computer for local storage and access.
  57. Chu, Lester K.; Harada, Edwin Y.; Heatherly, Douglas G., Business rating placement heuristic.
  58. Harada, Edwin Y.; Heatherly, Douglas G.; Chu, Lester K., Business rating placement heuristic.
  59. Hendricks John S. ; Bonner Alfred E. ; Berkobin Eric C., Card for a set top terminal.
  60. Gary A. Freeman ; David H. Freeman, Chip card rebate system.
  61. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Hoeben, Maarten, Class-based intelligent multiplexing over unmanaged networks.
  62. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive guide with server recording.
  63. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive guide with server recording.
  64. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive guide with server recording.
  65. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive guide with server recording.
  66. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive guide with server storage.
  67. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive television guide with server recording.
  68. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive television guide with server recording.
  69. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive television guide with server recording.
  70. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Client-server based interactive television program guide system with remote server recording.
  71. Charles A. Eldering ; M. Lamine Sylla, Client-server based subscriber characterization system.
  72. Ellis, Michael D.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Thomas, William L., Client-server electronic program guide.
  73. Gould, Eric Justin, Computer user interface with non-salience deemphasis.
  74. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G.; Akins, III, Glendon L.; Palgon, Michael S., Conditional access system.
  75. Del Sesto, Eric E.; Travaille, Timothy V.; Michel, Christopher J.; Paquette, Jana J., Configurable monitoring of program viewership and usage of interactive applications.
  76. Eldering,Charles, Consumer profiling and advertisement selection system.
  77. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael J.; Foster, IV,Frank S., Content attribute impact invalidation method.
  78. Colby, Steven M.; Colby, Tamara S., Content customization in communication systems.
  79. Akadiri, Tayo, Content distribution system and method.
  80. Slik, David, Content distribution system for generating content streams to suit different users and facilitating E-commerce transactions using broadcast content metadata.
  81. Slik,David, Content distribution system for generating content streams to suit different users and facilitating e-commerce transactions using broadcast content metadata.
  82. Anderson, Bruce J.; Boulet, Daniel A.; Wilson, Daniel C., Content selection based on signaling from customer premises equipment in a broadcast network.
  83. Khoo, Denis; Ratcliff, III, Raymond F; Benevento, II, Francis A, Content with customized advertisement.
  84. Manley, Richard J.; Fryar, Craig; Lee, Michael; Simon, Carmichael J.; Archibald, William C., Contextualized telephony message management.
  85. Issa, Alfredo C.; Evans, Gregory Morgan; Walsh, Richard J., Coordinating advertisements at multiple playback devices.
  86. Pendakur, Ramesh; Hallford, Jason C., Correcting for data losses with feedback and response.
  87. Pendakur,Ramesh; Hallford,Jason C., Correcting for data losses with feedback and response.
  88. Pendakur,Ramesh; Hallford,Jason C., Correcting for data losses with feedback and response.
  89. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Chilvers, Henry C., Cross-platform messaging.
  90. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Chilvers, Henry C., Cross-platform messaging.
  91. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Chilvers, Jr., Henry C., Cross-platform messaging.
  92. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Chilvers, Jr., Henry C., Cross-platform messaging.
  93. Bovenschulte, David; Fereira, Edgar, Cross-platform predictive popularity ratings for use in interactive television applications.
  94. Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie; Evans, Gregory M., Customized content delivery based on geographic area.
  95. Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie; Evans, Gregory M., Customized content delivery based on geographic area.
  96. Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie; Evans, Gregory M., Customized content delivery based on geographic area.
  97. Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie; Evans, Gregory M., Customized content delivery through the use of arbitrary geographic shapes.
  98. Herz,Frederick S. M., Customized electronic newspapers and advertisements.
  99. Wall, William E.; Russ, Samuel H., DVD playback over multi-room by copying to HDD.
  100. Wall, William E.; Russ, Samuel H., DVD playback over multi-room by copying to HDD.
  101. Flickinger,Gregory C.; Eldering,Charles A., Delivering targeted advertisements to the set-top-box.
  102. Bistriceanu,Virgil; Muller,Craig, Demographic information gathering and incentive award system and method.
  103. Hoffberg, Steven M., Detection and alert of automobile braking event.
  104. Graham, Paul, Determining the relevance of offers.
  105. Godwin, John P.; Arsenault, Robert G., Device and method for efficient delivery of redundant national television signals.
  106. Godwin,John P.; Arsenault,Robert G., Device and method for efficient delivery of redundant national television signals.
  107. Shintani,Peter, Device and method for receiving information and device and method for transmitting information.
  108. Bratton, Timothy Robert, Digital audio and video playback with performance complement testing.
  109. Hendricks,John S.; Bonner,Alfred E.; Lappington,John P.; Wunderlich,Richard E., Digital cable headend for cable television delivery system.
  110. Harrison, David, Discovery, access control, and communication with networked services.
  111. Roy, Scott E.; Ho, Timothy Gar Wai; Moon, Hannah Y., Dynamic comparison text functionality.
  112. Roy, Scott E.; Ho, Timothy Gar Wai; Moon, Hannah Youngsil, Dynamic comparison text functionality.
  113. Evans, Gregory M.; Walsh, Richard J., Dynamic load based ad insertion.
  114. Evans, Gregory M.; Walsh, Richard J., Dynamic load based ad insertion.
  115. Evans, Gregory M.; Walsh, Richard J., Dynamic load based ad insertion.
  116. Arsenault Robert G. ; Leminh Tam T. ; James Thomas H., Dynamic mapping of broadcast resources.
  117. Arsenault, Robert G.; Leminh, Tam T.; James, Thomas H., Dynamic mapping of broadcast resources.
  118. Arsenault,Robert G.; Leminh,Tam T.; James,Thomas H., Dynamic mapping of broadcast resources.
  119. Robert G. Arsenault ; Tam T. Leminh ; Thomas H. James, Dynamic mapping of broadcast resources.
  120. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael J.; Foster, IV,Frank S., Dynamic operator identification system and methods.
  121. Benbrahim, Hamid; Chu, Lester K.; Harada, Edwin Y.; Heatherly, Douglas G.; Mahoney, Timothy; Messina, James; Palma, James, Dynamic pay per call listings.
  122. Hendricks,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L.; McCoskey,John S., Electronic Book having electronic commerce features.
  123. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L.; McCoskey, John S., Electronic book alternative delivery systems.
  124. Hendricks, John S.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book connection to world watch live.
  125. Hendricks,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L., Electronic book electronic links.
  126. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L.; McCoskey, John S., Electronic book having electronic commerce features.
  127. Hendricks, John S., Electronic book library/bookstore system.
  128. Hendricks,John S., Electronic book secure communication with home subsystem.
  129. Hendricks John S., Electronic book selection and delivery system.
  130. Hendricks,John S., Electronic book selection and delivery system having encryption and security features.
  131. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with restricted access features.
  132. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with voice emulation features.
  133. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with voice emulation features.
  134. Gould, Eric Justin, Electronic calendar auto-summarization.
  135. Boyer, Frankin E; Demers, Timothy B; Blackwell, Bruce A, Electronic mail reminder for an internet television program guide.
  136. Orlick,Jonathan B., Electronic program guide system with advertising messages in pop-ups.
  137. Lemmons, Thomas R; Zaring, Jon C, Electronic program guide using markup language.
  138. Herrington, W. Benjamin; Ellis, Michael D., Electronic program guide with related-program search feature.
  139. Bennington,Gerald E; Backer,George; Green,Shawn; Cooper,Bill; Spell,David; Rogers,Rosetta; Davis,Bruce; Morris,Michael, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method.
  140. Knee, Robert Alan; Favia, Anthony R.; Davis, Bruce; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method with data feed access.
  141. Rowe, Lynn T.; Heinen, John A.; Ernst, Peter A.; Olson, Gary H., Encapsulated, streaming media automation and distribution system.
  142. Rowe, Lynn T.; Heinen, John A.; Ernst, Peter A.; Olson, Gary H., Encapsulated, streaming media automation and distribution system.
  143. Howard G. Pinder ; Michael S. Palgon, Encryption devices for use in a conditional access system.
  144. Devine, Christopher F.; Bonick, Richard J.; Hieatt, William R., Equipment, system and methodologies for robust coverage in a broadcast area.
  145. Devine, Christopher F.; Bonick, Richard J.; Hieatt, William R., Equipment, system and methodologies for segmentation of listening area into sub-areas enabling delivery of localized auxiliary information.
  146. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda Irene, Ergonomic man-machine interface incorporating adaptive pattern recognition based control system.
  147. Steven M. Hoffberg ; Linda I. Hoffberg-Borghesani, Ergonomic man-machine interface incorporating adaptive pattern recognition based control system.
  148. Jutzi,Curtis E., Error correction for regional and dynamic factors in communications.
  149. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael J.; Foster, IV,Frank S., Event invalidation method.
  150. Harrison, David; Smallman, Josh; Navin, Alvir; Navin, Ashwin, Exposure of public internet protocol addresses in an advertising exchange server to improve relevancy of advertisements.
  151. Harrison, David; Smallman, Josh; Navin, Alvir; Navin, Ashwin, Exposure of public internet protocol addresses in an advertising exchange server to improve relevancy of advertisements.
  152. Hieb Mario K., FM translator unobtrusive audio segment insertion system.
  153. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Fantasy sports contest highlight segments systems and methods.
  154. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Fantasy sports contest highlight segments systems and methods.
  155. Hughes, Patrick J; Barber, Dave, Fantasy sports contest highlight segments systems and methods.
  156. Robertson, Neil C.; Fernandez, Jose M., Full duplex wideband communications system for a local coaxial network.
  157. Robertson, Neil C.; Fernandez, Jose M., Full duplex wideband communications system for a local coaxial network.
  158. Cox, Earl; Sheehan, Patrick M.; Peterson, II, Alden Lloyd, Fuzzy logic based viewer identification for targeted asset delivery system.
  159. Dedrick Rick, General purpose metering mechanism for distribution of electronic information.
  160. LaCroix,John; Fagnani,Mark, Generating schedules for synchronizing bulk data transfers to end node devices in a multimedia network.
  161. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Dev, Anuj; Gorter, Onne; Hiddink, Gerrit; Hoeben, Maarten, Graphical application integration with MPEG objects.
  162. Gonsalves,Robert; Laird,Michael, Graphical user interface for color correction.
  163. Brouaux, Alexandre Marc Jacques, Graphical user interface with moveable, mergeable elements.
  164. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Blasko, John P., Grouping advertisement subavails.
  165. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Blasko, John P., Grouping advertisement subavails.
  166. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Blasko, John P., Grouping advertisement subavails.
  167. Eldering,Charles A.; Flickinger,Gregory C.; Blasko,John P., Grouping advertisement subavails.
  168. Donahue, Paul W.; Dankworth, Jeffrey A.; Hinderks, Larry W.; Fish, Laurence A.; Lerner, Ian A.; Ballister, Thomas C.; Roberts, III, Roswell R., High bandwidth broadcast system having localized multicast access to broadcast content.
  169. Donahue, Paul W.; Dankworth, Jeffrey A.; Hinderks, Larry W.; Fish, Laurence A.; Lerner, Ian A.; Ballister, Thomas C.; Roberts, III, Roswell R., High bandwidth broadcast system having localized multicast access to broadcast content.
  170. Davies, David B.; Russ, Samuel H.; Krantzler, Irvan J., Home communication systems.
  171. Yuen, Henry C.; Ward, Thomas E.; Shalkey, Eric; Shoaff, P. Christopher, Home entertainment system and method of its operation.
  172. Chu, Lester K.; Harada, Edwin Y.; Heatherly, Douglas G.; Mahoney, Timothy; Messina, James; Palma, James, Information distribution system.
  173. Chu,Lester; Harada,Edwin; Heatherly,Douglas; Mahoney,Timothy; Messina,James; Palma,James, Information distribution system.
  174. Chu, Lester; Harada, Edwin; Heatherly, Douglas; Mahoney, Timothy; Messina, James; Palma, James, Information distribution system and method that provides for enhanced display formats.
  175. Chu, Lester; Harada, Edwin; Heatherly, Douglas; Mahoney, Timothy; Messina, James; Palma, James, Information distribution system and method utilizing a position adjustment factor.
  176. Shintani, Peter, Information receiving device and its method, and information transmission device and its method.
  177. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  178. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  179. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  180. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven M., Information system.
  181. Marshall, Albert P.; Rose, Robyn J.; Chandler, Eric D.; Gregory, Kristina E.; Barron, David A.; Chu, Lester K.; Harada, Edwin Y.; Heatherly, Douglas G.; Mahoney, Timothy; Messina, James; Palma, James, Integrated pay per click and pay per call listings.
  182. Hoffberg, Steven Mark, Intelligent electronic appliance system and method.
  183. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Hoeben, Maarten; Gorter, Onne; Hiddink, Gerrit, Intelligent multiplexing using class-based, multi-dimensioned decision logic for managed networks.
  184. Jolna, Stacy; Cusick, Richard P, Interactive advertising and program promotion in an interactive television system.
  185. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Klosterman, Brian L.; Milnes, Kenneth A., Interactive computer system for providing television schedule information.
  186. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Klosterman, Brian L.; Milnes, Kenneth A., Interactive computer system for providing television schedule information.
  187. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Klosterman, Brian L.; Milnes, Kenneth A., Interactive computer system for providing television schedule information.
  188. Schein, Steven M; O'Brien, Sean A; Klosterman, Brian L; Milnes, Kenneth A, Interactive computer system for providing television schedule information.
  189. Lester, James P; Kirk, Alexander J, Interactive delivery of media using dynamic playlist generation subject to restrictive criteria.
  190. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Interactive electronic book.
  191. Gordon, Donald; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y.; Landau, Airan; Lennartsson, Andreas; Lawrence, Charlie; Brown, Greg; Ludvig, Edward, Interactive encoded content system including object models for viewing on a remote device.
  192. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Interactive guide with recording.
  193. Golden, Steven M.; Levin, Hillel; Anderson, Bradley A.; Gentry, Gary D.; Barbour, James A.; Schornberg, Albert, Interactive marketing network and process using electronic certificates.
  194. Golden, Steven M.; Levin, Hillel; Anderson, Bradley A.; Gentry, Gary D.; Barbour, James A.; Schornberg, Albert, Interactive marketing network and process using electronic certificates.
  195. Yates, Doug, Interactive media guidance application with intelligent navigation and display features.
  196. Walker, Todd A, Interactive media guidance system having multiple devices.
  197. Walker, Todd A., Interactive media guidance system having multiple devices.
  198. Russ, Samuel H.; Gaul, Michael A., Interactive program guide with selectable updating.
  199. Knee, Robert A.; Reynolds, Steven J.; Ellis, Michael D.; Hassell, Joel G., Interactive television program guide system for determining user values for demographic categories.
  200. Knee, Robert A.; Reynolds, Steven J.; Ellis, Michael D.; Hassell, Joel G., Interactive television program guide system for determining user values for demographic categories.
  201. Knee, Robert A; Reynolds, Steven J; Ellis, Michael D; Hassell, Joel G, Interactive television program guide system for determining user values for demographic categories.
  202. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household.
  203. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household.
  204. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household.
  205. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Lemmons, Thomas R., Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household.
  206. Boylan, III, Peter C.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television program guide system with local advertisements.
  207. Ellis, Michael D.; Knudson, Edward B.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with operator showcase.
  208. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  209. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  210. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  211. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  212. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  213. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  214. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  215. Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Hassell, Joel G.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Berezowski, David M.; Knee, Robert A.; McCoy, Robert H., Interactive television program guide with remote access.
  216. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  217. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  218. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  219. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  220. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  221. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  222. Ellis, Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  223. Ellis,Michael D., Interactive television systems with digital video recording and adjustable reminders.
  224. Jeffrey Bruce Lotspiech ; Robert John Tasman Morris, Intermediate system transmitting relevant selections based on permutation function applied consumer/information signature vectors for privacy.
  225. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Internet appliance system and method.
  226. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Internet appliance system and method.
  227. Boyer, Franklin E.; Demers, Timothy B.; Allison, Donald W.; Regouby, Mark A.; Williamson, Steven C.; Hensley, Joanna L.; Herrington, W. Benjamin; Reddy, Paul N., Internet television program guide system.
  228. Gordon, Donald; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y.; Landau, Airan; Lennartsson, Andreas; Cloud, Glenn M., MPEG objects and systems and methods for using MPEG objects.
  229. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael J.; Foster, IV,Frank S., Market data acquisition system.
  230. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Seaman, Jeffery M.; Defreese, Darryl L., Mechanism and apparatus for encapsulation of entitlement authorization in conditional access system.
  231. Rao, Pradhan S.; Sloo, David H., Media content search results ranked by popularity.
  232. Russ, Samuel H.; Lett, David B.; Robinson, Jonathan A.; Gaul, Michael A., Media content sharing over a home network.
  233. Hoffberg, Steven; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda, Media recording device with packet data interface.
  234. McKay, Brent Thomas, Media targeting system and method.
  235. Gould, Eric Justin; Strickland, Rachel M., Medium and method for interactive seamless branching and/or telescopic advertising.
  236. Hendricks,John S.; Bonner,Alfred E., Menu-driven television program access system and method.
  237. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for alternate content scheduling on mobile devices.
  238. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for alternate content scheduling on mobile devices.
  239. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for alternate content scheduling on mobile devices.
  240. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for alternate content scheduling on mobile devices.
  241. Merriman,Dwight A; O'Connor,Kevin, Method and apparatus for automatic placement of advertising.
  242. Feng, Xin; Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for browser based advertisement insertion.
  243. Feng, Xin; Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for browser based advertisement insertion.
  244. Hallford,Jason C.; Connelly,Jay H., Method and apparatus for combining broadcast schedules and content on a digital broadcast-enabled client platform.
  245. Urbanski, Michael William, Method and apparatus for connecting consumers with one or more product or service providers.
  246. Connelly,Jay H., Method and apparatus for continuously and opportunistically driving an optimal broadcast schedule based on most recent client demand feedback from a distributed set of broadcast clients.
  247. Shah-Nazaroff, Anthony A.; Goldschmidt Iki, Jean M.; Moore, Kenneth A.; Hackson, David N.; Smith, Eric O., Method and apparatus for customized rendering of commercials.
  248. Shah-Nazaroff, Anthony A.; Goldschmidt Iki, Jean M.; Moore, Kenneth A.; Hackson, David N.; Smith, Eric O., Method and apparatus for customized rendering of commercials.
  249. Jutzi,Curtis E., Method and apparatus for determining and displaying the service level of a digital television broadcast signal.
  250. Dedrick Rick, Method and apparatus for dynamically customizing electronic information to individual end users.
  251. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E., Method and apparatus for gathering programs watched data.
  252. Akins, III, Glendon L.; Pinder, Howard G.; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Method and apparatus for geographically limiting service in a conditional access system.
  253. Akins, III, Glendon L.; Pinder, Howard G.; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Method and apparatus for geographically limiting service in a conditional access system.
  254. Hamilton, Jeffrey S., Method and apparatus for inserting digital media advertisements into statistical multiplexed streams.
  255. Hamilton,Jeffrey S., Method and apparatus for inserting digital media advertisements into statistical multiplexed streams.
  256. Hamilton,Jeffrey S., Method and apparatus for inserting digital media advertisements into statistical multiplexed streams.
  257. Hendricks,John S.; Bonner,Alfred E.; Wunderlich,Richard E., Method and apparatus for interactive program suggestion.
  258. Rogers, James M.; Versteeg, William C., Method and apparatus for local storage and insertion of television commercials.
  259. Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for locally targeting virtual objects within a terminal.
  260. Asmussen,Michael L., Method and apparatus for locally targeting virtual objects within a terminal.
  261. Hardin, Glen, Method and apparatus for network bandwidth allocation.
  262. LaJoie, Michael L., Method and apparatus for network bandwidth conservation.
  263. Dharmaji, Srinivasa, Method and apparatus for operating a micro-splicer to insert alternate content while viewing multimedia content on a handheld device.
  264. Connelly,Jay H., Method and apparatus for periodically delivering an optimal batch broadcast schedule based on distributed client feedback.
  265. Hendricks, John S.; Boner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for placing virtual objects.
  266. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; Wunderlich, Richard E.; Berkobin, Eric C., Method and apparatus for providing broadcast data services.
  267. Sullivan, Gary E.; Smith, Kim C., Method and apparatus for providing information in video transitions.
  268. Rogers, James M.; Versteeg, William C., Method and apparatus for storage and insertion of advertisements.
  269. Rogers, James M.; Versteeg, William C., Method and apparatus for storage and insertion of advertisements.
  270. Hite Kenneth C. ; Ciciora Walter S. ; Alison Tom ; Beauregard Robert G., Method and apparatus for synchronizing commercial advertisements across multiple communication channels.
  271. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E., Method and apparatus for targeted advertising.
  272. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E., Method and apparatus for targeted advertising.
  273. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for targeting of interactive virtual objects.
  274. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for targeting of interactive virtual objects.
  275. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for targeting of interactive virtual objects.
  276. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Method and apparatus for targeting of interactive virtual objects.
  277. Hendricks,John S.; Boner,Alfred E.; McCoskey,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L., Method and apparatus for targeting virtual objects.
  278. Mankovitz, Roy J., Method and apparatus for time-shifting video and text in a text-enhanced television program.
  279. Connelly, Jay H., Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system.
  280. Connelly, Jay H., Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system.
  281. Connelly, Jay H., Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system.
  282. Kouritzin, Michael; Kim, Surrey; Hailes, Jarett; Sheehan, Patrick M.; Peterson, Alden Lloyd; Cox, Earl, Method and apparatus to perform real-time audience estimation and commercial selection suitable for targeted advertising.
  283. Traw, Brendan; Bridges, Bruce D.; Balogh, Stephen P.; Connelly, Jay H., Method and apparatus to provide a personalized channel.
  284. Gould, Eric Justin; Strickland, Rachel M., Method and storage device for expanding and contracting continuous play media seamlessly.
  285. Gould,Eric Justin; Strickland,Rachel M., Method and storage device for expanding and contracting continuous play media seamlessly.
  286. Walsh, Richard J.; Evans, Gregory M., Method and system for arranging an advertising schedule.
  287. Sharma, Rajeev; Mummareddy, Satish; Hershey, Jeff; Jung, Namsoon, Method and system for automatically measuring and forecasting the behavioral characterization of customers to help customize programming contents in a media network.
  288. Sharma, Rajeev; Mummareddy, Satish; Hershey, Jeff; Moon, Hankyu, Method and system for automatically measuring and forecasting the demographic characterization of customers to help customize programming contents in a media network.
  289. Lotspiech Jeffrey Bruce ; Morris Robert John Tasman, Method and system for client/server communications with user information revealed as a function of willingness to reveal.
  290. Yates, Doug, Method and system for commerce in media program related merchandise.
  291. Yuen, Henry C.; Mankovitz, Roy J.; Kwoh, Daniel S.; Leung, Elsie Y., Method and system for displaying advertisements between schedule listings.
  292. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  293. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  294. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  295. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  296. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith; Alba, Theresa; King, Molly K., Method and system for displaying advertising, video, and program schedule listing.
  297. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith; Alba, Theresa; King, Molly K., Method and system for displaying advertising, video, and program schedule listing.
  298. Macrae,Douglas; Yuen,Henry, Method and system for displaying targeted advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  299. Novak,Robert E.; Okamoto,James K.; Christensen,Kory D., Method and system for distributing personalized editions of media programs using bookmarks.
  300. Reisman, Richard R., Method and system for distributing updates by presenting directory of software available for user installation that is not already installed on user station.
  301. Barnett Craig W. ; Reisner Karen R. ; Braunstein Mark, Method and system for electronic distribution of product redemption coupons.
  302. Barnett, Craig W.; Reisner, Karen R.; Braunstein, Mark, Method and system for electronic distribution of product redemption coupons.
  303. Craig W. Barnett ; Karen R. Reisner ; Mark Braunstein, Method and system for electronic distribution of product redemption coupons.
  304. Brierley, Harold M.; Rothwell, John R.; Niemann, James C.; Hamlin, Frank M.; Feiwus, Bernard D., Method and system for evaluating, reporting, and improving on-line promotion effectiveness.
  305. Roberts, Gregory B., Method and system for generating certificates having unique ID data.
  306. Roberts, Greg, Method and system for generating certificates having unique Id data.
  307. Mahesh Balakrishnan ; Prerana Vaidya, Method and system for implementing interactive broadcast programs and commercials.
  308. Khoo,Denis; Ratcliff, III,Raymond F., Method and system for ordering an advertising spot over a data network.
  309. Black, Neville A., Method and system for planning and running video-on-demand advertising.
  310. Black, Neville A., Method and system for planning and running video-on-demand advertising.
  311. Venkataraman, Sashikumar; Barve, Rakesh; Garg, Pankaj; Rajanala, Pranav; Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit, Method and system for processing ambiguous, multi-term search queries.
  312. Khoo, Denis; Ratcliff, Raymond F., Method and system for providing a customized media list.
  313. Khoo,Denis; Ratcliff, III,Raymond F., Method and system for providing a customized media list.
  314. Lawlor Matthew P. ; Carmody Timothy E., Method and system for remote delivery of retail banking services.
  315. Lawlor, Matthew P.; Carmody, Timothy E., Method and system for remote delivery of retail banking services.
  316. Lawlor,Matthew P.; Carmody,Timothy E., Method and system for remote delivery of retail banking services.
  317. Reisman, Richard R., Method and system for selecting a personalized set of information channels.
  318. Flickinger, Gregory C.; Eldering, Charles A, Method and system for targeted advertisement filtering and storage.
  319. Flickinger, Gregory C.; Eldering, Charles A., Method and system for targeted advertisement filtering and storage.
  320. Wolfe Robert L. ; Pinals Jeffrey, Method and system for using a communication network to supply targeted streaming advertising in interactive media.
  321. Yates, Doug, Method and systems for checking that purchasable items are compatible with user equipment.
  322. Jutz,Curtis E., Method for delivering transport stream data.
  323. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing a list of updated content to a user station from a distribution server wherein the user station may defer installing the update.
  324. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  325. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  326. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  327. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G., Method for partially encrypting program data.
  328. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G., Method for partially encrypting program data.
  329. Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Pinder, Howard G., Method for partially encrypting program data.
  330. Bistriceanu, Virgil; Muller, Craig, Method for providing custom profile analysis in a demographic information system.
  331. Capek Peter George, Method for providing individually customized content in a network.
  332. Gould, Eric Justin, Method for video seamless contraction.
  333. Barve, Rakesh; Krishna, Ravi; Aravamudan, Murali, Method of and system for presenting enriched video viewing analytics.
  334. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  335. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  336. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  337. Merriman, Dwight Allen; O'Connor, Kevin J., Method of delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.
  338. Merriman, Dwight Allen; O'Connor, Kevin J., Method of delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.
  339. Merriman, Dwight Allen; O'Connor, Kevin Joseph, Method of delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.
  340. Merriman, Dwight Allen; O'Connor, Kevin Joseph, Method of delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.
  341. Merriman, Dwight Allen; O'Connor, Kevin Joseph, Method of delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.
  342. Lawrence Cremia, Method of gathering and utilizing demographic information from request-based media delivery system.
  343. Ullrich Kathryn E. ; Walker Stephen S. ; Calaby Lauren F. ; Seibel David E. ; Gillette Thomas F., Method of providing video programming nearly on demand.
  344. Tsuchida, Ted; Miller, Douglas A.; Novak, Robert E., Method of substituting content during program breaks.
  345. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  346. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  347. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  348. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  349. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  350. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  351. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  352. Urbanski, Michael William; Dent, Charles David, Method, system, and software for geographically focused network advertising.
  353. Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for business-based network resource allocation.
  354. Putterman, Daniel; Dietrich, Brad; Toeman, Jeremy; Freitas, Pedro; Legrand, Ludovic; McCaffrey, Shawn; Grimm, James; Jin, Lijia; Novaes, Paul, Methods and apparatus for client aggregation of television programming in a networked personal video recording system.
  355. Hasek, Charles, Methods and apparatus for content caching in a video network.
  356. Peters, Michael James; Hasek, Charles A.; Hardin, Glen, Methods and apparatus for content delivery and replacement in a network.
  357. Hasek, Charles; Markley, Jeffrey P., Methods and apparatus for device capabilities discovery and utilization within a content distribution network.
  358. Lawrence-Apfelbaum, Marc; Webb, William; Pfeffer, Howard, Methods and apparatus for enhanced advertising and promotional delivery in a network.
  359. Tidwell, Justin; Samame, Eduardo G.; Santangelo, Bryan, Methods and apparatus for evaluating an audience in a content-based network.
  360. Pinder, Howard G.; Woodward, Jr., William D.; Evans, Jonathan Bradford; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Methods and apparatus for providing a partial dual-encrypted stream in a conditional access overlay system.
  361. Pinder,Howard G.; Woodward, Jr.,William D.; Evans,Jonathan Bradford; Wasilewski,Anthony J., Methods and apparatus for providing a partial dual-encrypted stream in a conditional access overlay system.
  362. Britt, Glenn; Lajoie, Michael L., Methods and apparatus for providing virtual content over a network.
  363. Riedl, Steven; Santangelo, Bryan; Zimbelman, Gabe, Methods and apparatus for revenue-optimized delivery of content in a network.
  364. Hasek, Charles A.; Markley, Jeffrey P., Methods and apparatus for selecting digital access technology for programming and data delivery.
  365. Tidwell, Justin; Samame, Edward G.; Santangelo, Bryan, Methods and apparatus for targeted secondary content insertion.
  366. LaJoie, Michael L., Methods and apparatus for user-based targeted content delivery.
  367. Lajoie, Michael L., Methods and apparatus for user-based targeted content delivery.
  368. Mears, Paul M.; Ramaswamy, Arun, Methods and apparatus to adaptively select sensor(s) to gather audience measurement data based on a variable system factor.
  369. Mears, Paul M.; Ramaswamy, Arun, Methods and apparatus to adaptively select sensor(s) to gather audience measurement data based on a variable system factor and a quantity of data collectible by the sensors.
  370. Mowrer, Samantha M.; Poppie, Molly; Shankar, Balachander; Wong, Ieok Hou; Lee, Choongkoo; Cui, Xiaoqi; Kurzynski, David J.; Peters, Richard; Spoentgen, Remy, Methods and apparatus to assign viewers to media meter data.
  371. Wood, Benjamin; Coughlin, John Charles; Poppie, Molly; Kramer, Marie; Fuhrer, Brian; Borawski, Albert T.; Milavsky, Joseph G.; Donato, Paul; Shankar, Balachander; Kurzynski, David J., Methods and apparatus to calculate video-on-demand and dynamically inserted advertisement viewing probability.
  372. Wood, Benjamin; Coughlin, John Charles; Poppie, Molly; Kramer, Marie; Fuhrer, Brian; Borawski, Albert T.; Milavsky, Joseph G.; Donato, Paul; Shankar, Balachander; Kurzynski, David J., Methods and apparatus to calculate video-on-demand and dynamically inserted advertisement viewing probability.
  373. Wood, Benjamin; Coughlin, John Charles; Poppie, Molly; Kramer, Marie; Fuhrer, Brian; Borawski, Albert T.; Milavsky, Joseph G.; Donato, Paul; Shankar, Balachander; Kurzynski, David J., Methods and apparatus to calculate video-on-demand and dynamically inserted advertisement viewing probability.
  374. Shankar, Balachander; Poppie, Molly; Kurzynski, David J; Garcia, Jarrett; Chmura, Lukasz; You, Huaxin; Doe, Peter; Bourquin, Christine; Dolson, Timothy; Cui, Xiaoqi; Lee, Choongkoo; Spoentgen, Remy, Methods and apparatus to characterize households with media meter data.
  375. Nielsen, Christen, Methods and apparatus to communicate audience measurement information.
  376. Donato, Paul, Methods and apparatus to count audience members.
  377. Mears, Paul M.; Ramaswamy, Arun, Methods and apparatus to facilitate gathering of audience measurement data based on a fixed system factor.
  378. Besehanic, Jan, Methods and apparatus to measure exposure to streaming media.
  379. Besehanic, Jan, Methods and apparatus to measure exposure to streaming media.
  380. Sekiguchi, Junya, Methods and devices for presenting an interactive media guidance application.
  381. Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., Methods and systems for caching data using behavioral event correlations.
  382. Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., Methods and systems for caching data using behavioral event correlations.
  383. Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., Methods and systems for caching data using behavioral event correlations.
  384. Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., Methods and systems for caching data using behavioral event correlations.
  385. Wordley, Chris, Methods and systems for content navigation among programs presenting advertising content.
  386. Hays, Zachary, Methods and systems for customizing viewing environment preferences in a viewing environment control application.
  387. Corvin, Johnny B., Methods and systems for forced advertising.
  388. Nichols, Michael R., Methods and systems for performing actions based on location-based rules.
  389. Monteiro, Antonio M.; Butterworth, James F., Methods and systems for playing media.
  390. Monteiro, Antonio M; Butterworth, James F, Methods and systems for playing media.
  391. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G.; Gupta, Mayank, Methods and systems for segmenting relative user preferences into fine-grain and coarse-grain collections.
  392. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G., Methods and systems for selecting and presenting content based on a comparison of preference signatures from multiple users.
  393. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G., Methods and systems for selecting and presenting content based on dynamically identifying microgenres associated with the content.
  394. Ozer, Stuart; Hart, Michael Patrick; Cho, Wei Wei Ada; Chau, Carolyn Khanh, Methods and systems for selectively displaying advertisements.
  395. Ozer, Stuart; Hart, Michael Patrick; Cho, Wei Wei Ada; Chau, Carolyn Khanh, Methods and systems for selectively displaying advertisements.
  396. Ozer,Stuart; Hart,Michael Patrick; Cho,Wei Wei Ada; Chau,Carolyn Khanh, Methods and systems for selectively displaying advertisements.
  397. Lemmons, Thomas R.; Zaring, Jon C., Methods and systems for updating functionality of a set-top box using markup language.
  398. Reisman, Richard R., Methods for transacting electronic commerce.
  399. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit, Methods of and systems for content search based on environment sampling.
  400. Matz, William R., Methods systems, and products for providing substitute content.
  401. Ramaswamy, Arun; Conklin, Charles C.; Olmsted, Wayne A.; Johnson, Karin Anne; Martensen, Fred; Nelson, Daniel; Topchy, Alexander; Mears, Paul M., Methods, systems and apparatus for multi-purpose metering.
  402. Ramaswamy, Arun; Conklin, Charles C.; Olmsted, Wayne A.; Johnson, Karin; Martensen, Fred; Nelson, Daniel; Topchy, Alexander; Mears, Paul M., Methods, systems and apparatus for multi-purpose metering.
  403. Ramaswamy, Arun; Conklin, Charles C.; Olmsted, Wayne A.; Johnson, Karin; Martensen, Fred; Nelson, Daniel; Topchy, Alexander; Mears, Paul M., Methods, systems and apparatus for multi-purpose metering.
  404. Ramaswamy, Arun; Conklin, Charles C.; Olmsted, Wayne A.; Johnson, Karin; Martensen, Fred; Nelson, Daniel; Topchy, Alexander; Mears, Paul M., Methods, systems, and apparatus for multi-purpose metering.
  405. Matz, William R., Methods, systems, and products for blocking content.
  406. Matz, William R., Methods, systems, and products for content blocking.
  407. Hoffberg, Steven M., Mobile communication device.
  408. Hoffberg, Steven M., Mobile communication device for delivering targeted advertisements.
  409. Vancelette Paul D., Multi-channel television system with viewer-selectable video and audio.
  410. Antonio M Monteiro ; James F Butterworth, Multicasting method and apparatus.
  411. Monteiro Antonio M ; Butterworth James F, Multicasting method and apparatus.
  412. Monteiro,Antonio M; Butterworth,James F, Multicasting method and apparatus.
  413. Monteiro,Antonio M; Butterworth,James F, Multicasting method and apparatus.
  414. Goode,Christopher W. B., Multiple content supplier video asset scheduling.
  415. Knowles, James H.; Johnson, Kenneth David; Chang, Gordon, Multiple interactive electronic program guide system and methods.
  416. Knowles, James H; Johnson, Kenneth D; Chang, Gordon, Multiple interactive electronic program guide system and methods.
  417. Wall, William E.; Russ, Samuel H., Multiroom point of deployment module.
  418. Sheehan, Patrick; Cristofalo, Michael; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C., National insertion of targeted advertisement.
  419. Gonsalves, Robert; Laird, Michael D., Natural color matching in a video editing system.
  420. Hendricks John S. ; Bonner Alfred E., Network controller for cable television delivery systems.
  421. Merriman, Dwight A; O'Connor, Kevin J, Network for distribution of re-targeted advertising.
  422. Hendricks John S. ; Wunderlich Richard E., Network manager for cable television system headends.
  423. Russ, Samuel H.; Lett, David B.; Robinson, Jonathan A.; Gaul, Michael A., Networked subscriber television distribution.
  424. Russ, Samuel H.; Lett, David B.; Robinson, Jonathan A.; Gaul, Michael A., Networked subscriber television distribution.
  425. Elstermann, Erik John, Non real-time delivery of MPEG-2 programs via an MPEG-2 transport stream.
  426. Hendricks John S. (Potomac MD) Bonner Alfred E. (Bethesda MD), Operations center for a television program packaging and delivery system.
  427. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E., Operations center for a television program packaging and delivery system.
  428. Hendricks John S. (Potomac MD) Wunderlich Richard E. (Alpharetta GA), Operations center with video storage for a television program packaging and delivery system.
  429. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Gorter, Onne; Dev, Anuj; Hiddink, Gerritt, Overlay rendering of user interface onto source video.
  430. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Gorter, Onne; Dev, Anuj; Hiddink, Gerritt, Overlay rendering of user interface onto source video.
  431. Large James (Wexford PA) Newcomer Joseph M. (Pittsburgh PA) Thibadeau Robert (Pittsburgh PA), Packet filter engine.
  432. Pinder,Howard; Evans,Jonathan Bradford; Wasilewski,Anthony J.; Woodward, Jr.,William D., Partial dual encrypted stream utilizing program map tables.
  433. Pinder, Howard G.; Evans, Jonathan Bradford; Wasilewski, Anthony J.; Woodward, Jr., William D., Partial dual-encryption using program map tables.
  434. Daniels,John J., Pausing television programming in response to selection of hypertext link.
  435. LaJoie, Michael L.; Hayashi, Michael, Personal content server apparatus and methods.
  436. Cho Nack Y. ; Magilton ; Jr. Jerry E., Point of purchase video distribution system.
  437. Bryant Stewart Frederick (Surrey GB2) Haque Shaheedur Reza (London GB2), Precision broadcast of composite programs including secondary program content such as advertisements.
  438. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael; Foster, IV,Frank S., Privacy compliant multiple dataset correlation and content delivery system and methods.
  439. Conkwright,G. Colby; Vinson,Michael; Foster, IV,Frank S., Privacy compliant multiple dataset correlation system.
  440. Johnson, Jayne F.; DesJardins, G. Thomas, Process for providing targeted user content blended with a media stream.
  441. Johnson, Jayne F.; DesJardins, G. Thomas, Process for providing targeted user content blended with a media stream.
  442. Johnson, Jayne F.; DesJardins, G. Thomas, Process for providing targeted user content blended with a media stream.
  443. Johnson, Jayne F.; Desjardins, G. Thomas, Process for providing targeted user content blended with a media stream.
  444. Golden,Steven M.; Levin,Hillel; Gentry,Gary D.; Barbour,James A.; Schornberg,Albert; Anderson,Bradley A., Process for the distribution and redemption of coupons.
  445. Knudson, Edward; Hassell, Joel; Marshall, Connie; Lemmons, Thomas; Reynolds, Steven; Knee, Robert; Carpenter, Jr., Kenneth; Thomas, William; Herrington, W. Benjamin; Williamson, Steven; Ellis, Michael; Allison, Donald, Program guide system with flip and browse advertisements.
  446. Ellis, Michael D.; Knudson, Edward B.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Hassell, Joel G.; Knee, Robert A.; Easterbrook, Kevin B., Program guide system with preference profiles.
  447. Wolfe Robert L. ; Pinals Jeffrey, Programmed music on demand from the internet.
  448. Wolfe Robert L. ; Pinals Jeffrey, Programmed music on demand from the internet.
  449. Kanojia,Chaitanya; Swartz,Terri; Wetzel,Darren; Fagnani,Mark, Promotion server using video on demand channel.
  450. Lumley, Daniel I.; McCoy, Robert H., Promotional material distribution system with automatic updating of promotional material selection algorithms.
  451. McCoy, Robert H.; Lumley, Daniel I.; Drummond, Bryan Mitchell; DeWeese, Toby, Promotional philosophy for a video-on-demand-related interactive display within an interactive television application.
  452. Evans, Gregory M.; Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie, Protected distribution and location based aggregation service.
  453. Evans, Gregory M.; Svendsen, Hugh; Marsh, Olivia Marie, Protected distribution and location based aggregation service.
  454. Reisman, Richard R., Providing and receiving content over a wireless communication system.
  455. Herz, Frederick S. M., Providing customized electronic information.
  456. Reisman, Richard R., Providing services from a remote computer system to a user station over a communications network.
  457. Reisman, Richard R., Providing services from a remote computer system to a user station over a communications network.
  458. Dahlby, Joshua; Marsavin, Andrey; Lawrence, Charles; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y., Providing television broadcasts over a managed network and interactive content over an unmanaged network to a client device.
  459. Claussen, Paul J.; Nair, Ajith N.; Russ, Samuel H., Proximity detection using wireless connectivity in a communications system.
  460. Conrad, Clay; Delpuch, Alain; Zdepski, Joel; Dureau, Vincent; Szymanski, Steven, Push advertising model using multiple digital streams.
  461. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Schlack, John A.; Blasko, John P., Queue based advertisement scheduling and sales.
  462. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Schlack, John A.; Blasko, John P., Queue based advertisement scheduling and sales.
  463. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Schlack, John A.; Blasko, John P., Queue based advertisement scheduling and sales.
  464. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Schlack, John A.; Blasko, John P., Queue based advertisement scheduling and sales.
  465. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Schlack, John A.; Blasko, John P., Queue based advertisement scheduling and sales.
  466. Eldering, Charles A., Queue-based head-end advertisement scheduling method and apparatus.
  467. Eldering, Charles A., Queue-based head-end advertisement scheduling method and apparatus.
  468. Eldering, Charles A., Queue-based head-end advertisement scheduling method and apparatus.
  469. Eldering,Charles A., Queue-based head-end advertisement scheduling method and apparatus.
  470. Evans, Gregory M.; Roberts, Thomas A.; Evans, James, RDMA based real-time video client playback architecture.
  471. Evans, Gregory M.; Roberts, Thomas A.; Evans, James, RDMA based real-time video client playback architecture.
  472. Evans, Gregory M.; Roberts, Thomas A.; Evans, James, RDMA to streaming protocol driver.
  473. Evans, Gregory M.; Roberts, Thomas A.; Evans, James, RDMA to streaming protocol driver.
  474. Guo, Terry Qing; Neufeld, Nadav M.; Lau, Edwin K.; Wu, Haoyun, Reducing unicast session duration with restart TV.
  475. Brockmann, Ronald A.; Dev, Anuj; Hiddink, Gerrit; Dahlby, Joshua; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y., Reduction of latency in video distribution networks using adaptive bit rates.
  476. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  477. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  478. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  479. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  480. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  481. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  482. Harrison, David, Relevancy improvement through targeting of information based on data gathered from a networked device associated with a security sandbox of a client device.
  483. Wagner, Mark; Roy, Paul J.; DeYonker, Aaron, Remote task scheduling for a set top box.
  484. Harrison, David; Jantz-Sell, Chris, Remotely control devices over a network without authentication or registration.
  485. Daniels, John J, Remotely controlling a video recorder.
  486. Wilson, Daniel C.; Boulet, Daniel A.; Anderson, Bruce J., Reporting of user equipment selected content delivery.
  487. Akins ; III Glendon L. ; Banker Robert O. ; Palgon Michael S. ; Pinder Howard G. ; Wasilewski Anthony J., Representing entitlements to service in a conditional access system.
  488. Akins, III, Glendon L.; Banker, Robert O.; Palgon, Michael S.; Pinder, Howard G.; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Representing entitlements to service in a conditional access system.
  489. John S. Hendricks ; Alfred E. Bonner ; Richard E. Wunderlich, Reprogrammable terminal for suggesting programs offered on a television program delivery system.
  490. Downey, David; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C., Request for information related to broadcast network content.
  491. Downey, David; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C., Request for information related to broadcast network content.
  492. Hendricks, John S., Resizing document pages to fit available hardware screens.
  493. Putterman, Daniel; Dietrich, Brad; Toeman, Jeremy; Freitas, Pedro; Legrand, Ludovic; McCaffrey, Shawn; Grimm, James; Jin, Lijia; Novaes, Paul, Resource management for a networked personal video recording system.
  494. Sincaglia, Nicolas W.; Lester, James P.; Rebaud, Sylvain P., Scheduled retrieval, storage and access of media data.
  495. Flickinger, Gregory, Scheduling and presenting IPG ads in conjunction with programming ads in a television environment.
  496. Flickinger, Gregory, Scheduling and presenting IPG ads in conjunction with programming ads in a television environment.
  497. Flickinger, Gregory, Scheduling and presenting IPG ads in conjunction with programming ads in a television environment.
  498. Flickinger, Gregory, Scheduling and presenting IPG ads in conjunction with programming ads in a television environment of application.
  499. Yuen, Henry C., Search engine for video and graphics.
  500. Christie, William; Beliveau, Jeffery; Lellouche, Henri, Secure coupon distribution.
  501. Herz, Frederick S. M.; Labys, Walter Paul; Parkes, David C.; Kannan, Sampath; Eisner, Jason M., Secure data interchange.
  502. Smith Elizabeth A. ; Johnson Lee R. ; Myers Howard L., Selective messaging via on-screen display.
  503. Roy J. Rosser, Set top device for targeted electronic insertion of indicia into video.
  504. Hendricks, John S., Set top terminal for generating an interactive electronic program guide for use with television delivery system.
  505. Hendricks, John S., Set top terminal for organizing program options available in television delivery system.
  506. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; Berkobin, Eric C., Set top terminal for television delivery system.
  507. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and method.
  508. Harvey John Christopher ; Cuddihy James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  509. Harvey, John C.; Cuddihy, James W., Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  510. Harvey, John C.; Cuddihy, James W., Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  511. Harvey, John Christopher; Ciddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  512. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  513. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  514. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  515. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  516. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  517. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  518. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  519. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  520. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  521. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  522. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  523. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  524. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  525. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  526. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  527. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  528. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  529. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  530. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  531. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  532. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  533. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  534. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  535. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  536. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  537. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  538. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  539. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  540. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  541. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  542. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  543. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  544. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  545. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  546. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  547. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  548. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  549. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  550. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  551. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  552. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  553. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  554. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  555. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  556. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  557. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  558. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  559. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  560. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  561. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  562. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  563. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  564. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  565. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  566. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  567. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  568. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  569. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  570. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  571. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  572. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  573. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  574. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  575. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  576. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  577. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  578. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  579. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  580. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  581. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  582. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  583. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  584. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  585. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  586. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  587. Harvey, John Christopher; Cuddihy, James William, Signal processing apparatus and methods.
  588. Connelly,Jay H., Signaling method and apparatus to provide content on demand in a broadcast system.
  589. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method for monitoring a data stream and for capturing desired data within the data stream.
  590. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of on-line content from one of a plurality of network content service providers in a single action.
  591. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of network communications service providers.
  592. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  593. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  594. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  595. Reisman, Richard R., Software distribution over a network.
  596. Akins, III, Glendon L.; Banker, Robert O.; Palgon, Michael S.; Pinder, Howard G.; Wasilewski, Anthony J., Source authentication of download information in a conditional access system.
  597. Gonsalves, Robert; Laird, Michael D., Source color modification on a digital nonlinear editing system.
  598. Regis, Natalie; Tom, Mark; Marsavin, Andrey; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y., Streaming digital video between video devices using a cable television system.
  599. Eldering,Charles A.; Sylla,M. Lamine, Subscriber characterization system.
  600. Eldering,Charles A.; Sylla,M. Lamine; Blasko,John P., Subscriber characterization system with filters.
  601. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C., Subscriber identification based on electronic program guide data.
  602. Eldering, Charles A.; Sylla, M. Lamine, Subscriber identification system.
  603. Silver, Edward Michael; Roberts, Linda Ann, Suggestive content based on habit.
  604. Issa, Alfredo C.; Evans, Gregory M.; Amidon, Christopher M., Synchronizing multiple playback device timing utilizing DRM encoding.
  605. Issa, Alfredo C.; Evans, Gregory M.; Amidon, Christopher M., Synchronizing multiple playback device timing utilizing DRM encoding.
  606. Issa, Alfredo C.; Evans, Gregory M.; Amidon, Christopher M., Synchronizing multiple playback device timing utilizing DRM encoding.
  607. Tsuchida, Ted; Miller, Douglas A.; Novak, Robert E., System and apparatus for displaying substitute content.
  608. Blasko, John P.; Eldering, Charles A., System and method for automatically managing avail inventory data and avail pricing.
  609. Schlack, John A., System and method for delivering statistically scheduled advertisements.
  610. Schlack, John A., System and method for delivering statistically scheduled advertisements.
  611. Schlack,John A., System and method for delivering statistically scheduled advertisements.
  612. Hite Kenneth C. ; Ciciora Walter S. ; Alison Tom ; Beauregard Robert G., System and method for delivering targeted advertisements to consumers.
  613. Hite Kenneth C. ; Ciciora Walter S. ; Alison Tom ; Beauregard Robert G., System and method for delivering targeted advertisements to consumers using direct commands.
  614. Schlack,John A., System and method for delivering targeted advertisements using multiple presentation streams.
  615. Niemeijer, Gerrit, System and method for digital program insertion in cable systems.
  616. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for displaying advertisements responsive to EPG information.
  617. McCoy, Robert H.; Andes, Edward R.; Berezowski, David M.; Blackwell, Bruce A.; Boyer, Franklin E.; Braunsma, Jon R.; Buckley, James T.; Cockrell, Eric; Demers, Timothy B.; Ford, Harlan; Kern, Donald , System and method for distributing and broadcasting multimedia.
  618. McCoy, Robert H.; Andes, Edward R.; Berezowski, David M.; Blackwell, Bruce A.; Boyer, Franklin E.; Braunsma, Jon R.; Buckley, James T.; Cockrell, Eric; Demers, Timothy B.; Ford, Harlan; Kern, Donald C.; Klich, Pamela S.; Kroh, Terry J.; Lievsay, Randall C.; Naufel, Douglas E.; Reiser, Steven P.; Roper, Alan K.; Russell, Ronald R.; Wallis, Robert A., System and method for distributing and broadcasting multimedia.
  619. McCoy, Robert H.; Andes, Edward R.; Berezowski, David M.; Blackwell, Bruce A.; Boyer, Franklin E.; Braunsma, Jon R.; Buckley, James T.; Cockrell, Eric; Demers, Timothy B.; Ford, Harlan; Kern, Donald C.; Klich, Pamela S.; Kroh, Terry J.; Lievsay, Randall C.; Naufel, Douglas E.; Reiser, Steven P.; Roper, Alan K.; Russell, Ronald R.; Wallis, Robert A., System and method for distributing and broadcasting multimedia.
  620. Watson,Scott, System and method for enhanced broadcasting and interactive.
  621. Watson, Scott, System and method for enhanced broadcasting and interactive television.
  622. Haberman, Seth, System and method for enhanced video selection.
  623. Haberman, Seth, System and method for enhanced video selection and categorization using metadata.
  624. Haberman, Seth, System and method for enhanced video selection using an on-screen remote.
  625. Brockmann, Ronald Alexander; Dev, Anuj; Hoeben, Maarten, System and method for exploiting scene graph information in construction of an encoded video sequence.
  626. Brockmann, Ronald Alexander; Dev, Anuj; Hoeben, Maarten, System and method for exploiting scene graph information in construction of an encoded video sequence.
  627. Bistriceanu, Virgil; Muller, Craig, System and method for generating personalized offers through an information gathering system.
  628. Helmstetter, Gary, System and method for generating video taping reminders.
  629. Helmstetter, Gary, System and method for generating video taping reminders.
  630. Downey, David; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C.; Boulet, Daniel A., System and method for inserting media based on keyword search.
  631. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Blasko, John P., System and method for managing advertising in program streams.
  632. Eldering, Charles A.; Flickinger, Gregory C.; Blasko, John P., System and method for managing advertising in program streams.
  633. Ivanyi Thomas P., System and method for measuring and storing information pertaining to television viewer or user behavior.
  634. Moore, S. Sean; Berezowski, David; Walker, Todd A.; Ellis, Michael D., System and method for metadata-linked advertisements.
  635. Moore, Sean S.; Berezowski, David M.; Walker, Todd A.; Ellis, Michael D., System and method for metadata-linked advertisements.
  636. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  637. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  638. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  639. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  640. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  641. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  642. Roth, David A., System and method for modifying broadcast signals in closed circuit systems.
  643. Matz, William R., System and method for monitoring blocked content.
  644. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Booth, Richard L.; Jansen, Alex; Biemans, Michael-Dennis, System and method for optimized channel switching in digital television broadcasting.
  645. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Booth, Richard L.; Jansen, Alex, System and method for optimized encoding and transmission of a plurality of substantially similar video fragments.
  646. Haberman, Seth; Schuler, Chet, System and method for personalized message creation and delivery.
  647. Ellis, Michael D.; Knee, Robert A., System and method for providing a list of video-on-demand programs.
  648. Herz, Frederick; Ungar, Lyle; Zhang, Jian; Wachob, David, System and method for providing access to data using customer profiles.
  649. Herz, Frederick; Ungar, Lyle; Zhang, Jian; Wachob, David; Salganicoff, Marcos, System and method for providing access to video programs and other data using customer profiles.
  650. Sigmon, Jr., Robert B.; Pavlovskaia, Lena Y.; Landau, Airan S., System and method for providing video content associated with a source image to a television in a communication network.
  651. Herz Frederick ; Ungar Lyle ; Zhang Jian ; Wachob David ; Salganicoff Marcos, System and method for scheduling broadcast of and access to video programs and other data using customer profiles.
  652. Herz Frederick ; Ungar Lyle ; Zhang Jian ; Wachob David ; Salganicoff Marcos, System and method for scheduling broadcast of and access to video programs and other data using customer profiles.
  653. Haberman,Seth; Schuler,Chester L.; van der Burgh,Abeljan; Jansen,Alex; Niemeijer,Gerrit, System and method for seamless switching.
  654. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Boltze, Thomas; Jansen, Alex, System and method for seamless switching of compressed audio streams.
  655. Haberman, Seth; Jansen, Alex; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Booth, Richard L., System and method for seamless switching through buffering.
  656. Haberman,Seth; Booth,Richard L.; Jansen,Alex; Niemeijer,Gerrit, System and method for seamless switching through buffering.
  657. Mankovitz, Roy J, System and method for searching a database of television schedule information.
  658. Cansler, James L; Scott, Charles; White, Scott, System and method for sending advertising data based on data associated with video data.
  659. Haberman, Seth; Schuler, Chester L.; van der Burgh, Abeljan; Jansen, Alex; Niemeijer, Gerrit, System and method for simultaneous broadcast for personalized messages.
  660. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for targeted advertisement display responsive to user characteristics.
  661. Martino, Paul; Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., System and method for the dynamic generation of correlation scores between arbitrary objects.
  662. Martino, Paul; Musumeci, Gian-Paolo; Wehner, Kristopher C., System and method for the dynamic generation of correlation scores between arbitrary objects.
  663. Bistriceanu, Virgil; Muller, Craig, System and method for tracking user activity in an incentive award system.
  664. Gould, Eric Justin; Strickland, Rachel M., System and method for transmission of telescopic advertising.
  665. Kunkel, Gerard K.; Piette, Scott A.; Perham, Jr., Douglas A., System and method for transmitting and displaying targeted information.
  666. Kunkel,Gerard K.; Piette,Scott A.; Perham, Jr.,Douglas A., System and method for transmitting and displaying targeted infromation.
  667. Lau, Erwin; Gaydou, II, Danny; Mechler, Robert, System and method for using television information codes.
  668. Schein Steven M. ; Leftwich James J. ; Folker David M. ; Hunwick Keith ; Alba Theresa ; King Molly K., System and method for using television schedule information.
  669. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith W.; Alba, Theresa A.; King, Molly K., System and method for using television schedule information.
  670. Harrison, David, System and method of discovery and launch associated with a networked media device.
  671. Amidon, Christopher; Evans, Gregory, System and method of implementing alternative redemption options for a consumer-centric advertising system.
  672. Nicholson, Robert D.; Saunders, Barrie A., System and method of selective advertising on a TV channel.
  673. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Leftwich, James Jay; Broughton, Susan, System and methods for linking television viewers with advertisers and broadcasters.
  674. Angiolillo, Joel Stephen; Fyock, Christina Lynn; Paschetto, James Edward; Zhang, Xi; Phuah, Vincent, System and methods for voicing text in an interactive programming guide.
  675. Schaffner James H. ; Tangonan Gregory L., System for and method of combining signals of combining signals of diverse modulation formats for distribution in multiple dwelling units.
  676. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; van der Burgh, Abel; Lubowsky, Steven, System for authoring and editing personalized message campaigns.
  677. Herz, Frederick S. M.; Lemaire, Pierre; Lemaire, Jean H.; Labys, Walter Paul, System for collecting, analyzing, and transmitting information relevant to transportation networks.
  678. Herz, Frederick S. M.; Lemaire, Pierre; Lemaire, Jean H.; Labys, Walter Paul, System for collecting, analyzing, and transmitting information relevant to transportation networks.
  679. Herz, Frederick S. M.; Lemaire, Pierre; Lemaire, Jean H.; Labys, Walter Paul, System for collecting, analyzing, and transmitting information relevant to transportation networks.
  680. Emerson, Harry E.; Grywalski, William A.; LeBow, Gerald M., System for modifying and targeting advertising content of internet radio broadcasts.
  681. Emerson, III, Harry Edwin; LeBow, Gerald M; Grywalski, William A, System for modifying and targeting advertising content of internet radio broadcasts.
  682. Emerson, III,Harry E.; Grywalski,William A.; LeBow,Gerald M., System for modifying and targeting advertising content of internet radio broadcasts.
  683. Rasanen, Kirsten; Bryant, Jay S., Systems and methods for acquiring, categorizing and delivering media in interactive media guidance applications.
  684. Reynolds, Steven J.; Knee, Robert A.; Ellis, Michael D., Systems and methods for advertising television networks, channels, and programs.
  685. Lundell, Gregory James, Systems and methods for auto-configuring a user equipment device with content consumption material.
  686. Shimy, Camron; Kim, Benjamin, Systems and methods for automatically detecting users within detection regions of media devices.
  687. Shimy, Camron; Kim, Benjamin, Systems and methods for automatically detecting users within detection regions of media devices.
  688. Rosenberg, Scott; Carlberg, Marvin, Systems and methods for automatically generating advertisements using a media guidance application.
  689. Hamano, Royce Matsusei; Gevorgyan, Gevorg, Systems and methods for automatically purchasing and recording popular pay programs in an interactive media delivery system.
  690. Ellis, Michael D, Systems and methods for caching data in media-on-demand systems.
  691. Ellis, Michael D., Systems and methods for caching data in media-on-demand systems.
  692. Ellis, Michael D., Systems and methods for caching data in media-on-demand systems.
  693. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Baumgartner, Joseph P., Systems and methods for communicating and enforcing viewing and recording limits for media-on-demand.
  694. Zhang, Ping; Chrabaszcz, Michael Patrick; Williams, Dustin James; Hermanson, Frederick; Ehlers, Geoff, Systems and methods for connecting media devices through web sockets.
  695. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Leftwich, James J.; Broughton, Susan, Systems and methods for contextually linking television program information.
  696. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Leftwich, James J.; Broughton, Susan, Systems and methods for contextually linking television program information.
  697. Reichardt, M. Scott; Herrington, W. Benjamin, Systems and methods for coordinating interactive and passive advertisement and merchandising opportunities.
  698. Conkwright,G. Colby; Foster, IV,Frank S.; Vinson,Michael J., Systems and methods for creating and evaluating content and predicting responses to content.
  699. Alexander Ronald ; Dias Stephen ; Hancock Kenneth S. ; Leung Elsie Y. ; Macrae Douglas ; Ng Arthur Y. ; O'Neil Shawn ; Schoaff Peter Christopher ; Sutton Jonathon ; Ward ; III Thomas Edward ; Westber, Systems and methods for displaying and recording control interface with television programs, video, advertising information and program scheduling information.
  700. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Macrae, Douglas B., Systems and methods for displaying and recording control interface with television programs, video, advertising information and program scheduling information.
  701. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Systems and methods for displaying information regions in an interactive electronic program guide.
  702. Nishimura, Akitaka; Yoshimoto, Akio, Systems and methods for displaying media content and media guidance information.
  703. Nishimura, Akitaka; Yoshimoto, Akio, Systems and methods for displaying media content and media guidance information.
  704. Nishimura, Akitaka; Yoshimoto, Akio, Systems and methods for displaying media content and media guidance information.
  705. Fyock, Christina Lynn; Angiolillo, Joel S.; Philbin, David A.; Flynn, Michael R.; Krishnaswamy, Maitreyi; McDonald, Brian, Systems and methods for fantasy league service via television.
  706. Woods, Thomas Steven; Conness, Jason; Bauder, Christopher, Systems and methods for generating a media guidance application with multiple perspective views.
  707. Haberman, Seth, Systems and methods for generating media content using microtrends.
  708. Berezowski, David M.; Ellis, Michael D., Systems and methods for improved audience measuring.
  709. Berezowski, David M; Ellis, Michael D, Systems and methods for improved audience measuring.
  710. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Systems and methods for integrating graphic animation technologies in fantasy sports contest applications.
  711. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Systems and methods for integrating graphic animation technologies in fantasy sports contest applications.
  712. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Systems and methods for integrating graphic animation technologies in fantasy sports contest applications.
  713. Schein Steven M. ; O'Brien Sean A. ; Leftwich James Jay ; Broughton Susan, Systems and methods for linking television viewers with advertisers and broadcasters.
  714. Schein Steven M. ; O'Brien Sean A. ; Leftwich James Jay ; Broughton Susan, Systems and methods for linking television viewers with advertisers and broadcasters.
  715. Schein, Steven M.; O'Brien, Sean A.; Leftwich, James Jay; Broughton, Susan, Systems and methods for linking television viewers with advertisers and broadcasters.
  716. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Weite, David, Systems and methods for managing and distributing media content.
  717. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Weite, David, Systems and methods for managing and distributing media content.
  718. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Weite, David, Systems and methods for managing and distributing media content.
  719. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Weite, David, Systems and methods for managing and distributing media content.
  720. Haberman, Seth; Niemeijer, Gerrit; Weite, David, Systems and methods for managing and distributing media content.
  721. Ellis, Michael D.; Knee, Robert A.; Craner, Michael L., Systems and methods for managing local storage of on-demand content.
  722. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Berezowski, David M.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Baumgartner, Joseph P.; Herrington, W. Benjamin, Systems and methods for managing the distribution of on-demand media.
  723. Yazdani, Amir; Papagan, Ken M.; Hetzel, Cathy S.; Harsh, Aaron J.; Behnke, Chris R., Systems and methods for measuring consumption of entertainment commodities.
  724. Luong, Shiang, Systems and methods for media detection and filtering using a parental control logging application.
  725. Grasset, Jean-Francois Benjamin, Systems and methods for mirroring and transcoding media content.
  726. Woods, Thomas Steven; Conness, Jason; Bauder, Christopher, Systems and methods for navigating a media guidance application with multiple perspective views.
  727. Davies, David B.; Russ, Samuel H.; Krantzler, Irvan J., Systems and methods for operating a peripheral record playback device in a networked multimedia system.
  728. Angiolillo, Joel S.; Zhang, Xi, Systems and methods for providing a personal channel via television.
  729. McKissick, Pamela L.; Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Regouby, Mark A.; Hassell, Joel G., Systems and methods for providing a program as a gift using an interactive application.
  730. Angiolillo, Joel S.; Zhang, Xi, Systems and methods for providing a shared folder via television.
  731. Angiolillo, Joel S.; Zhang, Xi, Systems and methods for providing a shared folder via television.
  732. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, Dave, Systems and methods for providing advertisements in a fantasy sports contest application.
  733. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, Dave, Systems and methods for providing advertisements in a fantasy sports contest application.
  734. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, Dave, Systems and methods for providing advertisements in a fantasy sports contest application.
  735. Hughes, Patrick J.; Barber, David, Systems and methods for providing advertisements in a fantasy sports contest application.
  736. Emans, Matthew; Hoctor, John; Turner, Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing an interface for data driven media placement.
  737. Hamano, Royce, Systems and methods for providing media content listings according to points of interest.
  738. Westberg, Thomas E., Systems and methods for providing program suggestions in an interactive television program guide.
  739. Westberg, Thomas E., Systems and methods for providing program suggestions in an interactive television program guide.
  740. Westberg, Thomas E., Systems and methods for providing program suggestions in an interactive television program guide.
  741. Klappert, Walter R., Systems and methods for providing remote access to interactive media guidance applications.
  742. Klappert, Walter R.; Nishimura, Akitaka; Iwanaga, Asahi; Yoshimoto, Akio, Systems and methods for providing remote access to interactive media guidance applications.
  743. Klappert, Walter R.; Nishimura, Akitaka; Iwanaga, Asahi; Yoshimoto, Akio, Systems and methods for providing remote access to interactive media guidance applications.
  744. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Strader, Christopher; Chilvers, Jr., Henry C., Systems and methods for providing remote access to interactive media guidance applications.
  745. Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo; Strader, Christopher; Chilvers, Jr., Henry C., Systems and methods for providing remote access to interactive media guidance applications.
  746. Chilvers, Henry C.; Olague, Craig Alan; Archer, Kuan Hidalgo, Systems and methods for providing remote program ordering on a user device via a web server.
  747. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Reichardt, M. Scott; Knee, Robert A., Systems and methods for providing storage of data on servers in an on-demand media delivery system.
  748. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Reichardt, M. Scott; Knee, Robert A., Systems and methods for providing storage of data on servers in an on-demand media delivery system.
  749. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Reichardt, M. Scott; Knee, Robert A., Systems and methods for providing storage of data on servers in an on-demand media delivery system.
  750. Johnson, Jayne F.; Desjardins, G. Thomas, Systems and methods for providing targeted user content blended with a media stream.
  751. Wheatley, David John, Systems and methods for recommending content.
  752. Craner, Michael L, Systems and methods for recording programs using a network recording device as supplemental storage.
  753. Ellis, Michael D.; Berezowski, David M., Systems and methods for reducing cut-offs in program recording.
  754. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Reichardt, M. Scott; Knee, Robert A., Systems and methods for relocating media.
  755. Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D.; Easterbrook, Kevin B.; Reichardt, M. Scott; Knee, Robert A., Systems and methods for relocating media.
  756. Haberman, Seth; Weite, David, Systems and methods for semantic editorial control and video/audio editing.
  757. Haberman, Seth; Weite, David, Systems and methods for semantic editorial control and video/audio editing.
  758. Mushkatblat, Yevgeniya, Systems and methods for sharing interactive media guidance information.
  759. Tam, Terry; So, Jerry; Wong, Dick, Systems and methods for transferring content between user equipment and a wireless communications device.
  760. Thomas, William L.; Korbecki, William, Systems and methods for transferring settings across devices based on user gestures.
  761. Woods, Thomas Steven, Systems and methods for trimming recorded content using a media guidance application.
  762. Reynolds, Laurie, Systems and methods for updating media asset data based on pause point in the media asset.
  763. Van Luyt Balthasar A. G.,NLX, TV signal receiver.
  764. Wang, Jun; Collins, Bruce; Bennett, Christopher John; Lo, Charles N.; Walker, Gordon Kent; Jin, Haipeng; Dondeti, Lakshminath Reddy; Gellens, Randall Coleman, Target advertisement in a broadcast system.
  765. Walsh, Brendan; Ling, Curtis, Targeted advertisement in the digital television environment.
  766. John S. Hendricks ; Alfred E. Bonner ; John S. McCoskey ; Michael L. Asmussen, Targeted advertisement using television delivery systems.
  767. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Targeted advertisement using television viewer information.
  768. Lawlor Matthew P. ; Carmody Timothy E., Targeting advertising in a home retail banking delivery service.
  769. Harrison, David, Targeting with television audience data across multiple screens.
  770. Riedl, Steven, Technique for effectively delivering targeted advertisements through a communications network having limited bandwidth.
  771. Riedl, Steven E., Technique for effectively delivering targeted advertisements through a communications network having limited bandwidth.
  772. Zigmond, Daniel J.; Goldman, Phillip Y., Techniques for intelligent video ad insertion.
  773. DeWeese, Toby; McKissick, Pamela L.; Thomas, William L.; Ellis, Michael D., Television chat system.
  774. Hendricks, John S., Television delivery system having interactive electronic program guide.
  775. Cowan, Thomas M.; Thomas, Scott J.; Richardson, Bruce C., Television distribution system for signal substitution.
  776. Angiolillo, Joel S.; Boni, Piotr, Television integrated chat and presence systems and methods.
  777. Hendricks John S. ; Bonner Alfred E., Television program delivery system.
  778. Handelman, Doron, Television system communicating individually addressed information.
  779. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Milnes, Kenneth Alan, Television system with downloadable features.
  780. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; Wunderlich, Richard E.; Berkobin, Eric C., Television terminal data storage.
  781. Hendricks, John S.; Bonner, Alfred E.; Wunderlich, Richard E.; Berkobin, Eric C., Television terminal modem.
  782. Sheehan, Patrick M.; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C.; Peterson, II, Alden Lloyd; Cristofalo, Michael, Third party data matching for targeted advertising.
  783. Sheehan, Patrick M.; Anderson, Bruce J.; Wilson, Daniel C.; Peterson, II, Alden Lloyd; Cristofalo, Michael, Third party data matching for targeted advertising.
  784. Hendricks,John S., Tiered programming television delivery system.
  785. Noble, Taber B.; Lehto, Gary M., Time shifted targeted advertisements based upon user profiles.
  786. Williams Jim C., Transmodulated broadcast delivery system for use in multiple dwelling units.
  787. Williams Jim C., Transmodulated broadcast delivery system for use in multiple dwelling units.
  788. Jim C. Williams, Transmodulator with dynamically selectable channels.
  789. Katz, Neil; Semple, Bruce P.; Stern, Edith H.; Willner, Barry E., User controlled multi-device media-on-demand system.
  790. Katz, Neil; Semple, Bruce P.; Stern, Edith H.; Willner, Barry E., User controlled multi-device media-on-demand system.
  791. Katz, Neil; Semple, Bruce P.; Stern, Edith H.; Willner, Barry E., User controlled multi-device media-on-demand system.
  792. Bryant, Jay S.; Fereira, Edgar, User defined rules for assigning destinations of content.
  793. Reisman, Richard R., User station software that controls transport and presentation of content from a remote source.
  794. Reisman, Richard R., User station software that controls transport, storage, and presentation of content from a remote source.
  795. Martino, Paul J., Using cross-site relationships to generate recommendations.
  796. Yen,Felix; Cameron,Kirk; Fagnani,Mark, Using viewership profiles for targeted promotion deployment.
  797. McCoskey, John S.; Swart, William D.; Asmussen, Michael L., Video and digital multimedia aggregator.
  798. McCoskey, John S.; Swart, William D.; Asmussen, Michael L., Video and digital multimedia aggregator.
  799. McCoskey, John S.; Swart, William D.; Asmussen, Michael L., Video and digital multimedia aggregator.
  800. Swart, William D.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Video and digital multimedia aggregator content coding and formatting.
  801. Asmussen, Michael L.; Mccoskey, John S.; Swart, William D., Video and digital multimedia aggregator content suggestion engine.
  802. Ebisawa Kan,JPX, Video data receiving apparatus, video data transmitting apparatus, and broadcasting system.
  803. König, Richard; Eldering, Charles A.; Lienhart, Rainer Wolfgang; Lienhart, Christine, Video detection and insertion.
  804. Nemirofsky Frank R. ; James Greg, Video distribution of advertisements to businesses.
  805. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A., Video entity recognition in compressed digital video streams.
  806. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A., Video entity recognition in compressed digital video streams.
  807. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A., Video entity recognition in compressed digital video streams.
  808. Schwab, Barry H.; Posa, John G., Video input switching and signal processing apparatus.
  809. Gould, Eric Justin, Video player with seamless contraction.
  810. Krakirian, Haig H.; Bumgardner, James A.; Ward, Daniel Thomas; Ombao, Geoffrey Z., Video recorder having user extended and automatically extended time slots.
  811. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A.; König, Richard, Video stream modification to defeat detection.
  812. Lienhart, Rainer W.; Eldering, Charles A.; König, Richard, Video stream modification to defeat detection.
  813. Schwab, Barry H.; Posa, John G., Video switching and signal processing apparatus.
  814. Christensen, Scott N., Virtual couponing method and apparatus for use with consumer kiosk.
  815. Hendricks, John S.; McCoskey, John S., Virtual on-demand electronic book.
  816. Bear, Eric J. Gould; Strickland, Rachel Morgan, Wireless seamless expansion and video advertising player.

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