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Antenna control for a wireless local area network station 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04J-003/24
출원번호 US-0633692 (1990-12-24)
우선권정보 GB-0019489 (1990-09-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kamerman Adriaan (Nieuwegein NLX) van Driest Hans (Bilthoven NLX)
출원인 / 주소
  • NCR Corporation (Dayton OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 91  인용 특허 : 0


A local area network station (12) includes a transceiver (20) adapted to transmit and receive signals using electromagnetic radiation on a wireless communication link. The station (12) utilizes a CSMA/CD communications controller (22) in a CSMA/CA (collison avoidance) technique wherein deferred data


A local area network station comprising: transceiver means to operate on a wireless electromagnetic wave transmission channel, hereinafter referred to as channel, having a plurality of antennas; communication control means operative when said channel is active to defer transmission of a data frame,

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (91)

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  2. Li,Chris Cho Pin, Adaptive channel access for carrier sense multiple access based systems.
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  5. Burns Lawrence M., Antenna scanning system with low frequency dithering.
  6. Gao, Wen; Liu, Hang, Apparatus for controlling channel switching in wireless networks.
  7. Lee F. Hartley CA; Danny McKay CA, Carrier sense collision avoidance with auto abort.
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  9. Bolgiano, D. Ridgely; LaVean, Gilbert E., Code transmission over timeslots and antennas.
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  11. Meier, Robert C., Communication network providing wireless and hard-wired dynamic routing.
  12. McCormack, Gary D., Connectors providing haptic feedback.
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  25. Burns Lawrence M. ; Woo Chong L., Dual orthogonal monopole antenna system.
  26. Young Charles David, Dynamic distributed, multi-channel time division multiple access slot assignment method for a network of nodes.
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  43. Ramachandran, Shyamal; Alapuranen, Pertti O., Method and apparatus for operation of a communication device.
  44. Bolgiano, Duane Ridgely; LaVean, Gilbert E., Method and apparatus for receiving code transmissions over timeslots and antennas.
  45. Morton,John Jack; Jones,Ben; Skafidas,Efstratios, Method and apparatus for sector channelization and polarization for reduced interference in wireless networks.
  46. Yang Henry Sho-Che (Andover MA) Lauck Anthony G. (Wellesley MA) Ramakrishnan Kadangode K. (Maynard MA) Hawe William R. (Pepperell MA), Method and apparatus for use in a network of the ethernet type, to improve fairness by controlling collision backoff tim.
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  51. Cha,Inhyok; Zhao,Zheng; Gorsuch,Thomas Eric; Lintelman,Ross L., Method for steering smart antenna beams for a WLAN using signal and link quality metrics.
  52. Koenck, Steven E.; Miller, Phillip; West, Guy J.; Mahany, Ronald L.; Kinney, Patrick W., Method used by a communication device for use in a communication channel.
  53. Ishida So,JPX ; Tsukahara Hiroshi,JPX, Mobile communications system and method with message storing function.
  54. McCormack, Gary D.; Isaac, Roger; Kyles, Ian A., Modular electronics.
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  56. Koenck, Steven E.; Miller, Phillip; West, Guy J.; Mahany, Ronald L.; Kinney, Patrick W., Modular, portable data processing terminal for use in a radio frequency communication network.
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  59. Miller, Phillip, Modular, portable data processing terminal for use in a radio frequency communication network.
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  61. Lee, Woo-Yong; Lee, Sok-Kyu, Preamble configuring method in the wireless LAN system, and a method for a frame synchronization.
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  63. Lee, Woo-Yong; Lee, Sok-Kyu, Preamble configuring method in the wireless LAN system, and a method for a frame synchronization.
  64. Osawa Tomoki,JPX, Protocol conversion system.
  65. McCormack, Gary D.; Kyles, Ian A., Proximity sensing using EHF signals.
  66. McCormack, Gary Davis; Kyles, Ian A., Proximity sensing using EHF signals.
  67. McCormack, Gary Davis; Kyles, Ian A., Proximity sensing using EHF signals.
  68. Diorio,Christopher J.; Cooper,Scott Anthony, RFID readers transmitting preambles denoting communication parameters and RFID tags interpreting the same and methods.
  69. Hyde, John D.; Diorio, Christopher J., RFID readers transmitting preambles denoting data rate and methods.
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  71. Meier, Robert C., Redundant radio frequency network having a roaming terminal communication protocol.
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  74. Stevens James A. ; Young C. David ; Sunlin Richard C., Simultaneous channel access transmission method for a multi-hop communications radio network.
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  77. Wolcott, John Byren; McCormack, Gary D.; Kyles, Ian A., Systems and methods for duplex communication.
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  81. McCormack, Gary D., Tightly-coupled near-field communication-link connector-replacement chips.
  82. McCormack, Gary D., Tightly-coupled near-field communication-link connector-replacement chips.
  83. Barnett, Kenneth Charles; Persico, Charles J.; Peterzell, Paul, Transmit power reduction for a wireless device with multiple transmit signal paths.
  84. Bolgiano, D. Ridgely; LaVean, Gilbert E., Transmitting an information signal over antennas.
  85. DeSantis Charles M. (Neptune NJ) Helmkamp David J. (Jersey City NJ) Sackett Raymond A. (Rumson NJ), Wireless communication system using distributed switched antennas.
  86. Kyles, Ian A.; McCormack, Gary D.; Seitz, Norbert, Wireless connections with virtual hysteresis.
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  89. James L Lansford, Wireless desktop area network system.
  90. Boer Jan,NLX ; van Bokhorst Hendrik,NLX ; Diepstraten Wilhelmus Josephus,NLX ; Kamerman Adriaan,NLX ; Mud Rienk,NLX ; van Driest Hans,NLX ; Kopmeiners Robert John,NLX, Wireless lan with enhanced capture provision.
  91. Bolgiano, D. Ridgely; La Vean, Gilbert E., Wireless telephone system with diversity transmission and method.
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