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[미국특허] Refueling vapor recovery system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-024/04
출원번호 US-0713402 (1991-06-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Aubel John A. (Chandler AZ) Devall Jeffrey E. (South Bend IN) Gimby David R. (Livonia MI) Shipp Philip A. (Rochester MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Borg-Warner Automotive Electronic & Mechanical Systems Corporation (Sterling Heights MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 0


The invention incorporates a high flow, pilot actuated pressure relief/rollover valve into a refueling vapor recovery system having a vapor vent line for recirculating vapor past the aspirator of a refueling nozzle and a nozzle seal for engaging a refueling nozzle in an airtight manner. All vapor of


An apparatus for facilitating the control of vapor flow within the fuel system of a motor vehicle, such fuel system including a tank member defining a fuel storage chamber and a fill neck member engaged with said tank member and in communication with said fuel storage chamber, said apparatus compris

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Simon, Dieter; Batrz, Dirk; Marti{hacek over (s)}, Josip, Air release valve for fuel tank of a motor vehicle.
  2. Shoval, Meir, Automatic gas purge valve.
  3. B��uerle,Matthias; Podlena,Thom��{hacek over (s)}, Bi-directional air valve for a tank system of a motor vehicle.
  4. Jahnke,Russell Carl; Pifer,Daniel Lee, Dual seal filler neck with air relief valve.
  5. Gericke, Michael, Fill limit control valve assembly having a liquid fuel trap.
  6. Leonhardt, Ralf, Fill limit vent valve.
  7. Smith, Gregory F.; Smith, David G., Filler tube assembly.
  8. Smith, Gregory F.; Smith, David G., Filler tube assembly.
  9. Ogen, Itzhak, Fluid valve.
  10. Bender David J. ; Parmelee Donald R., Fuel assembly for an engine welder.
  11. Bender David J. ; Parmelee Donald R., Fuel assembly for an engine welder.
  12. Adams, Paul; Curello, Andrew J.; Mueller, Jens Thomas, Fuel cartridge for fuel cells.
  13. Kaneko,Kenichiro; Horiba,Shoji, Fuel cutoff valve and breather pipe.
  14. Sawamoto Hiroyuki (Kasugai JPX) Asada Naohiro (Aichi-ken JPX) Kido Katsuyuki (Seto JPX), Fuel evaporative-gas emission preventing apparatus.
  15. Teets Michael R. (Grosse Pointe Park MI) Rocca Jacquelyn C. (Madison Heights MI), Fuel fill and vapor venting value unit for fuel tanks.
  16. Byers,Brent Whitfield; Roberts,Timothy E., Fuel filler cap for a model vehicle.
  17. Byers,Brent Whitfield; Roberts,Timothy E., Fuel filler cap for a model vehicle.
  18. Pursifull,Ross D.; Gimby,David R., Fuel pressure relief valve.
  19. Geurtz, Heinz-Jürgen, Fuel tank.
  20. Trinkner Michael J. ; Peters Mark E. ; Radtke David E., Fuel tank filler assembly for engine driven welder.
  21. Trinkner Michael J. ; Peters Mark E. ; Radtke David E., Fuel tank filler assembly for engine driven welder.
  22. Baldwin, Damien; Soltis, Michael William; Dumler, Jeffrey, Fuel tank pressure-relief vent to prevent ejection of fuel during refill.
  23. Keefer, Neal L.; Watson, Kenneth A.; Waymire, Evan, Method of closing a fuel tank with a pivotal door and seal.
  24. Pozgainer Gunther,ATX ; Palvolgyi Sandor,ATX ; Maier Bernhard,ATX, On-board refueling vapor recovery system with fuel inlet stub venting.
  25. Benjey Robert P. (Dexter MI) Bergsma Rudolph (Ann Arbor MI), Onboard vapor recovery system with two-stage shutoff valve.
  26. Ganachaud,Patrick, Safety system for a liquid fuel tank.
  27. Ganachaud,Patrick; Covet,Jacques, Safety system for liquid fuel tank.
  28. Allman,Craig Harold; Pifer,Daniel Lee; Jahnke,Russell Carl, Shutoff valve for mechanically sealed ORVR system.
  29. Hill, David; Chiasson, Joseph Douglas, Solid state venting valve for a fuel tank.
  30. Revink, Ingo; Just, Thomas, Tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle.
  31. Frohwein, Axel; Regnier, Lydie, Vapor control valve with a metallic sealing element.
  32. Herbon Joseph A. ; Mihal Eric A. ; Byrka Karen R. ; Gaynor Scott C. ; Ramioulle Frederic,FRX, Vapor recovery fuel tank system.
  33. Mills,Vaughn K.; McIntosh,Andrew W., Vapor vent valve with pressure relief function integrated to carbon canister.
  34. Crary, Lynwood F.; Johansen, Mark R., Vent and rollover valve and fuel pump module.
  35. Cook John E.,CAX ; Perry Paul,CAX, Vent control valving for fuel vapor recovery system.
  36. Crary Lynwood F. ; Johansen Mark R., Vent valve and fuel pump module.
  37. Bender, David J.; Stapp, Jason R., Visual fuel system for an engine welder.
  38. Bender,David J.; Stapp,Jason R., Visual fuel system for an engine welder.
  39. Bender,David J.; Stapp,Jason R., Visual fuel system for an engine welder.

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