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[미국특허] Multi-beam sonar fish detection apparatus providing real-time three-dimensional wire-frame display representation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01S-015/96
출원번호 US-0720644 (1991-06-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Adams James W. (Eufaula AL) Loving Louis S. (Clayton AL) Betts David A. (Eufaula AL) Donnelly David P. (Eufaula AL) Nunley
  • III Alvin (Eufaula AL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Techsonic Industries, Inc. (Lake Eufaula AL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 67  인용 특허 : 0


A sonar depth sounder system is provided in which a plurality of elements are combined to form a sonar transducer capable of generating a plurality of narrow overlapping beams and receiving sonar echoes. The sonar return information is filtered, amplified through a log converter, digitized and then


A sonar depth sounder apparatus comprising: a transducer with at least two elements, which produce a series of sonar signals, wherein the elements emit sonar signals toward the bottom surface of a body of water; at least two receivers capable of receiving returned sonar signals which have been refle

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (67)

  1. Horner, Ronald Joe, Adaptive beamformer for sonar imaging.
  2. Sekine Chogo,JPX, Apparatus suitable for searching objects in water.
  3. Jeffers,Robert K., Automatic switch for marine sounders.
  4. Betts, David A., Buoy for fish finding method and system.
  5. Music, Wayne D.; Alexander, Thomas, Channel impairment emulator systems and methods.
  6. Horner, Ronald; Griffin, Albert; Proctor, Alan, Depth display using sonar data.
  7. Jackson David ; Novak John ; Dermikaelian Nicole ; Ruth Bill ; Watt Darrell, Depth finder housing.
  8. Steiner, Mark; Covault, Nicole Dermikaelian; Elnicki, Marty; Vann, Steen; Stevens, John; Watt, Darrell, Depth finder housing.
  9. Kabel Darrin W., Depth sounder with object identification feature.
  10. McEwen, IV,Robert J.; McEwen,Jeffrey D., Device and method for sonar measurement of a swimming pool.
  11. Maguire, Brian T., Downscan imaging sonar.
  12. Maguire, Brian T., Downscan imaging sonar.
  13. Maguire, Brian T., Downscan imaging sonar.
  14. Maguire, Brian T., Downscan imaging sonar for reduced interference.
  15. Moreman,Douglas, Echo scope.
  16. Goto Minoru (Kashiwa JPX) Watanabe Satoru (Tokyo JPX) Aoki Minoru (Chiba JPX) Konishi Shuji (Narashino JPX) Kato Koji (Chiba JPX), Fish finder.
  17. Johnson, David A., Fish finder.
  18. Betts, David A.; Bennett, Christopher James, Fish finding method and system.
  19. Betts, David A.; Bennett, Christopher James; Rasmussen, Douglas W., Fish finding method and system.
  20. Arney, Christopher E.; Bennett, Christopher James; Harrington, Scott Allen, Flasher sonar device with LCD annotations.
  21. Betts, David A.; Malphurs, David E.; Arney, Christopher E.; Bennett, Christopher James; Harrington, Scott Allen, Flasher sonar device with interleaved zoom.
  22. Steward, Lucas Dale; Scott, John, Forward depth display.
  23. Brunk, Scott, GPS receiver and depth sounder unit having an adjustable display screen.
  24. Wilk Peter J., Imaging system and associated method for surveying underwater objects.
  25. Wilk Peter J., Imaging system and associated method for surveying underwater objects.
  26. Coleman, Aaron R.; Hanoch, Jeffrey W.; Maguire, Brian T., Linear and circular downscan imaging sonar.
  27. Coleman, Aaron; Hanoch, Jeffrey W.; Maguire, Brian, Linear and circular downscan imaging sonar.
  28. Wilk, Peter J., Method and apparatus for investigating integrity of structural member.
  29. Wilk, Peter J., Method and apparatus for investigating integrity of structural member.
  30. Alexander, Thomas, Method and apparatus for multi-dimensional channel sounding and radio frequency propagation measurements.
  31. Vogt, Mark A, Multi-state beamforming array.
  32. Vogt, Mark A., Multi-state beamforming array.
  33. Steiner, Mark; Wilson, Wendell; Spivey, Patrick; Rudd, Jared; Watt, Darrell; Elnicki, Marty, Portable depth finder.
  34. Cappabianca David P., Shaped multilayer ceramic transducers and method for making the same.
  35. Cappabianca David P., Shaped multilayer ceramic transducers and method for making the same.
  36. Betts, David A.; Derrow, Robert W.; Howells, David J., Side scan sonar imaging system with associated GPS data.
  37. Betts, David A.; Derrow, Robert W.; Howells, David J., Side scan sonar imaging system with boat position on display.
  38. Betts, David A.; Derrow, Robert W.; Howells, David J., Side scan sonar imaging system with enhancement.
  39. Hicks Charles L. (Santa Cruz CA) Bartz James Carl (Kailua HI), Sonar apparatus having a steerable beam.
  40. Coleman, Aaron Richard, Sonar assembly for reduced interference.
  41. Betts, David A; Derrow, Robert W; Howells, David J, Sonar imaging system for mounting to watercraft.
  42. Coleman, Aaron; Hanoch, Jeffrey W.; Maguire, Brian, Sonar imaging techniques for objects in an underwater environment.
  43. Proctor, Alan, Sonar module using multiple receiving elements.
  44. Brown, Kevin; Coleman, Aaron, Sonar rendering systems and associated methods.
  45. Brown, Kevin; Coleman, Aaron, Sonar rendering systems and associated methods.
  46. Proctor, Alan, Sonar system using frequency bursts.
  47. Proctor, Alan, Sonar system using frequency bursts.
  48. Horner, Ronald Joe; Proctor, Alan Lee, Sonar systems and methods using interferometry and/or beamforming for 3D imaging.
  49. Proctor, Alan Lee; Parks, David Austin; Horner, Ronald Joe, Sonar transducer assembly.
  50. Harvey, Jr.,Edward P.; McGinn,Jack, System and method for determining the location of an acoustic event.
  51. O'Dell, Kyle D., System for interchangeable mounting options for a sonar transducer.
  52. G. Clifford Carter ; Harold J. Teller, System for providing an estimate of the location of an undersea object.
  53. Proctor, Alan Lee; Parks, David Austin; Horner, Ronald Joe, Systems and associated methods for producing a 3D sonar image.
  54. Proctor, Alan Lee; Parks, David Austin; Horner, Ronald Joe, Systems and associated methods for producing a 3D sonar image.
  55. Proctor, Alan Lee; Parks, David Austin; Horner, Ronald Joe, Systems and associated methods for producing a 3D sonar image.
  56. Proctor, Alan Lee; Parks, David Austin; Horner, Ronald Joe; Hunt, Matthew David, Systems and associated methods for producing a 3D sonar image.
  57. Lauenstein, Michael, Systems and associated methods for producing sonar image overlay.
  58. Nakamichi, Jun; Goto, Yu; Matsubara, Masaaki; Nishimoto, Norihiro, Target object detection device and method of displaying echo data in the target object detection device.
  59. Parks, David, Transducer array having a transceiver.
  60. Rowley, Henry A.; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  61. Rowley, Henry Allan; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  62. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  63. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  64. Rowley, Henry; Baluja, Shumeet, Transportation routing.
  65. Wilk Peter J., Ultrasonic imaging system and associated method.
  66. Fujimoto, Hiroyasu; Nagano, Hiroshi; Obuchi, Makoto; Makino, Itsuo, Underwater detecting apparatus, depth measuring apparatus and display apparatus.
  67. Fujimoto,Hiroyasu; Nagano,Hiroshi; Obuchi,Makoto; Makino,Itsuo, Underwater detecting apparatus, depth measuring apparatus and display apparatus.

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