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Elastomer rebound, jounce and related compression springs 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16F-001/52
  • F16F-013/00
출원번호 US-0743650 (1991-08-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wydra Neal E. (Glen Ellyn IL) Geick David W. (North Aurora IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Miner Enterprises, Inc. (Geneva IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 0


A bellows shaped compression spring having a variable spring rate and formed of an elastomer having tensile characteristics such that the ratio of plastic strain to elastic strain is greater than 1.5 to 1, said spring being particularly adapted for use in the strut assemblies of light weight, low pr


In an vehicle strut assembly having a housing, a piston and piston rod extending through said housing and interconnecting the vehicle body to the wheel assembly for damping the vehicle spring system, an improved rebound bumper compression spring comprising: a) an elongated member formed of an elasto

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Kawagoe Kenji,JPX, Automobile suspension system.
  2. Shibata Hiroshi,JPX, Bellows cylinder.
  3. Sveum, Matt; Tourdot, Matthew; Holm, Dave; Klumb, David, Brace system and method for a vehicle at a loading dock.
  4. Matsumura, Hiroyuki, Dust cover.
  5. Szostek, Tomasz; Battek, Wojciech, Fluid damper assembly having a multi-functional bushing.
  6. Tews Kevin B., Hourglass-shaped elastomeric compression spring.
  7. Wicks, Harry O.; DiLuigi, Michael W.; Magri, Joseph, Intermodal rail vehicle to form a train.
  8. Wydra Neal E. ; Geick ; Jr. David W., Method of manufacturing a bellowed seal.
  9. Petrina, Petru, Multihelical composite spring.
  10. Tews Kevin B., Shock attenuating apparatus.
  11. Smith Mark C. ; Herman Slawomir J., Spring and strut module with restraint for strut bumper.
  12. Kim, Jong hun, Spring tube melting machine for air suspension system.
  13. Andersen, Jonathan; Wieberdink, Ben; Cotton, Timothy; Pietrangelo, Pamala; Lessard, Kurt; Hahn, Norbert; De Lang, Henk, Support frame vehicle restraints.
  14. Szekely, Peter Laszlo; Van Der Zyppe, Damien, Thermoplastic jounce bumpers.
  15. Zabelka, Scott E., Well head lubricator assembly.
  16. Andersen, Jonathan; Holm, Dave; Muhl, Timothy; Stone, Bradley J.; Sveum, Matt, Yieldable brace for a vehicle at a loading dock.
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