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Dense collagen membrane matrices for medical uses 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-009/14
출원번호 US-0653178 (1991-02-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Li Shu-Tung (1 Kiowa Ter. Oakland NJ 07436)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 158  인용 특허 : 0


The present invention is directed to collagen membranes having physical and biological properties which make them extremely suitable and desirable for all types of medical uses, particularly as a periodontal barrier. The membranes are characterized by having a surface roughness morphology similar to


A method of making a dense collagen membranous matrix material which when wetted with water is translucent and non-slippery comprising the steps of: a) forming an aqueous dispersion containing insoluble Type I collagen; b) freezing the aqueous dispersion; c) subjecting the frozen dispersion to freez

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (158)

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  7. Li, Shu-Tung; Lee, Natsuyo Shishido; Yuen, Debbie, Biopolymeric membrane for wound protection and repair.
  8. Li, Shu-Tung; Yuen, Debbie; Hansen, Peggy, Biopolymeric membranes.
  9. Li, Shu-Tung; Yuen, Debbie; Hansen, Peggy, Biopolymeric membranes.
  10. Bayon, Yves; Gravagna, Philippe; Meneghin, Alfredo, Biosynthetic implant for soft tissue repair.
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  12. Usas, Arvydas; Payne, Karin; Payne, Thomas; Jankowski, Ronald; Huard, Johnny, Bone augmentation utilizing muscle-derived progenitor compositions in biocompatible matrix, and treatments thereof.
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  20. Smith, R. Lane; Tarrant, Laurence J. B.; Kusanagi, Akihiko; Claesson, Hans P. I., Cell-support matrix having narrowly defined uniformly vertically and non-randomly organized porosity and pore density and a method for preparation thereof.
  21. Muller, Peter Karl; Behrens, Peter; Giannetti, Bruno; Rohwedel, Jurgen; Russlies, Martin, Cellular matrix.
  22. Li Shu-Tung (Oakland NJ), Charged collagen particle-based delivery matrix.
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  24. Abdul-Malak Nabil (27 ; rue Frederic Mistral 69300 Caluire FRX) Fourcart Jean (Place de l\Orme Baslieux les Fismes 51170 Fismes FRX) Huc Alain (26 ; chemin des Santons 69110 Ste Foy les Lyon FRX), Collagen crosslinked with a crosslinking agent for the manufacture of a suturable, biocompatible slowresorbing membrane,.
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  28. Clancy,Brian; Pittman,Debra; Seeherman,Howard, Compositions and methods for systemic administration of sequences encoding bone morphogenetic proteins.
  29. McAdams, Staci Ann; Block, William David; McCarthy, Simon John; Gregory, Kenton W.; Oien, Hal, Compositions, assemblies, and methods applied during or after a dental procedure to ameliorate fluid loss and/or promote healing, using a hydrophilic polymer sponge structure such as chitosan.
  30. Ringeisen, Timothy A.; Wattengel, W. Christian, Compressed high density fibrous polymers suitable for implant.
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  32. Noff, Matitiau; Pitaru, Shahar, Cross-linked collagen matrices and methods for their preparation.
  33. Wozney,John M.; Celeste,Anthony J.; Thies,R. Scott; Yamaji,Noboru, DNA molecules encoding BMP receptor proteins.
  34. Evans, Douglas G.; Goldman, Scott M.; Kronengold, Russell T., Devices and methods for treating defects in the tissue of a living being.
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  39. Claesson, Hans Peter Ingemar; Tarrant, Laurence J. B.; Smith, Robert Lane; Shortkroff, Sonya, Double-structured tissue implant and a method for preparation and use thereof.
  40. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Dried collagenous biomaterial medical device.
  41. Moran, Christopher J.; Bleyer, Mark W.; Kozma, Thomas G.; Patel, Umesh H., Embolization device.
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  43. Lu, Zhijian; Liu, Wei; Zhang, Jimin; Yaworsky, Paul John; Olland, Stephane H.; Brown, Christopher Todd; Shen, Emily Sheng-ming, Finger-1 peptide analogs of the TGF-β superfamily.
  44. Sommerich, Robert E., Flowable collagen material for dural closure.
  45. Leonard, Edward F.; Reich, Ilan K.; Cortell, Stanley, Fluid separation devices, systems and methods.
  46. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Freeze-dried collagenous biomaterial medical sponge device.
  47. Bonadio Jeffrey ; Goldstein Steven A., Gene transfer into bone cells and tissues.
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  53. Serrero, Aurelie; Montanari, Suzelei, Haemostatic patch and method of preparation.
  54. Li Shu-Tung ; McCarthy Jack A. ; Rodkey William G. ; Steadman J. Richard, Hand implant device.
  55. McCarthy, Simon J., Hemostatic compositions, assemblies, systems, and methods employing particulate hemostatic agents formed from hydrophilic polymer foam such as Chitosan.
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  58. Ringeisen, Timothy A.; Wattengel, W. Christian, High density fibrous polymers suitable for implant.
  59. Ringeisen, Timothy A.; Wattengel, W. Christian; Castiglione-Dodd, Emme M., High density fibrous polymers suitable for implant.
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  65. Spinnler, Linda; Lecuivre, Julie; Meneghin, Alfredo; Therin, Michel, Implant for parastomal hernia.
  66. Goldstein Steven A. ; Bonadio Jeffrey, In vivo gene transfer methods for wound healing.
  67. Li, Rebecca; Seeherman, Howard; Kim, Hyun, Injectable calcium phosphate solid rods and pastes for delivery of osteogenic proteins.
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  79. Henrik Vibe-Hansen DK; Charlotte Lundsgaard DK; Kurt B. Osther ; Ahmed Idouraine, Method instruments and kit for autologous transplantation.
  80. Roberts, Keith A.; Zia, Majid, Method of making a hemostatic sponge wound dressing comprising subjecting the sponge to water vapor.
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  82. Asculai, Samuel S.; Idouraine, Ahmed; Giannetti, Bruno, Method, instruments, and kit for autologous transplantation.
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  84. Vibe-Hansen, Henrik; Lundsgaard, Charlotte; Osther, Kurt B.; Idouraine, Ahmed, Method, instruments, and kit for autologous transplantation.
  85. Vibe-Hansen, Henrik; Lundsgaard, Charlotte; Osther, Kurt B.; Idouraine, Ahmed, Method, instruments, and kit for autologous transplantation.
  86. Vibe-Hansen, Henrik; Lundsgaard, Charlotte; Osther, Kurt B.; Idouraine, Ahmed, Method, instruments, and kit for autologous transplantation.
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  88. Vibe Hansen,Henrik; Lundsgaard,Charlotte; Osther,Kurt B.; Idouraine,Ahmed, Method, instruments, and kits for autologous transplantation.
  89. Zhang,Renwen; Peluso,Diane; Morris,Elisabeth, Methods and compositions for healing and repair of articular cartilage.
  90. Bonadio Jeffrey ; Goldstein Steven A., Methods and compositions for multiple gene transfer into bone cells.
  91. Watt, Paul W., Methods for making biopolymer sponge tubes.
  92. Rutherford,Bruce; Somogyi,Christopher; White,Clinton; Rabins,Erick, Methods for treating dental conditions using tissue scaffolds.
  93. Wozney, John M.; Turek, Thomas J., Methods for treatment of periodontal diseases and lesions using bone morphogenetic proteins.
  94. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Shapley, Nina C.; Tang, Zhongliang, Methods of blood-based therapies having a microfluidic membraneless exchange device.
  95. Wang,Elizabeth; Wozney,John M.; Rosen,Vicki A., Methods of treatment of periodontal disease.
  96. Bonadio, Jeffrey; Yin, Wushan, Methods of using latent TGF-β binding proteins.
  97. Giannetti, Bruno; Behrens, Peter; Asculai, Samuel, Methods, instruments and materials for chondrocyte cell transplantation.
  98. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Multi-formed collagenous biomaterial medical device.
  99. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Multi-formed collagenous biomaterial medical device.
  100. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Multi-formed collagenous biomaterial medical device.
  101. Hiles, Michael C.; Patel, Umesh H., Multi-formed collagenous biomaterial medical device for use in wound care.
  102. Chancellor, Michael B.; Jankowski, Ronald; Pruchnic, Ryan; Huard, Johnny, Muscle derived cells for the treatment of urinary tract pathologies and methods of making and using same.
  103. Chancellor, Michael B.; Jankowski, Ronald; Pruchnic, Ryan; Huard, Johnny, Muscle derived cells for the treatment of urinary tract pathologies and methods of making and using the same.
  104. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny, Muscle-derived cells (MDCS) for augmenting or bulking urethral sphincter-muscle tissue.
  105. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Minnery, Brandon; Capelli, Chistopher C., Muscle-derived cells (MDCs) for promoting and enhancing nerve repair and regeneration.
  106. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny, Muscle-derived cells (MDCs) for treating muscle- or bone-related injury or dysfunction.
  107. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny, Muscle-derived cells (MDCs) for treating muscle- or bone-related injury or dysfunction.
  108. Lurvink, Raymond; van Asten, Peter Franciscus Theresius Maria; Bouwstra, Jan Bastiaan; Kluijtmans, Sebastianus Gerardus Johannes Maria, Non-porous film for culturing cells.
  109. Lurvink, Raymond; van Asten, Peter Franciscus Theresius Maria; Bouwstra, Jan Bastiaan; Kluijtmans, Sebastianus Gerardus Johannes Maria, Non-porous film for culturing cells.
  110. Li, Shu-Tung; Yuen, Debbie, Oriented biopolymeric membrane.
  111. Shu-Tung Li ; Debbie Yuen, Oriented biopolymeric membrane.
  112. Li,Shu Tung; Yuen,Debbie; Hansen,Peggy, Oriented biopolymeric membrane for meningeal tissue repair.
  113. Hung, Clark T.; Ateshian, Gerard A.; Lima, Eric G.; Cook, James L.; Bian, Li Ming, Osteochondral implants, arthroplasty methods, devices, and systems.
  114. Bailly, Pierre; Vial, Thomas, Packaging for a hernia repair device.
  115. Obermiller, Joseph; Hiles, Michael C., Porous sponge matrix medical devices and methods.
  116. Suda, Hidekazu; Kusakawa, Takuya, Power tool.
  117. Romuald, Gaëtan, Prosthesis comprising a mesh and a strengthening means.
  118. Lecuivre, Julie, Prosthesis comprising a three-dimensional and openworked knit.
  119. Lecuivre, Julie; Bourges, Xavier, Prosthesis for inguinal hernia.
  120. Doucet, Genevieve; Brune, Thierry; Couderc, Xavier; Beausseron-Valentin, Cecile, Prosthesis for supporting a breast structure.
  121. Lecuivre, Julie, Prosthetic porous knit.
  122. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher; Chung, Steve; Sacks, Michael S., Rapid preparation of stem cell matrices for use in tissue and organ treatment and repair.
  123. Israel, David; Wolfman, Neil M., Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein heterodimers, compositions and methods of use.
  124. Bonadio Jeffrey ; Yin Wushan, Recombinant production of latent TGF-beta binding protein-3 (LTBP-3).
  125. Berman Andrew B., Resorbable interposition arthroplasty implant.
  126. Hadba, Ahmad Robert; Lefranc, Olivier; Buffinton, Jennifer, Reversible stiffening of light weight mesh.
  127. Cragg, Andrew H.; Ashby, Mark, Sheath-mounted arterial plug delivery device.
  128. Cragg, Andrew H.; Ashby, Mark, Sheath-mounted arterial plug delivery device.
  129. Payne, Thomas; Jankowski, Ronald; Pruchnic, Ryan; Chancellor, Michael, Skeletal muscle augmentation utilizing muscle-derived progenitor compositions, and treatments thereof.
  130. Chancellor,Michael B.; Huard,Johnny; Capelli,Christopher C.; Qu,Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenito compositions, and treatments thereof.
  131. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher C.; Qu, Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenitor cells, compositions and treatments thereof.
  132. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher C.; Qu, Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenitor cells, compositions and treatments thereof.
  133. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher C.; Qu, Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenitor cells, compositions and treatments thereof.
  134. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher C.; Qu, Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenitor cells, compositions and treatments thereof.
  135. Chancellor, Michael B.; Huard, Johnny; Capelli, Christopher C.; Qu-Petersen, Zhuqing, Soft tissue and bone augmentation and bulking utilizing muscle-derived progenitor cells, compositions and treatments thereof.
  136. Shu-Tung Li, Soft tissue closure systems.
  137. Janzen Ernst (Laren NLX) Hoekstra Matthias Johannes (Amstelveen NLX) Dutrieux Richard P. (Amsterdam NLX) Damink Leonardus Hermannus Hendrikus Olde (Vaals NLX), Soft tissue implant.
  138. Janzen Ernst,NLX ; Hoekstra Matthias Johannes,NLX ; Dutrieux Richard P.,NLX ; Damink Leonardus Hermannus Hendrikus Olde,NLX, Soft tissue implant.
  139. Gregory, Kenton W.; Bente, IV, Paul F.; Bryan, Heather Margaret; Lin, Jeffrey Yihyuan; Nuguid, Aileen; Pederson, Daniel Allen, Systems and methods for hemorrhage control and or tissue repair.
  140. Gregory, Kenton W.; Dayton, Amanda, Systems and methods for introducing and applying a bandage structure within a body lumen or hollow body organ.
  141. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Shapley, Nina C.; Tang, Zhongliang, Systems and methods for membraneless dialysis.
  142. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Shaplely, Nina C.; Tang, Zhongliang, Systems and methods of blood-based therapies having a microfluidic membraneless exchange device.
  143. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Shapley, Nina C.; Tang, Zhongliang, Systems and methods of blood-based therapies having a microfluidic membraneless exchange device.
  144. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian P.; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  145. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian Paul; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  146. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian Paul; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  147. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian Paul; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  148. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian Paul; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  149. Leonard, Edward F.; West, Alan C.; Aucoin, Christian Paul; Nanne, Edgar E., Systems and methods of microfluidic membraneless exchange using filtration of extraction outlet streams.
  150. Mizuno, Shuichi; Kusanagi, Akihiko; Tarrant, Laurence J. B.; Tokuno, Toshimasa; Smith, Robert Lane, Systems for cartilage repair.
  151. Celeste,Anthony J.; Wozney,John M.; Rosen,Vicki A.; Wolfman,Neil M.; Thomsen,Gerald H.; Melton,Douglas A., Tendon-inducing compositions.
  152. Celeste,Anthony J.; Wozney,John M.; Rosen,Vicki A.; Wolfman,Neil M.; Thomsen,Gerald H.; Melton,Douglas A., Tendon-inducing methods.
  153. Bailly, Pierre, Textile-based prosthesis for laparoscopic surgery.
  154. Bailly, Pierre; Desorme, Mylene; Doucet, Genevieve, Textile-based prosthesis for treatment of inguinal hernia.
  155. Bailly, Pierre; Romuald, Gaëtan, Umbilical hernia prosthesis.
  156. Bailly, Pierre; Romuald, Gaëtan, Umbilical hernia prosthesis.
  157. McCarthy, Simon J.; Gregory, Kenton W.; Wiesmann, William P.; Campbell, Todd D., Wound dressing and method for controlling severe, life-threatening bleeding.
  158. Lucchesi, Lisa; Xie, Hua, Wound dressing devices and methods.
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