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[미국특허] Barbeque utensil kit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B26B-001/00
  • B26B-003/00
  • A47J-043/28
출원번호 US-0860322 (1992-03-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Oriente Jack P. (183 W. Crescent Ave. Allendale NJ 07401) Oriente Joanie (183 W. Crescent Ave. Allendale NJ 07401)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 0


A utensil kit is arranged to include a spatula, bifurcated fork, and tong structure, each having telescopingly mounted heads secured to forward tooth portions telescopingly received within support tubes. Spring members are arranged to bias the forward tubes in an extended orientation relative to the


A barbeque utensil kit, comprising, a spatula member, a fork member, and a tong member, the spatula member including a first handle mounting a first support tube, with the first handle and the first support tube coaxially aligned about a first axis, and the first support tube telescopingly receiving

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Forest Robert (8000 Offenhauser Rd. #6E Reno NV 89511), Aquarium tool.
  2. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue implement.
  3. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue implement.
  4. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue implement.
  5. Zemel, Marc, Barbecue implement with multi tone hand grip.
  6. Zemel, Marc, Barbecue implement with multi tone hand grip.
  7. Zemel, Marc, Barbecue implement with multi tone hand grip.
  8. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue implement with multi tone hand grip.
  9. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue implement with wood laminate handle.
  10. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue tool.
  11. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue tool.
  12. Zemel,Marc, Barbecue tool with contour grip.
  13. Sheehan Brendan, Camping flatware.
  14. Douglas W. Stein ; Bruce E. Ancona ; Daniel Winigrad, Collapsible barbecue tools.
  15. Stein Douglas W. ; Ancona Bruce E. ; Winigrad Daniel, Collapsible barbecue tools.
  16. Stein Douglas W. ; Ancona Bruce E. ; Winigrad Daniel, Collapsible barbecue tools.
  17. Sanchez,Leo D., Combined spatula and Tong culinary utensil.
  18. Neal, Ryan; Kahler, Andrew; Jordan, Kenneth; Richied, Ken; Nuchols, Rick; Rowe, Mike, Compact cooking tool apparatus.
  19. Zemel,Marc, Contour grip for barbecue tools.
  20. Westfall, Ray L., Cooking implement with handle storage feature.
  21. Upton,Anthony Robert, Cooking tool assembly.
  22. Armstrong Jeffrey L., Ergonomically efficient tool.
  23. Mafi, Masoud, Extendible cooking implements having ergonomic handling features.
  24. Chen Yih-Long,TWX, Extensible cutlery device.
  25. Bussis, Mark John, Food cooking apparatus.
  26. Koong Shang Shi, Food handling utensil.
  27. Janocha, Daniel, Grill tongs having a heat shield.
  28. Wales, Michael, Heat shield for grilling tools.
  29. Sarver, Garry; Hughes, Erin, Kitchen utensil with adjustable serving surface.
  30. Wenker David Allen, Open fire cooking apparatus.
  31. Westmoreland, Glenn W., Spatula culinary utensil and methods of use.
  32. Hernandez, Janine, Spoon for making tea.
  33. Sandorfi, Roger J., Telescoping grilling tong.
  34. Ancona Bruce E. ; Gasparino Joseph E., Utensil handle.

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