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Method of and apparatus for utilizing and recovering CO2 in combustion exhaust gas 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-008/06
  • H01M-008/14
출원번호 US-0584209 (1990-09-18)
우선권정보 JP-0240831 (1989-09-19); JP-0021369 (1990-01-31); JP-0140397 (1990-05-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Miyauchi Toshio (Yokohama JPX) Hirata Tetsuya (Yokohama JPX) Ikeda Hideto (Yokohama JPX) Nakazawa Kenzo (Yokohama JPX) Uematsu Hiroyoshi (Yokohama JPX) Hatori Satoshi (Tone JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 42  인용 특허 : 0


A method of recovering carbon dioxide gas from the combustion exhaust gas of fossil fuel, using a combustion equipment, wherein fuel gas is supplied to an anode chamber of a molten carbonate fuel cell and oxidizing gas is supplied to a cathode chamber of the fuel cell, the combustion exhaust gas fro


A method of recovering carbon dioxide gas from combustion exhaust gas of fossil fuel, using a fossil fuel combustion equipment, a molten carbonate fuel cell and a reformer, the fuel cell having anode, anode chamber, cathode, cathode chamber and electrolyte and the reformer having a reforming chamber

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (42)

  1. Blake James Edward, Exhaust gas recirculation system employing a fluidic pump.
  2. Chen Tan-Ping, Fuel cell assembly.
  3. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Fuel cell integration within a heat recovery steam generator.
  4. Jahnke,Fred C.; Parab,Sanjay C., Fuel cell system with recycle of anode exhaust gas.
  5. Iyer, Mahesh V.; Fan, Liang-Shih; Ramkumar, Shwetha, High purity, high pressure hydrogen production with in-situ COand sulfur capture in a single stage reactor.
  6. Iyer, Mahesh V.; Fan, Liang-Shih, High temperature COcapture using engineered eggshells: a route to carbon management.
  7. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated carbon capture and chemical production using fuel cells.
  8. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated electrical power and chemical production using fuel cells.
  9. Farooque,Mohammad; Jahnke,Fred C., Integrated high efficiency fossil fuel power plant/fuel cell system with COemissions abatement.
  10. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integrated operation of molten carbonate fuel cells.
  11. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated power generation and carbon capture using fuel cells.
  12. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated power generation and carbon capture using fuel cells.
  13. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integrated power generation and carbon capture using fuel cells.
  14. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated power generation and chemical production using fuel cells.
  15. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integrated power generation and chemical production using fuel cells.
  16. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integrated power generation and chemical production using fuel cells.
  17. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integrated power generation and chemical production using fuel cells at a reduced electrical efficiency.
  18. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy A.; Lee, Anita S., Integrated power generation and chemical production using solid oxide fuel cells.
  19. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H.; Lee, Anita S., Integrated power generation using molten carbonate fuel cells.
  20. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Erickson, S. Allen; Lee, Anita S., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells for synthesis of nitrogen compounds.
  21. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
  22. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank H., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
  23. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Lee, Anita S.; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in a refinery setting.
  24. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy A.; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in fischer-tropsch synthesis.
  25. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Hershkowitz, Frank; Taylor, Kevin, Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in fischer-tropsch synthesis.
  26. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Lee, Anita S., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in iron and steel processing.
  27. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Lee, Anita S., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in iron and steel processing.
  28. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Lee, Anita S.; Hershkowitz, Frank, Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells in methanol synthesis.
  29. Berlowitz, Paul J.; Barckholtz, Timothy Andrew; Lee, Anita S., Integration of molten carbonate fuel cells with fermentation processes.
  30. Schmid, Günter, Material utilization with an electropositive metal.
  31. Schmid, Günter; Taroata, Dan; Arvanitis, Elena; Baldauf, Manfred; Walachowicz, Frank, Method and a system for converting carbon dioxide into chemical starting materials.
  32. Acker, William P., Method and apparatus for CO2 - driven air management for a fuel cell system.
  33. Ishii, Toru, Method and apparatus for gasification with CO2 recovery.
  34. Chen Tan-Ping, Method for operating a fuel cell assembly.
  35. Barckholtz, Timothy A.; Hershkowitz, Frank H.; Berlowitz, Paul J., Power generation and CO2 capture with turbines in series.
  36. Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein, Power producing gas separation system and method.
  37. Michael Rennie Haines NL, Producing electrical energy from natural gas using a solid oxide fuel cell.
  38. Robert E. Dean ; Norm Peschke ; Anton Scholten NL; Kenneth M. Rush, Jr. ; Mihail Penev ; Thomas D. Prevish, Recovering heat from fuel cell exhaust.
  39. Rieke, Peter C.; Towne, Silas A.; Coffey, Greg W.; Appel, Aaron M., Separation and/or sequestration apparatus and methods.
  40. Fan, Liang Shih; Gupta, Himanshu; Iyer, Mahesh V., Separation of carbon dioxide (CO) from gas mixtures.
  41. Fan, Liang-Shih; Gupta, Himanshu; Iyer, Mahesh V., Separation of carbon dioxide from gas mixtures by calcium based reaction separation.
  42. Chillar, Rahul J.; Taylor, Robert W.; Roberts, James E., System for recirculating the exhaust of a turbomachine.

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