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Bulk loading method and apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-088/12
출원번호 US-0592710 (1990-10-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Krein Reuben (Fort Smith AR) Smith Jeff (Fort Smith AR)
출원인 / 주소
  • BJK Industries, Inc. (Fort Smith AR 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


A flexible bulkhead (36) is provided that includes a plurality of horizontal poles (38) disposed in channels (54) and (56) on opposite sides of a container (10). Webbing straps (50) and (52) are operable to space the poles (38) a predetermined distance apart when installed between hooks on either si


A bulkhead for loading bulk cargo in a rear opening of a container disposed on its side with the rear opening at one end thereof and having an upper end and a lower end, the container having a floor, a ceiling, side walls and a flexible liner disposed therein substantially adjacent interior surfaces

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Podd ; Sr. Victor T.,CAX ITX H3P 1K8 ; Podd ; Jr. Victor I. ; Podd Stephen D.,CAX ITX H3G 1J4, Bracing system for a liner for a cargo container.
  2. Podd Victor T. (255 Beverly Avenue Montreal ; Quebec CAX H3P 1K8 ) Podd Stephen D. (Blockhouse Point Rd. North Hero VT 05474) Podd Victor I. (1678 S.W. 20th Ave. Boca Raton FL 33486), Bracing system for a liner for a cargo container.
  3. Podd Stephen D.,CAX, Bulkhead for retaining a cargo in a container.
  4. Tisi Antony Luigi Paul,GBX ; Tisi Andrew Stephen Paul,GBX, Container bulkhead assembly.
  5. Faivre,Stephen Michael; Hook,Richard Wayne, Foldable shipping container bulkhead.
  6. Kords, Christian; Horl, Reiner; Franz, Uli; Zimmermann, Raimund; Schniesko, Norbert, Method for filling and emptying transport containers with plastics granular material.
  7. Faivre,Stephen Michael; Stelford,Mark William, Method of optimizing remote sensing operation timing.
  8. Schroeder, Del C; Panasiewicz, Jeremy A; Fulcher, Jason E; Olszewski, Gerard; O'Mahony, Patrick J, Multi-purpose liner for vehicle compartment.
  9. Loeschen, Michael Dennis; Asraf, Ofer, Shipping container liner.
  10. Villers, Philippe; De Bruin, Tom; Navarro, Shlomo, System and method for free-standing storage of agricultural commodities using a hermetic lightweight sleeve.
  11. Kords, Christian; Horl, Reiner; Franz, Uli; Zimmermann, Raimund; Schniesko, Norbert, System for filling and emptying transport containers with plastics granular material.
  12. Scudder, Erik D.; Adelman, Shonagh Eva, Systems and methods for packaging and transporting bulk materials.
  13. Yielding, Bryan; Turner, David; Glinsky, Michael; Bechtold, David A.; Polgrean, Brian, Transport container having compartments that can be individually pressurized.
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