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Solid electrolytes for conducting polymer-based color switchable windows and electronic display services 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02F-001/01
출원번호 US-0373195 (1989-06-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yang Sze Cheng (Kingston RI) Hwang Jyun-Hwei (Taipei TWX)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Board of Governors for Higher Education, State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (Providence RI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 0


Electrochromic material, i.e. polyaniline, is polymerized in situ in a polymeric electrolyte to form an electrochromic/polyelectrolyte mixture. The mixture is coated as a film on electrochromic material. A film of electrolyte is placed in ion transfer relationship with the electrochromic/polyelectro


An electrochromic composition which comprises: an electroconductive polyaniline/polyelectrolyte matrix, the matrix characterized by interstices, the polyaniline having incorporated therein the polymeric electrolyte, said electrolyte in ion transfer relationship with said polyaniline.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37)

  1. Yoshimura, Kazuki; Tajima, Kazuki; Bao, Shanhu; Yamada, Yasusei, All solid state type reflection light control electrochromic element employing magnesium/titanium alloy and light control member.
  2. Ishima Yoshiaki,JPX ; Nawamaki Osamu,JPX ; Kikuchi Hideyuki,JPX, All-solid electrochromic anti-glare mirror.
  3. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Sennett,Michael, Assembled hematin, method for forming same and method for polymerizing aromatic monomers using same.
  4. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Sennett,Michael, Assembled hematin, method for forming same and method for polymerizing aromatic monomers using same.
  5. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Sennett,Michael, Assembled hematin, method for forming same and method for polymerizing aromatic monomers using same.
  6. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Sennett,Michael, Assembled hematin, method for forming same and method for polymerizing aromatic monomers using same.
  7. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Complimentary polymer electrochromic device.
  8. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Complimentary polymer electrochromic device.
  9. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Complimentary polymer electrochromic device.
  10. Beteille,Fabien; Mathey,Gregoire, Electrically-operated device with variable optical and/or energetic properties.
  11. Yang Sze Cheng ; Racicot Robert J. ; Clark Robert L. ; Liu Huaibing ; Brown Richard ; Alias Mohd Norazmi,MYX, Electroactive polymer coatings for corrosion control.
  12. Sotzing, Gregory Allen, Electrochromic copolymers from precursors, method of making, and use thereof.
  13. Chandrasekhar Prasanna, Electrochromic display device.
  14. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna; Zay, Brian J.; Laganis, Edward J.; Romanov, Vasily V.; LaRosa, Anthony J., Electrochromic eyewear.
  15. Chandrasekhar Prasanna, Electrolytes.
  16. Samuelson Lynne A. ; Alva K. Shridhara ; Kumar Jayant ; Tripathy Sukant K., Enzymatic template polymerization.
  17. Agrawal, Anoop; Cronin, John P.; Adams, Lori L.; Tonazzi, Juan Carlos L., Flexible and printable electrooptic devices.
  18. Jones Philip J., Flexible electrode-bearing article.
  19. Sotzing, Gregory Allen; Invernale, Michael A., Formation of conjugated polymers for solid-state devices.
  20. Furuki Makoto,JPX ; Ohtsu Shigemi,JPX ; Pu Lyong,JPX, Image forming apparatus including conducting polymer layer for ionic dye intake and release.
  21. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Method and apparatus for control of electrochromic devices.
  22. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Method and apparatus for control of electrochromic devices.
  23. Samuelson,Lynne A.; Bruno,Ferdinando; Tripathy, legal representative,Susan; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Liu,Wei; Tripathy, deceased,Sukant K., Method of forming an electrically conductive connection utilizing a polynucleotide/conductive polymer complex.
  24. Tripathy Sukant ; Samuelson Lynne A. ; Alva K. Shridhara ; Kumar Jayant ; Marx Kenneth A., Method of forming water-soluble, electrically conductive and optically active polymers.
  25. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant, Methods for polymerization of electronic and photonic polymers.
  26. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant, Methods for polymerization of electronic and photonic polymers.
  27. Bruno,Ferdinando; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant, Methods for polymerization of electronic and photonic polymers.
  28. Park,Joon Young; Kim,Jae Jung, Organic electroluminescence device for preventing current leakage and improving inkjet-printing quality.
  29. Samuelson,Lynne A.; Bruno,Ferdinando F.; Roy,Sucharita; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Ku,Bon Cheol; Lee,Soo Hyoung; Tripathy, deceased,Sukant, Polymerization of aromatic monomers using derivatives of hematin.
  30. Tripathy, legal representative,Susan; Samuelson,Lynne A.; Bruno,Ferdinando F.; Roy,Sucharita; Nagarajan,Ramaswamy; Kumar,Jayant; Ku,Bon Cheol; Lee,Soo Hyoung; Tripathy,Sukant, Polymerization of aromatic monomers using derivatives of hematin.
  31. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna; Chai, Yanjie, Potentiostat/galvanostat with digital interface.
  32. Huang, Lee-May; Hu, Chi-Wei, Printable photovoltaic electrochromic device and module.
  33. Potter, Scott M; Poxon, John; Mulder, Pieter, Printing roll having a controllable heat absorbing internal surface.
  34. Potter,Scott M.; Poxon,John; Mulder,Pieter, Printing roll having a controllable heat-absorbing internal surface.
  35. Poxon, John Barry, Temperature monitoring system for a media preheater.
  36. Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Variable-emittance electrochromic devices and methods of preparing the same.
  37. Yang, Sze Cheng; Brown, Richard, Water-borne polymeric complex and anti-corrosive composition.
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