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[미국특허] Dovetail sealing device for axial dovetail rotor blades 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-005/30
출원번호 US-0931079 (1992-08-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glynn Christopher C. (Hamilton OH) Walker Roger C. (Middletown OH) Lammas Andrew J. (Maineville OH) Fallon Richard J. (West Chester OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Cincinnati OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 0


A sealing device for compressor axial dovetail rotor blades for a gas turbine engine comprising a sealing member having a finger portion extending from a main body portion which engages a disk hook located on each disk post and forms a first point of contact about which the sealing member rotates. T


In a gas turbine engine of a type having a turbine disk including a plurality of spaced disk posts forming blade-retaining slots therebetween and a plurality of blades mounted on said disk and having blade roots shaped to engage said slots, an apparatus for sealing gaps between said blade roots and

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Robertson, Daniel, Anti fret liner assembly.
  2. Corley Thomas J. ; Etchison Donald P. ; Dailey George, Apparatus and method for sealing gas turbine blade roots.
  3. Schaub Fritz,CHX ; Wettstein Hans,CHX, Arrangement which consists of a number of fixing slots and is intended for fitting a rotor or a stator of a fluid-flow.
  4. Duesler, Paul W.; Rosborough, Richard; Vukovinsky, Michael, Axial retention system and components thereof for a bladed rotor.
  5. Burt, Jonathan P.; Sandoval, Jonathan Perry, Bayoneted anti-rotation turbine seals.
  6. Decardenas, Rafael A., Blade assembly in a combustion turbo-machine providing reduced concentration of mechanical stress and a seal between adjacent assemblies.
  7. Stapleton, David Scott, Blade skirt.
  8. Merlot, Damien; Sers, Remi, Blisk with low stresses at blade root, preferably for an aircraft turbine engine fan.
  9. Yehle, Gary Edward; Lillibridge, Wayne Alan; Bylina, Noel Jacob, Bucket dovetail design for turbine rotors.
  10. Liotta, Gary C.; Ward, Jr., John D., Clamped plate seal.
  11. Danescu, Radu Ioan; Ward, John D., Compliant seal for rotor slot.
  12. Anderson, Rodger O.; Willett, Fred T., Compressor stator vane.
  13. Anderson,Rodger O.; Willett,Fred T., Compressor stator vane.
  14. Cairo, Ronald Ralph; Bruce, Kevin Leon, Dovetail attachment seal for a turbomachine.
  15. Arness, Brian P.; Ward, John D., Gas assisted turbine seal.
  16. Harris, Jr., John Wesley; Piersall, Matthew Robert; Potter, Brian Denver, Gas turbine having seal assembly with coverplate and seal.
  17. Bilstein, Björn; Schröder, Peter, Gas turbine having sealing plates on the turbine disc.
  18. Suciu, Gabriel L.; Norris, James W., Integrally bladed rotor with slotted outer rim.
  19. Arness, Brian P.; McGovern, Tara Easter; Wardell, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Labyrinth seal for turbine dovetail.
  20. Ward, John D.; Kottilingam, Srikanth; Tragesser, Daniel; Rauch, Steven, Method and apparatus for creating seal slots for turbine components.
  21. Connor, James Ryan; Honkomp, Mark Steven, Method and system for sealing a dovetail.
  22. Wunderle, Helmar; Schlechtriem, Stefan; Graf, Peter; Glaser, Silvio; Von Arx, Beat, Method for improving the sealing on rotor arrangements.
  23. Anderson, Rodger O.; Willett, Fred T., Method for modifying a compressor stator vane.
  24. Berg, Richard Hiram; Maier, Mark Stefan, Methods and apparatus for assembling gas turbine engines.
  25. Scott, Matthew Alban; Cornell, Jay L.; Grant, Robert Russell, Methods and apparatus for limiting fluid flow between adjacent rotor blades.
  26. Belmonte, Olivier; Gillant, Gregory Nicolas Gerald, Retaining ring assembly and supporting flange for said ring.
  27. Bricaud, Cyrille; Simon-Delgado, Carlos; Holzhaeuser, Steffen; Lamminger, Marco; Berger, Carl, Rotor assembly for gas turbine.
  28. Faulkner Andrew R.,GBX, Rotor assembly for use in a turbomachine.
  29. Caprario, Joseph T., Rotor cover plate retention method.
  30. Gendraud, Alain Dominique; Garin, Fabrice Marcel Noel; Lunel, Romain Nicolas, Rotor wheel for a turbine engine.
  31. Bouru, Michel A.; Charbonnel, Jean-Louis; Prato, Jean-Claude, Sealing and retaining device for a rotor notched with pin settings receiving blade roots.
  32. Arness, Brian P.; Veltre, Louis; Harter, Ariel Kelsey Coleman; Wardell, John D., Sealing mechanism with pivot plate and rope seal.
  33. Wagner,Stefan Jochen, Securing assembly.
  34. Ward, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Spring seal for turbine dovetail.
  35. Jayana, Srinivasa Govardhan, Systems, methods, and apparatus for sealing a bucket dovetail in a turbine.
  36. Tyler, Peter Michael, Testing of a transient voltage protection device.
  37. Zagar Thomas W. ; Schiavo Anthony L., Turbine blade platform seal.
  38. Normoyle,Maureen Theresa; Albers,Robert Joseph; Herron,William Lee; Bobo, deceased,Melvin; Plemmons, deceased,Lawrence Wayne, Turbine blade retainer seal.
  39. Douville, Benoit; Grivas, Nicholas; Chamoun, Jean, Turbine blade retaining apparatus.
  40. Harris, Jr., John Wesley; Liotta, Gary Charles, Turbine cover plate assembly.
  41. Liotta, Gary Charles; Bowes, Christopher Sean; Harris, Jr., John Wesley, Turbine coverplate systems.
  42. Kildea Robert J. ; Voigt Herbert R., Turbine disk and blade assembly seal.
  43. Tanaka, Tokuhito, Turbine rotor, turbine, and method for removing seal plate.
  44. Brauer, John Christopher; Lewis, Kenneth Martin; Heise, Fred Martin, Turbomachinery blade retention system.
  45. Afanasiev, Gennadiy; Brillert, Dieter, Wire seal for metering of turbine blade cooling fluids.

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