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Pneumatic support system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47C-021/08
출원번호 US-0764337 (1991-09-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chaffee Robert B. (78 Montgomery St. Boston MA 02116)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 67  인용 특허 : 0


A portable, inflatable support system, and a portable inflator for use with such a system are provided in one embodiment. The inflatable support system may include an inflatable mattress having a pressure valve and a battery powered inflator for removable engagement therewith, which on engagement is


An inflatable support system, comprising: an inflatable body support having a pressure valve in fluid communication with an inflation input; inflation means, for inflating the body support with a fluid, that is removably engagable with the inflation input; sensing means, for sensing the engagement o

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (67)

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  3. Wu, Shang-Neng, Air mattress control unit.
  4. Wu,Shang Neng, Air mattress control unit.
  5. Wu,Shang Neng, Air mattress control unit.
  6. Lau,Vincent W. S., Air mattress with sleeping bag.
  7. Wang, Cheng-Chung, Air pump device and its inflatable product.
  8. Blazar, Joseph E.; Wahrmund, Gary M., Air-foam mattress component.
  9. Browder Tabor W., Automatic bed maker.
  10. Harvie,Mark R., Automatic self cleaning bladder relief and hydration system.
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  14. Hemphill Douglas,CAX ; Dale Gary,CAX, Automatically inflatable boat.
  15. Chaffee,Robert B., Body support surface comfort device.
  16. Chaffee,Robert B., Body support, comfort device.
  17. Blazar, Joseph E.; Wahrmund, Gary M., Comfort customizable pillow.
  18. Chaffee, Robert B., Configurable inflatable support devices.
  19. Chaffee, Robert B., Configurable inflatable support devices.
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  21. Swezey,Robert L.; Swezey,Richard, Free-standing reclining bed lounge.
  22. Wang, Cheng Chung, Inflatable airbed provided with electric pump having pump body recessed into the inflatable airbed.
  23. Chaffee, Robert B., Inflatable device forming mattresses and cushions.
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  29. Chung, Wang Cheng, Inflatable product equipped with pump.
  30. Wang, Cheng Chung, Inflatable product provided with built-in battery case and socket.
  31. Chung,Wang Cheng, Inflatable product provided with electric air pump.
  32. Chung,Wang Cheng, Inflatable product provided with electric air pump.
  33. Lau,Vincent W. S., Inflatable product with stowable pump.
  34. Kojic Maria ; Ferber Alison J., Inflatable seating apparatus.
  35. Larochelle,Luc; Larochelle,Serge, Inflatable structure.
  36. Rudden Edward P., Inflatable support system.
  37. McNiff Eric J. ; Rowen Christopher G. ; Calabro Paul, Inflatable tent.
  38. Belanger,John, Inflation system.
  39. Boyd, Dennis, Inflation/deflation device having spring biased value.
  40. Feldman Robert M., Inflator with drop-in batteries and universal adapters.
  41. Chaffee, Robert B., Membrane deflation in combination with rigid surfaces.
  42. Chaffee, Robert B., Membrane deflation in combination with rigid surfaces.
  43. Chaffee, Robert B., Method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling pressure in an inflatable device.
  44. Chaffee, Robert B., Method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling pressure in an inflatable device.
  45. Chaffee, Robert B., Method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling pressure in an inflatable device.
  46. Chaffee, Robert B., Method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling pressure in an inflatable device.
  47. Kasatshko,Victor M., Multiple position air mattress system.
  48. Kasatshko,Victor M.; Webb,Nicholas J., Multiple position air mattress system.
  49. Kehrmann, Michael F.; Wen, Vincent; Tsai, Chun Chung; Austen, Timothy F.; Lewison, Corey, Pump with automatic deactivation mechanism.
  50. Chaffee, Robert B., Pump with axial conduit.
  51. Chaffee, Robert B., Pump with axial conduit.
  52. Chaffee, Robert B., Pump with axial conduit.
  53. Chaffee,Robert B., Pump with axial conduit.
  54. Coleman, Brian; Wen, Vincent, Pump with integrated deflation port.
  55. Chung, Tsai Chun, Reversible inflation system.
  56. Segal, Colin; Weisz, Joan Betty, Self-inflating cushion and valve therefor.
  57. Chaffee, Robert B., Self-sealing valve.
  58. Leventhal, Robert; Thomas, Paul, System for controlling the position of an inflatable bedrest positioned under a mattress.
  59. Shuster, Gary Stephen, Tactile alerting mechanism for portable communications device.
  60. Feldman Robert M., Three way universal valve.
  61. Reeb,David L.; Le Gette,Brian E., Valve for inflatable article.
  62. Chaffee, Robert B., Valve for inflatable objects.
  63. Chaffee, Robert B., Valve for inflatable objects.
  64. Chaffee,Robert B., Valve for inflatable objects.
  65. Chaffee, Robert, Valve with electromechanical device for actuating the valve.
  66. Chaffee, Robert B., Valve with electromechanical device for actuating the valve.
  67. Chaffee, Robert B., Valve with electromechanical device for actuating the valve.
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