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Software controlled aircraft component configuration system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/20
  • G11C-011/40
출원번호 US-0852911 (1992-03-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Appleford Lyle R. (Seattle WA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company (Seattle WA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 12


Configuration options for aircraft components are stored in non-volatile reprogrammable memory and selected by way of software under secure conditions without requiring configuration pins. Aircraft components can be reconfigured without taking the aircraft out of service for more than a few minutes.


An aircraft configuration system for configuring options governing the operation of an aircraft comprising: a flight management computer for directing operation of the aircraft, said flight management computer implementing a plurality of configuration options concerning portions of the operation of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Miller ; Jr. Lawrence D. (Redmond WA) Owen Robert J. (Mercer Island WA) Kiltz Richard M. (Maple Valley WA), Aircraft data acquisition and recording system.
  2. Aslin Matthew J. (Bothell WA) Patton Gary J. (Langley WA), Central maintenance computer system and fault data handling method.
  3. Slater Billy R. (Plano TX), Combined mode supervisory program-panel controller method and apparatus for a process control system.
  4. Lam Jack F. (Endwell NY) Schmid Hermann (Binghamton NY), Fault tolerant, frame synchronization for multiple processor systems.
  5. Hess Richard F. (Scottsdale AZ), High integrity digital processor architecture.
  6. MacDonald Scott N. (Pleasant Hill CA) Magnussen ; Jr. Haakon T. (Pinole CA), Instrument control system.
  7. Van Bemmelen ; Henri M., Management control terminal method and apparatus.
  8. Kintner Paul M. (Bayside WI), Memory programming control system for storing a wire number program of a ladder diagram for a programmable controller.
  9. Lamiaux Sylves (Yerville FRX) Kuhn Alex (Pontoise FRX), Memory safeguard device for microprocessor.
  10. Molusis Anthony J. (Southington CT) O\Loughlin Thomas M. (Milford CT), Microprocessor-based keyboard/display unit for configuring control instruments.
  11. Someshwar Ashok H. (Austin TX) Lies Kenneth A. (Lubbock TX) Teza Jeffrey R. (Houston TX), Modular input/output system.
  12. Nakamura Hideo (Tokyo JPX) Sawase Terumi (Sayama JPX), Semiconductor integrated circuit with nonvolatile memory.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30)

  1. Igloi, Tamas M.; Karimi, Ghobad, Aircraft avionics maintenance diagnostics data download transmission system.
  2. Uczekaj, John; Hayden, Brad; Lyons, Peter; Kyriakos, Constantinos; Lyle, Joseph, Avionics gateway interface, systems and methods.
  3. Healy, Brian; Isomura, Makoto; Chamas, Bassam; Talavera, Garrick, Circuit breaker box and monitoring system.
  4. Paul R. Drake ; Thomas J. Doubek ; Robert H. Mierow, Configurable aircraft power system.
  5. Jeffrey Gary S. ; Boorman Daniel J. ; Hartel Martin C., Electronic checklist system with checklist inhibiting.
  6. Zaccaria Patrick,FRX ; Ostermann Patrice,FRX, Engine control system for an aircraft.
  7. Saint-Marc, Laurent; Brunel, Luc; Zaccaria, Patrick; Alexandre, Matthieu; Feau, Julien; Leborgne, Frédéric; Immordino, Thierry; Belkadi, Jean-François; Durand, Nathalie, FADEC and avionic component distributed architecture.
  8. Villey, Philippe, Flight simulator adapted for a family of aircraft.
  9. Nishimura Takeshi,JPX ; Kobayashi Takahiko,JPX, Flight strips management method and system.
  10. Gunn Peter D. ; Herald Richard Allen ; Martindale Ian C. ; Paulson Clement Val, Method and apparatus for automatically providing jet engine thrust ratings to avionic systems.
  11. Martone, Terry, Method and apparatus for updating information on an embedded system.
  12. Remy, Sébastien, Method and device for providing an multi-engine aircraft pilot with data concerning said engines.
  13. Brinkman, Ron, Method and system for updating navigation information.
  14. Munger,Robert J.; Jennings,Nathaniel H., Method for programming operator system interface with a simulator.
  15. Wischmeyer, Carl Edward, Methods and systems for displaying aircraft information.
  16. Orf,Roger A.; Straub,Philip I., Methods, data structures, and systems to configure avionic equipment with profile data.
  17. Hull, Eric J.; Nelson, Jonathan O.; Mager, Gary N., Mobile electronic communication device with lights to indicate received messages.
  18. Hull, Eric J.; Nelson, Jonathan O.; Mager, Gary N., Mobile electronic communication device with lights to indicate received messages.
  19. Hull, Eric J.; Nelson, Jonathan O.; Mager, Gary N., Mobile electronic communication device with lights to indicate received messages.
  20. Gyde, Mike G.; Snyder, Mark I.; Stewart, Michael J., Multifunction keyboard for advanced cursor driven avionic flight decks.
  21. Cunningham Glen B. (Boston MA) Reading Andrew R. (Rochester Hills MI) Kapolka Michael F. (Sterling Heights MI), PC compatible modular based diagnostic system.
  22. Fisher, Ken Scott; Baxter, Kevin Cotton, Portable memory drive with portable applications and cross-computer system management application.
  23. Honcik David B. ; Shetter Martin T., Reconfigurable algorithmic networks for aircraft data management.
  24. Alcantara, Roy S.; Fischer, Bradley J.; Craig, Raymond P., System and method for automatically controlling take-off thrust in an aircraft.
  25. Narasimhulu, Veeresh Kumar Masaru; Kushwaha, Dinesh Kumar, System and method for computing an equi-distance point (EDP) for aircrafts.
  26. Narasimhulu, Veeresh Kumar Masaru; Kushwaha, Dinesh Kumar, System and method for computing an equi-time point for aircrafts.
  27. Narasimhulu, Veeresh Kumar Masaru; Kushwaha, Dinesh Kumar, System and method for computing flight time from an equi-distance point to a reference point.
  28. Nahapetian, Armen; Brower, Daniel Stuart, System and method for specification of trigger logic conditions.
  29. Serge Alexandre Marc Germanetti FR, System for monitoring the operation of an aircraft, especially a helicopter.
  30. Lusardi, Robert Allen; Crockard, Scott Myles, User-configurable electronic flight bag.
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