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[미국특허] Surfboard fins with flexible edges 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-001/00
출원번호 US-0788459 (1991-11-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Skedeleski David (Aiea HI) Arakawa Eric (Aiea HI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Surfco Hawaii (Aiea HI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 8


A surfboard has one or more (e.g. three) fins extending from its bottom surface. Each fin is a rigid plastic body element (e.g. Shore D hardness of at least about 78) with curved leading and trailing edges, a base, and side walls. The edges intersect in a rounded tip, and the leading edge curves bac


A surfboard fin comprising: a rigid body element having a leading edge, and a trailing edge, and a flexible material covering disposed on said leading and trailing edges of said rigid body element, said flexible material being soft enough to minimize injury to a person impacted by a leading or trail

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Winner William K. (White Salmon WA), Daggerfin adjustable sailboard skeg.
  2. Abrams ; III Henry H. (15 Community Rd. Bay Shore NY 11706), Flexible surfboard.
  3. McDonald ; Michael D. ; Pleskunas ; Stanley A., Soft deck surfboard.
  4. Collum ; Jr. William E. (Millstone Dr. Southampton NY 11968), Surfboard fin.
  5. Sherwood Kent (Santa Monica CA), Surfboard fin retainer.
  6. Thompson Victor R. (P.O. Box 10007 Wilmington NC 28405), Surfboard holder.
  7. Roland Vincent (888 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach FL 32233), Surfing figurine.
  8. Hufnagl Ernest (1/640 Bunnerong Road ; Matraville Sydney AUX) Fields Christopher J. (39 Brisbane Street ; Chifley Sydney AUX 2036), Wave ski.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Richenberg, Randal, Biomimic design stabilizing fin or keel for surface planing or submerged watercraft.
  2. D'Ambrosio,Peter Carlo; Smith,Roy Austin, Building block.
  3. Iglesias, Jean Francois, Device for simultaneously and progressively varying the camber and the angle of attack of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic wings.
  4. Hudson Paul R. ; Skedeleski David, Edge configuration for a watersport board fin.
  5. McKee, Edward, Fin.
  6. Field, John, Fin for a water board.
  7. O'Keefe, Thomas L.; Daum, Dennis L., Fin for a watersport board.
  8. Dovell,Andrew Clement, Fin for surfcraft.
  9. Wunner, Felix, Fin for water sport and a surfboard for this purpose.
  10. Striker, Arthur, Fin ornament.
  11. Scott, Gregory; Durante, Michael, Fin plug for a water craft.
  12. Norrie, Scott; Durante, Michael; Scott, Gregory; Evans, Linden, Fin plug for water craft.
  13. Hickok, William L.; Morgan, Mark R.; Benson, Richard M; Baker, Michael A., Fin stabilizer to reduce roll for boats in turns method and apparatus.
  14. Hickok,William L.; Morgan,Mark R.; Benson,Richard M; Baker,Michael A., Fin stabilizer to reduce roll for boats in turns method and apparatus.
  15. Moseley,Kevin, Flotation device.
  16. Vogel Richard, High performance surfboard.
  17. Greven, Richard, Method of making complex shaped articles.
  18. Stagnaro,Louis R., Pair of side surfboard fins.
  19. Foulke, Robert W., Pivotal surfboard fin assembly.
  20. Benham, Roger A., Pivoting fin with securement.
  21. Gustafsson, Esa; Karvinen, Erkki; Karvinen, Juba; Salonen, Jorma, Rudder construction.
  22. Skedeleski, David, Safety fin over mold system and safety fin sleeve for surfboard and other recreational vehicles.
  23. Norrie, Scott; Durante, Michael; Scott, Gregory; Evans, Linden, Securing mechanism for water craft fin.
  24. Takayama,Diane; Takayama,Donald, Surfboard fins.
  25. David Skedeleski, Surfboard tail protector.
  26. Redmon, James J., Wakeboard and kiteboard with curved fins and methods of use.
  27. Hudson Paul R. ; Skedeleski David S., Watersport board fin construction.

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