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[미국특허] Industrial gas turbine engine with dual panel variable vane assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04D-029/56
출원번호 US-0896640 (1992-06-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hines William R. (Cincinnati OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Cincinnati OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 0


An industrial gas turbine engine includes in serial flow relationship a booster compressor, a core engine, a power turbine having a first shaft joined to the booster and an output shaft, and means for independently varying the radially outer and radially inner booster flow areas. The means for indep


A variable vane assembly in a gas turbine engine for regulating flow in a channel, comprising: (a) a first variable vane portion having a first vane panel disposed within said channel adjacent a first channel wall; (b) a second variable vane portion having a second vane panel disposed radially inwar

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McCaffrey, Michael G.; Hudson, Eric A.; Hill, James D.; Magge, Shankar S.; Wagner, Joel H., 3D contoured vane endwall for variable area turbine vane arrangement.
  2. Gardner, Alasdair; Rowe, Arthur Laurence; Taylor, Mark David; Howarth, Nicholas, Control of a gas turbine engine.
  3. Minto, Karl Dean, Control of compression system with independently actuated inlet guide and/or stator vanes.
  4. Haaser, Frederic G.; Bowen, Wayne R.; Dingwell, William T.; Even-Nur, Michael; Przytulski, James C., Damped torque shaft assembly.
  5. Bourassa, Corey; Gerstler, William Dwight; Biederman, Bruce Philip, Flow control assembly and methods of assembling the same.
  6. Lundbladh, Anders Erik, Gas turbine engine.
  7. Johnson, Steven Douglas; Miller, Brandon Wayne; Gonyou, Craig Alan, Gas turbine engine dual sealing cylindrical variable bleed valve.
  8. Mahoney,Timothy D.; Quitmeyer,James N.; Horner,Darrell; Miller,Jeff, Gas turbine engine electromechanical variable inlet guide vane actuation system.
  9. Maliniak, David; Monahan, Daniel J.; Little, Jonathan D.; Mayachari, Veerachari J.; Dumavath, Rakesh Sharma N.; Jayasingh, Arun Kumar; Walker, Herbert L., Gas turbine engine with attached nosecone.
  10. Seki Naoyuki,JPX ; Arimura Hisato,JPX, Gas turbine starting method.
  11. Vetters, Daniel K.; Mizzi, Simon; Agg, Michael J., High pressure compressor thermal management.
  12. Giffin, Rollin George; Johnson, James Edward, High pressure ratio aft fan.
  13. Bruce, Robert William; Schell, Jerry Donald; Beall, Charles J., High temperature rod end bearings.
  14. Mesing, Thomas C.; Bowen, Wayne R.; Hester, David B., Method of manufacturing variable vane seal and washer materials.
  15. O'Reilly, Daniel Padraic; Mesing, Thomas Carl; Dingwell, William Terence, Methods and apparatus for sealing gas turbine engine variable vane assemblies.
  16. Dunbar Donald K. ; Miller Marlen L. ; Converse George L., Methods for designing variable cycle gas turbine engines.
  17. King Aaron H. ; Lammas Andrew J. ; Connelly John D., Movable shaft assembly.
  18. Franz Joos DE; Uy-Liem Nguyen CH; Ulrich Waltke CH, Multistage turbocompressor.
  19. Lynch, Michael D.; Barr, Dustin C., Nozzle with temperature-responsive throat diameter.
  20. Lindsey, Anthony T.; Jayasingh, Arun Kumar; Walker, Herbert L., Removable nosecone for a gas turbine engine.
  21. Gregory Allan Crum ; Lynn Charles Gagne ; William Earl Dixon, Replaceable variable stator vane for gas turbines.
  22. McCaffrey, Michael G.; Hudson, Eric A., Seal for gas turbine engine component.
  23. Martis, Dan; Rowe, Arthur, System and method for controlling the working line position in a gas turbine engine compressor.
  24. Davidson, Dwight Eric; Delvernois, Paul Griffin, System and method for operating a compressor.
  25. Bruce, Robert W., Tribologically improved design for variable stator vanes.
  26. Ramirez Ollervides, Aldo Daniel; De Leon Teran, Luis Alejandro; VanDemark, Timothy Jay; Horner, Sr., Steven Edward, Turnbuckle dampening links.
  27. Schwarz, Frederick M.; Kupratis, Daniel Bernard, Variable area turbine.
  28. Dunbar Donald K. ; Miller Marlen L. ; Converse George L., Variable pressure and variable air flow turbofan engines.
  29. Hines William R., Variable size gas turbine engine.
  30. William Terence Dingwell ; Daniel Padraic O'Reilly ; Thomas Carl Mesing, Variable stator vane bushing.
  31. Lammas Andrew J. ; Bowen Wayne R., Variable vane seal and washer.
  32. Mesing Thomas C. ; Bowen Wayne R. ; Hester David B., Variable vane seal and washer materials.
  33. Epstein, Alan H., Virtual multi-stream gas turbine engine.
  34. Bruce,Robert William; Schell,Jerry Donald, Wear resistant variable stator vane assemblies.

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