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[미국특허] Control apparatus and control method of a washing machine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G05B-011/01
  • G05B-009/02
  • H04B-001/06
출원번호 US-0877073 (1992-05-01)
우선권정보 KR-0007498 (1991-05-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kim Yong Man (Suwon KRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Suwon KRX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 0


The present invention relates to a control method and a control apparatus of a washer wherein washing processes involving washing, rinsing and de-watering are performed fully automatically by the introduction of functions of a commonly-used remote controller, thus providing the user conveniences and


A control apparatus for washers having a main body and a remocon comprising: first and second microcomputers; first and second key parts which input into said first and second microcomputers data necessary for the operation of the washer main body and the remocon; first and second display parts whic

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Peterson, Gregory A., Appliance control communication methods and apparatus.
  2. Berends, Erik; Ennen, Guenther; Kara, Seyfettin, Dishwasher having a turbidity sensor.
  3. Laaser,Walter, Electrical appliance with communication interface.
  4. Astrauskas,Jurgis; Peterson,Gregory A., Method and apparatus for conserving battery for operation of a low intensity optical communication probe.
  5. Astrauskas,Jurgis, Method and apparatus for improving noise immunity for low intensity optical communication.
  6. Astrauskas,Jurgis, Method and apparatus for independent control of low intensity indicators used for optical communication in an appliance.
  7. Astrauskas,Jurgis, Method and apparatus for operating an optical receiver for low intensity optical communication in a high speed mode.
  8. William T. Comer, Method and system for isolating water pressure from an appliance.
  9. Wong, Kevin Nelson; Kirby, Sean Sebastian; Stover, Emily Auban; Tham, Jason Dean, Method, system and apparatus for automatic quality control using a plurality of computers.
  10. Logan, James D; Carr, Eric; Baker, Jr., Richard A, Methods and apparatus notifying a remotely located user of the operating condition of a household appliance.
  11. Logan, James D; Carr, Eric; Baker, Jr., Richard A, Methods and apparatus notifying a user of the operating condition of a household appliance.
  12. Logan, James D; Carr, Eric; Baker, Jr., Richard A, Methods and apparatus notifying a user of the operating condition of a remotely located household appliance.
  13. Lee, Koonseok; Lee, Hoonbong; Kim, Yanghwan, Network system and method of controlling network system.
  14. Lee, Koonseok; Ahn, Junho; Lee, Hoonbong; Kim, Yanghwan, Network system for a component.
  15. Peterson,Gregory A.; Astrauskas,Jurgis, System and method for communicating with an appliance through a light emitting diode.
  16. Sheahan,Thomas J.; Sullivan,Michael P., System and method for communicating with an appliance through an optical interface using a control panel indicator.
  17. Mayhew, Scott; Wakefield, Scott; Zuzuly, Daniel; Jonsson, Gregg, System and method for configurable motor controller settings.

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