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[미국특허] Slide on cover for framing system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04H-001/00
출원번호 US-0902934 (1992-06-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Croissant Bruce A. (Alpharetta GA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kawneer Company, Inc. (Norcross GA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 24  인용 특허 : 0


A framing system is disclosed which includes a frame member and a slide on cover. The frame member has an interior portion, an exterior portion, and at least one glazing pocket defined between the interior and exterior portions, the glazing pocket being configured to receive a lateral edge of a glaz


A framing system comprising: a frame member having a longitudinal axis, an interior portion, an exterior portion, and at least one glazing pocket defined between said interior and exterior portions, said glazing pocket being configured to receive a lateral edge of a glazing panel therewithin; and a

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ting, Raymond M. L., Airloop window wall system.
  2. LeVan, Kurtis E., Building facade system.
  3. LeVan, Kurtis E., Building facade system.
  4. LeVan, Kurtis E., Building facade system.
  5. Farag, F. Aziz, Fire resistant rated fenestration, including curtain wall systems, for multiple story buildings.
  6. Dolby, Jeffrey Scott; McKenna, Gregory Blake; Napora, Nick, Manufactures, methods and structures to reduce energy transfer in building curtain walls.
  7. Riggio, Steve, Method and apparatus of weather sealing adjacently jointed building panels.
  8. LeVan, Kurtis E., Method of installing building facade.
  9. Farag, F. Aziz, Panel-sealing and securing system.
  10. Farag, F. Aziz, Seismic safe and fire resistant rated edge attached stopless glazing.
  11. Magoon Robert Dean, Self-sealing framing system for buildings.
  12. Morgan, Timothy John; Thomas, Philip Glyn; Hilton, John, Structural glass assemblies.
  13. Morgan, Timothy John; Thomas, Philip Glyn; Hilton, John, Structural glass assemblies.
  14. Mathijssen, Markus Johannes Hendrikus; Volmeyer, Ronald Theodoor Jan, System provided with panels, and method.
  15. Evensen, Kenneth R.; White, James Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing a window wall with flush slab edge covers.
  16. Evensen, Kenneth R.; White, James Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing a window wall with flush slab edge covers.
  17. Evensen, Kenneth R.; White, James Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing a window wall with flush slab edge covers.
  18. Evensen, Kenneth R.; White, James Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing a window wall with flush slab edge covers.
  19. Magoon, Robert D.; Hughes, James Alan; Smith, Chris, Thermal break for curtain wall.
  20. Hogan, Jerry C., Tube-lock curtain wall system.
  21. Hogan,Jerry C., Tube-lock curtain wall system.
  22. Header, Gregory, Vertical and sloped glazing framing members structured for electrical wiring.
  23. Hansen,Tracy C., Vertical panel glass wall.
  24. Ishikawa, Masayoshi; Takemura, Masami; Takahashi, Tsutomu, Wall structure of building.

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