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[미국특허] Auxiliary braking and cooling device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60H-001/32
출원번호 US-0871187 (1992-04-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Spears Dan E. (3515 Westfield Dr. Brandon FL 33511)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 0


An apparatus to control the air as it passes a tractor trailer combination as they travel along a road. This device will allow for variable redirection of the air flow to allow various desired effects to be met. The flow of air is streamlined to minimize the effects of cross winds. Air pressure resp


An air deflector for a transport vehicle having a tractor cab and a trailer with a refrigeration system for cooling the interior of the trailer and a braking system for the trailer, the air deflector comprising: A. a plurality of transversely extending air deflector gates mounted on top of the roof

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rinehart, Dawn M; Minyard, Robby L; Griffiths, Steven C, Adjustable air-deflecting panel for a vehicle.
  2. Spence,W. Jason; Sorrells,Michael C.; H철glin, legal representative,Anna Lisa; H철glin, deceased,Lennart, Adjustable roof extension for reducing vehicle wind resistance.
  3. Wong, Alec C.; Farmer, Daniel, Adjustable vehicular airflow control device.
  4. Butler, Joshua L.; Walker, Kyle H.; Athey, Nicholas, Aerodynamic and deflectable roof fairing attachment for tractor-trailer vehicles.
  5. Breidenbach, Thomas Scott, Aerodynamic drag reducing apparatus.
  6. Smith, Andrew F.; Niemiec, Jared A.; Hinricher, Court S.; Polidori, Michael W.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J., Aerodynamic structures secured to the underbody of cargo bodies.
  7. J. Timothy Gehman ; Kurt Hallquist, Air deflector for truck with refrigeration unit.
  8. Roy Lee Hayford ; Neil Williams GB; Juergen Dreher DE; Christos T. Kyrtsos ; Wilfried Giering DE; Gerald D. Anderson ; David Brademeyer, Brake assembly with air cooling system.
  9. Nilsen Steven A ; Frascaroli Stefano ; Johnson Brian R ; VanAssche Raymond J ; Swartz Mark A ; Nesbitt Bryan E, Brake cooling system.
  10. Grover,Donald J, Cab top carrier/deflector for fifth wheel tow vehicles.
  11. Lawrence, Wilson Samuel Jesudason; Dykes, David John; Balakrishna, Abhijith; Arneson, Christopher Thomas, Device and method for enhancing heat exchanger airflow.
  12. Ballard, Claudio R., Electrical power and data distribution apparatus.
  13. Schoenherr Armin,DEX ; Kuffner Walter,DEX, Electronically controlled ventilation system for a disk brake.
  14. Ballard, Claudio R.; Sargent, Andrew P.; Seward, Jeffrey N., Hybrid cable for conveying data and power.
  15. Pawlick, Daniel R., Radiator configuration.
  16. Smith, Andrew F.; Horrell, Charles M.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J., Rear-mounted aerodynamic structure for truck cargo bodies.
  17. Smith, Andrew F.; Horrell, Charles M.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J.; Feldman, Jonathan R.; Bruccoleri, Alexander R., Rear-mounted aerodynamic structure for truck cargo bodies.
  18. Smith, Andrew F.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J.; Hinricher, Court S.; Cholnoky, Robert R.; Duncanson, Austin A., Rear-mounted aerodynamic structures for cargo bodies.
  19. Smith, Andrew F.; Niemiec, Jared A.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J.; Cholnoky, Robert R.; Polidori, Michael W.; Dickinson, Barrie J., Rear-mounted retractable aerodynamic structure for cargo bodies.
  20. Smith, Andrew F.; Pagliarella, Riccardo M.; Hinricher, Court S.; Grossmann, Jeffrey J.; Niemiec, Jared A.; Polidori, Michael W., Retractable aerodynamic structures for cargo bodies and methods of controlling positioning of the same.
  21. Tortosa-Boonacker, Nina, Retractable curved air dam.
  22. Guilfoyle, Matthew; Trabant, Carl; Shin, Changhyun; von Mayenburg, Michael, Selective closing of at least one vehicle opening at a front portion of a vehicle.
  23. Guilfoyle, Matthew; Trabant, Carl; Shin, Changhyun; von Mayenburg, Michael, Selective closing of at least one vehicle opening at a front portion of a vehicle.
  24. Weaver,Darrick Charles, Self-contained adjustable air foil and method.
  25. Ballard, Claudio R.; Sargent, Andrew P.; Seward, Jeffrey N., System for integrating a plurality of modules using a power/data backbone network.
  26. Laudet, Frédéric, Truck and method for controlling such a truck.
  27. Rode, Mark, Variably openable radiator cowling, shroud, or fairing for over the road vehicles and the like.
  28. Rode, Mark; Do, Trung Q., Variably openable radiator cowling, shroud, or fairing for over the road vehicles and the like.
  29. Paul, Scott Andrew; Rosepiler, Stephen G.; Dyar, Lorne R.; Ishikawa, Yoshio; Roehl, Matthew Vernon; Akita, Yuichiro; Koike, Akihiko; Smith, Edward C., Vehicle brake cooling apparatus, and methods of use and manufacture thereof.
  30. Hilleman,Terry B., Vehicle drag reduction with air scoop vortex impeller and trailing edge surface texture treatment.
  31. Wong, Alec C.; Feight, Robert Preston; Duffy, John D.; Hall, Gregory S., Vehicle interior cooling system.
  32. Hasegawa, Takumi; Kobayashi, Ryuya, Vehicle with airflow control device.
  33. Ballard, Claudio R., Virtual electronic switch system.
  34. Inaoka, Motonari; Shimizu, Toshihide; Orth, Werner, Work vehicle.

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