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[미국특허] Cover lock/safety device in a pressure cooker 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47J-027/082
  • A47J-027/09
출원번호 US-0986972 (1992-12-08)
우선권정보 IT-0001086 (1991-12-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Beluzzi Giancarlo (Ghedi ITX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Aeternum S.r.l. (Lumezzane ITX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


The cover lock/safety device (1) of a pressure cooker (2) substantially comprises a cover handle (10) hinged onto the cover (3), which handle his formed by a first, hook-shaped element (16), and a second element (17) extending from the extension of said first, hook-shaped element. The first element


A pressure cooker including a body, cover and a lock/safety device (1) (2) said lock safety device, comprising at least one handle (10) hinged onto said cover (3) in a hinging axis (15) which is parallel to a plane (14) in which the said cover (3) lays and said cover (3) being provided with at least

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Seurat Guiochet,Claire Marie Aurore; Anota,Daniel Jean Marie, Appliance for cooking food under pressure.
  2. Garcia, Jorge, Cooking apparatus and method.
  3. Park, Jong Peter, Device for coupling a lid to pot.
  4. Arnold, Hans-Peter; Jacobs, Carsten, Electrically operated food processor with a cooking vessel, and vessel with a lid.
  5. Wooderson, Blaise M., Handle for lifting, moving and securing the lid of a cooking utensil.
  6. Booth, Walter A.; Falcone, Leonard, Hydraulic or pneumatic safety device for fluid handling apparatus.
  7. Lewis A. Mendelson ; Blaise M. Wooderson, Low pressure cooker with pivoting latch handles.
  8. Backaert, Dimitri M. C. J.; Eikelenberg, Ralph F. E.; Vandaele, Ine, Microwave pressure cooker.
  9. Lee Won-Myung, Pot having automatic sealing function.
  10. Fickert Martin,DEX ; Graziel Bernhard,DEX ; Thelen Arnold,DEX, Pressure cooker.
  11. Lewis A. Mendelson ; Blaise M. Wooderson, Pressure cooker.
  12. Lewis A. Mendelson ; Blaise M. Wooderson, Pressure cooker.
  13. Tiruvallur, Thatai Jagannathan, Pressure cooker.
  14. Yang, Bing; Fu, Jingran; Llang, Shiliang, Pressure cooker.
  15. Carlile Dana Andrew (Webster NY) Foeller David Edward (Batavia NY) Corby Kenneth Dean (Rochester NY), Pressure lock assembly and pressure vessel.
  16. Park, Jong Peter, Separable handle for pressure pot.
  17. Sa Yong-Jae (Seoul KRX), Steam pressure rice cooker with an auxiliary steam pressure exhausting device.
  18. Small,Steven D., Vacuum packaging appliance with sealing sub-assembly including latch and release lever mechanisms.
  19. Small,Steven D., Vacuum packaging appliance with sealing sub-assembly including latch and release lever mechanisms.

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