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[미국특허] Precision moving stage 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16H-025/24
출원번호 US-0981716 (1992-11-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Askins Paul D. (Rochester NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 0


A precision positioning stage assembly, comprising a movable stage, a drive screw having it axis parallel to the direction of movement of the stage, a follower threadably engaged with the drive screw, and a linear guide rail for supporting one side of the stage. The linear guide rail has its axis pa


In a precision positioning stage assembly, comprising: a movable stage; a lead screw having a longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of movement of said stage; a follower threadably engaged with said lead screw; a linear guide rod for supporting one side of said stage, said linear guide rod hav

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Nagai Shigekazu,JPX ; Saito Junichi,JPX, Actuator.
  2. Nesch,Ivan N.; Morrison,Timothy I., Apparatus and method for precise angular positioning.
  3. Crosson Robert J., Apparatus and method for reducing repetitive stress injury.
  4. Tschetschorke, Peter, Compensating bearing.
  5. Kikuchi,Shigeo, Driving device and measuring instrument.
  6. Fukano, Yoshihiro; Sugiyama, Toru; Imamura, Masaki, Feed screw mechanism.
  7. Moshammer, Horst, Floating bearing.
  8. Kawahara, Hiroshi; Harada, Tooru; Yamashita, Tomofumi, Linear actuator.
  9. Schroeder, Jonathan R.; Binka, Joseph A.; LeCrone, Timothy J., Linear slide having integral carriage and nut assembly.
  10. Forlong, Murray, Methods and apparatus for a linear guiding device.
  11. Las Navas Garcia,Jose Maria, Precision table.
  12. Kammerzell Donald L. ; Engler ; Jr. Don T., Rapidly erectable portable stage.
  13. Speer Radleigh J., Reciprocating slurry saw.
  14. Park, Kang Min; Lee, Ja Woo; Kim, Yong Jae, Robot actuator and humanoid robot having the same.
  15. Smith Jeffrey E. (Howard Lake MN) Crosson Robert J. (New Brighton MN), Thrust bearing and use of same with apparatus for reducing repetitive stress injury.
  16. Smith Jeffrey E. ; Crosson Robert J., Thrust bearing and use of same with apparatus for reducing repetitive stress injury.
  17. Shoda, Kazuo; Oizumi, Tomoyuki, Wireless actuator.
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